
Gods Among us

"Let's go pay a visit to Bruce," Elros suggested to Clark as they were finally given leave. They both quickly took to the skies and had broken through the atmosphere. No doubt that a helicopter, a plane, or a drone would be sent to follow. However, they could easily be out of reach on a moments notice. Elros constructed a platform for them to walk on so he could open a magic circle to directly get there.

"Agreed," Clark said as he observed the circle with interest. Elros stepped through the circle, followed by Clark. They were soon in the Batcave and saw Bruce on his countless monitors in front of them. Feeling their presence, Bruce turned around - broody as he always was.

"Congratulations on your newfound publicity," he said.

"Bruce, Zor Bleep Bloop. Zor Bleep Bloop, Bruce," Elros said with a chuckle as he mock-introduced Clark to Bruce. Both let out a sigh, although Clark managed to crack a smile; a joke was most definitely the way to go in that circumstance.

"It won't be long now until everyone is made public, I think. The government will begin looking into all the rumors of metahumans and any other strange phenomenon. If they find ways to weaponize them, they'll consider it a win. We cannot allow that to happen," Bruce said.

"What's your thinking?" Elros asked.

"Expansion," Bruce said.

"What?" Elros asked in surprise.

"What we're doing. We need to expand it. Not right away, but we're going to have to seriously consider it. Everyone will need a place to stay, a place where they can converse with people like them. They won't do well under the thumb of the police, Army, Navy, Military, Air Force, or whatever else. They'll be treated like animals or worse - lab rats. They're going to need a community for themselves if and when they're exposed," Bruce said. Elros and Clark looked at each other before nodding.

"Do you want me to start looking for them as well?" Elros asked.

"No. Leave that part to me; I've already begun scanning through all the reports. I'll do my best to obfuscate anyone else that tries to locate them as well," Bruce said.

"Do you need more resources? If so, I can provide that. I'm sure this won't look good on Wayne Enterprises balance sheet," Elros said.

"Ah yes. Your newfound wealth. I think you're richer than me, Oliver, and Lex Luthor combined now," Bruce said. Elros just grinned in response.

"Otherwise, it might be best to keep your head down as much as possible. Maybe put down a few more roots so they have less reason to suspect you," Bruce said.

"I agree with Bruce on that," Clark noted. Elros sighed and nodded; they were right.

"Bruce, Clark. What we did… it was the right thing… right?" Elros asked. Bruce and Clark looked at each other before looking at Elros, the worry evident on his face. While he didn't mind other people knew, there was no way to put this genie back in the bottle. The world was irrevocably changed; what would happen now was anyone's guess.

"Yes. You saved those men and women. I would've done the same thing," Bruce said, his voice oddly reassuring.

"I agree. You and I wouldn't be worthy of these suits if we had just let them die," Clark said as he called him on the back. Elros nodded before speaking again.

"Bruce," Elros said, his tone suddenly dark. Bruce looked at him and Clark before nodding.

"I'll get to the bottom of it. This wasn't an accident," Bruce said dangerously.

"We should move a bit more quickly now, though. Clark, visit Arthur later today; and Elros, visit Diana today or tomorrow. I'll follow up with Barry; we can't wait much longer for his answer," Bruce continued.

"Will do. I'll follow up with Arthur after you're done," Elros said to Clark, who nodded.

"And I'll do the same for Diana," he said. With that, Elros opened a magic circle for Clark so he could easily get back home. Doing the same for him, he took a deep breath and glanced at his phone. Elros shuddered at the state of it: 989 missed calls, 4,392 text messages, and 1,243 emails.

"Fuck. I'll probably have a carrier pigeon waiting for me back home as well," he groaned, stepping through.


"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining me here. Last night, at approximately 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time, the Space Shuttle Enterprise was launched. This was a momentous occasion for not only the United States of America but for the entire world; the day that we once again became a space-faring nation - but under the auspices of progressed unity. It's destination: the International Space Station, an ode to our ability to come together as inhabitants of this beautiful planet," the president began, addressing the nation. He had no other option at this point - he had to say something. One could almost swear that they saw his black hair turn white on the stage as the stress of recent events weighed heavily on his mind and heart. However, he remained confident as he upheld his duty.

"By 10:36pm EST, the Enterprise had already pierced the atmosphere and was heading towards the International Space Station to dock. It was at this time that the astronauts aboard the shuttle noticed the egregious problem facing them. The large booster had not jettisoned from the shuttle; it remained attached. At roughly 10:37pm EST, the large booster had re-ignited, setting the Enterprise on a collision course with the International Space Station. Via extensive observation, testing, and debriefing the brave men and women aboard these two vehicles, we reached the final conclusion," the president said, pausing to take a drink. The journalists and reporters in attendance waited with bated breath, red lights on and pens held tightly as they hinged on every word, breath, and pause that the president took.

"The pilot aboard the Enterprise managed to change the trajectory slightly so that they would be able to avoid a collision. He and the other astronauts aboard the shuttle were willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the station - a decision one cannot make lightly in such an event, yet they didn't think twice to do so. The astronauts aboard the ISS confirm the change of trajectory, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough; the booster grazed one of the solar arrays on the ISS, shearing it off and sending it into a tailspin," the president continued. Everyone knew what was coming next - what they were truly waiting to hear about.

"However, it so happened that they were not alone up there - and now we know that we are not alone in this universe. The Green Lantern and the Superman were observing the events - both of them claiming to be interested observers in spaceflight. They told us their stories which were separately confirmed by the astronauts - that the Green Lantern stopped the shuttle from going too far while the Superman stopped the station from spinning and further endangering the astronauts aboard it. After that, the Green Lantern…," the president paused, taking another sip of water before continuing. The next part ratcheted it all the way up to 11.

"The Green Lantern formed a protective bubble-esque casing around the both the station and the Enterprise, protecting the astronauts from the hostile environment of space and making sure that no debris would fall loose. He and the Superman both began to make their descent, landing at Cape Canaveral at roughly 11:00pm EST. Upon arrival, the National Guard was almost immediately on the scene, as were tens of thousands - eventually hundreds of thousands - members of the general public. The Green Lantern and the Superman were both hospitable, answering questions and interacting with the public. They were then debriefed over the course of the next seven hours, after which they took their leave - with methods to contact us, and us them. That is all we have for now," the president said, tacitly opening the floor to questions. Every hand jutted up.

"Yes," the president said, choosing one reporter.

"How can we be sure they mean us no harm?" the man asked.

"Neither showed any signs of hostility. Both our people and the public agree that they were gentlemen in interacting and speaking. Neither had to act, but did so to save our astronauts," the president replied.

"But how do we know this isn't a ruse?!" the man asked. The president sighed; not everyone would be excited to find out that such people existed on Earth. In fact, it was safe to say that more feared such an existence as opposed to approved it.

"We don't. But we do know this - that they are human in their appearance and mannerisms. We have no evidence suggesting otherwise, besides their… abilities," the president replied, pausing to choose the right word.

"And what is the mechanism behind their abilities?" the reporter pressed.

"They wouldn't say," the president replied, eliciting a significant amount of camera flashing and pen scratching on paper.

"Are we sure they aren't from another country?" another reporter asked. His question was met with a jeering laughter.

"Another country?! You should be asking if they're from another planet!" his peer yelled with a mirthless laugh.

"Ladies, gentlemen - please! I understand your excitement and apprehension, but let's stay civil," the president said. The reporters cooled down a bit, but not enough for his taste.

"Can we trust them?" a journalist asked.

"We'll have to conduct countless more meetings before I can answer that question effectively. But thus far, they haven't given us a reason not to," the president said.

"Are there more like them?" the journalist continued.

"We don't know. However, since the event we've had a team looking into particular rumors from around the world. We suspect that yes, there are more like them," the president said.

"What have other countries said?" another reporter asked.

"I am convening with heads of states immediately after this briefing to discuss just that," the president said.

"What is their jurisdiction?" the reporter continued.

"They have none," the president said clearly.

"Are they to be considered threats?" another asked.

"We encourage members of the public to alert the nearest authority if they do come across them. This should be handled by professionals," the president continued.

"They seem to have powers of some sort. Does the United States plan on weaponizing them?" a journalist asked. At that, the press secretary came forward.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen, but that will be all for questions right now. The president must get to his meeting. We will hold another panel soon. Thank you," he said, although he was met with resentment this time. The president quickly took his leave, frowning as the thoughts of the Green Lantern and the Superman went through his head.


"ELROS!" Rias screamed as she leaped onto him. Elros smiled as he hugged her back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, Rias choked him with all her might, not wanting to let go for even a second. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly as worry cascaded off of her. Elros felt Akeno wrap her arms around his stomach as she buried her head in his side; while on the other side, Gasper hugged his leg and Koneko held on to his shirt. Behind them, he saw the rest of the girls looking at him with worry. Bürent and Marion had their hands folded in front of their chests, looking like they were praying; while Xuelan and Isabela had their arms folded in front of them, looking at him with intense worry; Yubelluna's hands were clasped in front of her, as she shifted between looking at him and down at the floor; while Mihae had a hand on heart heart. Xenovia kept a facade of calmness, although Elros could sense the worry underneath. Issei, Asia, Karlamine, and Kiba were there as well - all of them looking anxious, with the young blonde praying as she typically did.

"Hey, sweetheart, sweetheart," Elros said, kissing Rias and Akeno on the head before ruffling Gasper's hair and beginning to pat Koneko on the head.

"What happened?!" Rias asked, caressing his face. She had half a mind to yell at him for doing something so stupid; the better half was filled with worry, however - he didn't need to hear her scold him at a time like this.

"A little problem aboard the space shuttle. Booster re-ignited, setting it on a collision course with the ISS. I helped stop it," Elros said.

"I know that! But why did you stop it?! You've exposed yourself now!" Rias said. She was surprised to see a cold look in his eyes as he looked at her. It made her hair stand on end; it was usually directed at other people and never at her.

"If I didn't, those people would've died," Elros said. Rias sighed before she hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound so callous. I'm… just worried about you," she said, stroking his hair. She exhaled in relief as she felt him gently rub her back before kissing her on her head.

"I know. Thank you. But I'll be fine, alright? They know about the Green Lantern, but not about Elros Eärendil," Elros said. Rias lifted her head back before nodding and getting down. She gave him a kiss before pulling him along to the table.

"You need to eat and then we're going to sleep. You need rest. A lot of it," Rias said. Marion and Bürent immediately got to work on cooking breakfast while Elros began to field more questions from the others. He sat Gasper and Koneko on his legs before continuing.

"Elros - that guy. Who is he?!" Akeno asked, getting to what everyone wanted to know.

"Ah. That's a good friend of mine," Elros said with a grin.

"What's his name?" Rias asked.

"It's not Zor Bleep Bloop for real is it?!" Issei asked although he shuddered as he saw Rias glare at him; she wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"That's not for me to say, Rias. He's really secretive about who knows that. I'm sorry, but I can't betray his trust," Elros said. Rias and Akeno felt a pang in their hearts as he said that. Elros still didn't know about their excursion to Death Valley.

"Is it really that important?" Rias asked weakly. Elros looked surprised that she would even ask.

"Of course, it is! He'd hate me if I told you guys - as well he should. You have to let others come forward with these things when they're ready. Forcing them or trying to pry it… No. That never works well," Elros said. Rias and Akeno winced as though he had just slapped them.

'Oh, no, no, no… If he finds out, I'm screwed. He's going to leave me. Please, no… no, no, no. I can't… I don't… I don't think I can… Please don't leave me. You promised, Elros. You promised that you'd stay forever," Rias thought, holding back tears that were threatening to fall loose. Akeno had the same thought as she shivered violently, the thought of Elros leaving her piercing her heart.

'Mom, Baraquiel… Elros, I can't live without you. Please… don't be mad at me. I'll do anything to keep you,' Akeno thought. She'd go to whatever length necessary to make sure that Elros wouldn't leave her. But if he found out… she knew where she'd stand with him. She quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom as she felt bile rise up her throat.

"Is… he a Lantern or something?" Marion asked from the counter.

"Nope. And I'm afraid I can't say that either. All I know is that I love that guy like a brother. You'll never find a more upstanding guy than him," Elros said with a grin.

"Are you two very close?" Yubelluna asked.

"Oh yeah. The epitome of what a man should be, I think," Elros said with a fond smile.

"You seem to be very praiseworthy of him," Isabela noted.

"I'll sing his praises until the day I die," Elros said.

"I thought these launches were supposed to be safe! What… happened?" Xuelan asked.

"I'm not sure myself. That last booster should've separated. If not, it definitely should NOT have re-ignited. I… don't know what happened there," Elros said.

"How'd your interrogation go, though?" Rias asked.

"Well. Was interviewed by a Tess Mercer," Elros said. Rias filed the name away; she would learn absolutely everything she could about Tess Mercer before she even considered letting her get close to Elros again. Name, social security number, birthday, where she lived, who she fucked; Miss Mercer was about to get a very in-depth background check.

"Elros," Gasper said.

"What's up, little buddy?" Elros asked.

"You're not going to leave us now, are you?" he asked.

"No way, kiddo. I'm loving living here. Besides, if I left then I couldn't hang out with you or Koneko anymore, could I? That's one of my favorite things to do," Elros said cheerfully. Gasper and Koneko smiled as they gave him a tight hug. The girls smiled at the tender scene; not even the specter of Elros's newfound publicity could damper this.

Marion and Bürent finally laid a spread out in front of them. Elros quickly dug in; he hadn't eaten since lunch the day before and was famished beyond belief.

"So what's next?" Akeno asked as she came back. Elros swallowed his food before answering, pondering the question.

"Well… oh, when's the full moon? I have to go see Dominique," Elros said, remembering the beautiful mermaid.

"You're in luck. It's tomorrow night," Rias said.

"Awesome. Alright, so I'll do that. I'm… uh, going to have to visit a few friends of mine. No doubt they heard about what happened and I think they'll have a bunch of questions for me as well. I'll do that after I get some rest and I'll be back by the full moon tomorrow. And then I think we have just a few more days of school so I suppose we'll be in the Underworld soon," Elros said.

"Mmm, alright. That's fine with me. I don't think you'll have to worry about the Underworld finding out, though. They don't get Earth news, nor do very many of them pay attention. It'll mostly go unnoticed. Even if they did see, it's not likely they can trace it back to you; you haven't shown off your powers very much," Rias said, anticipating what Elros was thinking.

"Whew. That's a huge load off my chest," Elros said, relaxing in his seat as he finished his meal; barely any time had passed as he scarfed it all down.

"Really hungry?" Rias asked.

"Oh, you've no idea. I could eat… well…," Elros clicked his tongue at her.

"Ugh. Please - not at the table," Rias said, eliciting giggles from everyone.

"You're very humorous in such a serious time," Mihae sighed.

"I have to be. Trust me, if I didn't have some sort of sense of humor about this thing, I think I'd be jumping off the walls in terror at being found out," Elros chuckled.

"Hey, Elros," Gasper said again, finishing his food.

"What's up, kiddo?" Elros asked.

"You wanna watch a movie?" he asked, looking at Elros with bright eyes.

"Gasper, I think Elros needs to get some rest. He's had a long day," Rias said. Gasper looked crestfallen but nodded in understanding.

"Nonsense. Of course, we can watch a movie, Gasper. Koneko - you in?" Elros asked. She vigorously nodded her head and he took them down into the theater. Rias smiled at Akeno as they watched him leave; Elros couldn't say no to the two young Devils.


"Hey, Sona," Rias said as she welcomed Sona in not long after Elros left. Almost immediately, she let Sona know and no more than a second after, a magic circle opened in the house and out walked Sona and her peerage. Rias quickly filled them in on all the details - from the man that was with Elros, to how he was feeling and his thoughts on the matter. They let out a sigh of relief as they heard that he was mostly unchanged.

"That's good. That's… very good," Sona said as she rubbed her temples. She and the others had been unable to go to sleep, their worry for their friend eclipsed everything else.

"Where is he now?" Tsubaki asked.

"Watching a movie with Gasper and Koneko. Although I think it's safe to check on him," Rias said with a knowing smile. They all headed down to the movie theater and saw that The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was playing on the screen. Checking in, they saw that Gasper and Koneko were intently watching while Elros's head was nodding up and down as he tried to stay awake. As he sensed their approach, Elros turned and smiled at them.

"Hey, Sona, Tsubaki, Momo, Tsubasa, Reya, Tomoe, Ruruko, Saji… What's… up?" Elros asked as he yawned.

"Hey man, you look tired," Saji said.

"What? No… not… at all," Elros said, yawning again. Rias said and over to him, putting his arm around her shoulder as she helped him up.

"Come on. We're getting you to bed. Saji, Tomoe, Ruruko - could you three stay with Gasper and Koneko?" Rias asked. Saji nodded and got the couch while Ruroku and Tomoe sat on either side of him. Elros quickly reached into his pocket and gave Sona a brightly covered packet.

"For Saji, if he needs it," Elros said with a chuckle as he let Rias lead him up, followed by Akeno. Sona tried a bright red and followed them, throwing the packet at Saji who looked at it in horror while the Ruruko and Tomoe turned bright red.


"It's time for you to get some rest," Rias said as she gently caressed Elros's face.

"Mmm… maybe you're right," Elros said tiredly as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He took Rias by her face and brought her in for a kiss that she returned with a fierce passion. She didn't like being away from Elros for too long; it often began to bring her mood down. However, a kiss from him was like an elixir, reinvigorating her quickly. She got on top of him before going to side as she let Akeno heave a turn. Akeno was a bit more passionate as she quickly entered Elros's mouth with her tongue, exploring happily until she got off to the side as well. Almost immediately, Elros fell into a peaceful slumber with a smile - his face being gently caressed by the two beauties. It wasn't long until Sona and Tsubaki entered as well. Rias and Akeno got up and took them out to the balcony to discuss what happened.


"All that matters is that he's safe," Akeno said, cool wind rushing through her hair as she leaned against the railing. The other girls nodded; it was the best they could've hoped for in such a situation.

"We're going to have to be a bit more careful now, though. I don't want anyone at school finding out. Elros did a good job in keeping his face covered, but someone might still make a connection," Sona said.

"Agreed. The same thing goes when we get back to the Underworld. I don't think there's too much to worry about, but I'd rather be safe than sorry," Rias said. She was fierce and adamant in her position. Elros had already come through for her and Akeno, helping them with their problems; she'd be damned if she wasn't just a vehement about keeping him safe. Whoever wanted to hurt or use him would have hell rained upon them courtesy of her her and the others if they ever tried.

"He said he's going to be visiting some friends?" Tsubaki asked.

"Yeah, to let them know. I believe it; he's got over a thousand calls, texts, and emails, mostly from the same people. I don't think we're the only ones worried about him," Rias said.

"And the guy that was with him - a friend, you say?" Sona asked.

"Yeah. He wouldn't tell me who it is, though," Rias said, quickly explaining what he said. Tsubaki and Sona shifted uncomfortably; they were just as guilty as Rias and Akeno in going behind his back to learn about him. They regretted doing so now, as well as not telling him. However, there was no turning back. Their relationship with him was so nascent, that telling him that would crush it.

"Let's go back inside. It's cold out here," Sona finally said, leading them back inside. With one more look at Elros's sleeping form, they headed down to continue their discussion.


"Alright - I'm gonna head out. I'll be back before the full moon tomorrow night," Elros said as he took his last step down, dressed in a dashing three-piece suit. He wore black loafers along with black socks, black slacks with a black belt, a white dress shirt with a red tie, coupled with a buttoned up black vest and a black coat. He straightened his tie in the reflection of Rias's eyes, smiling as he leaned in to give her a kiss.

"Don't you look handsome," she giggled as she returned it.

"I know. Like ZZ Top said, every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man," Elros said in a sing-song voice with a wink as he moved on to Akeno. She squealed in delight as she felt the passion; Marion and Bürent doing the same. He kissed Sona and Tsubaki on the cheek, knowing that they weren't into public displays of affection. He gave Yubelluna a tender kiss as well before kissing Isabela, Xuelan, and Mihae on top of their heads. He swooped in and gave Xenovia a kiss as well, before leaning down to give Gasper and Koneko a hug. He ruffled Asia's hair before giving Kiba and Issei a clap and Karlamine a hug. Finally, he kissed Tsubasa and Momo on the cheek before doing the same for Reya, who was taken by surprise at the gesture - she couldn't remember having spoken one word to Elros, yet he included her. Finally, Elros took a step back.

"What was that for?" the beautiful brunette asked.

"I can't leave you out, Reya! Did I miss anyone?" he wondered. The girls giggled while Saji groaned.

"What? You want a kiss too? I'm sure Ruruko and Tomoe would be happy to oblige," Elros chuckled, turning all three of them red.

"Not cool, man!" Saji said, covering up quickly.

"Once I get back, I need to take you and Issei shopping for suits," Elros said, looking at the state of their dress.

"This coming from the guy who wore sweatpants to Disneyland?" Xuelan deadpanned.

"You say that like it's a bad thing!" Elros said, aghast. Xuelan smiled as she rolled her eyes, going back to her food.

"Can I get a suit to?!" Gasper asked excitedly.

"For sure, buddy. We'll go sometime this week, or when we get to the Underworld. Bound to be some good tailors there," Elros said, ruffling the vampires hair.

"Anyways, I think that's everyone, sweetheart. Enjoy," Rias said. Elros swooped in and kissed her once more before opening a magic circle.

"One more for the road," he said, kissing Akeno again as well before pulling on his coat to straighten it. Finally, he stepped through.


"Hail the conquering hero!" Guy roared delightfully as Elros stepped through into Hal's house. He had texted everyone what time he expected to visit them. Kyle had stepped out with Alex for a moment, who needed to clear her mind after seeing what she saw. Meanwhile, Guy and Elros embraced each other and roared with laughter at the events.

"I can't believe it, Elros. I always knew you'd be the one to go public," Guy said, slinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Elros," John said. Elros gulped as he saluted the man; John had ingrained respect into him. While he didn't fear John, Elros damn sure respected him.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Elros called out. John sighed while Hal and Carol chuckled, Guy wiping away a tear.

"At ease," John said. Elros let out a sigh of relief before smiling at John.

"Zor. Bleep. Bloop?" John asked. Guy erupted into laughter again, with Hal and Carol joining him this time. Elros chuckled nervously before nodding.

"Yeah. I know what you're thinking, Mr. Stewart - but I had a good reason for that!" Elros said.

"Let me hear it," John said.

"It was a tense situation. And humor - well, we all like to laugh, right? I figured that putting the people at ease was the best way to go about it. I couldn't be all broody and serious, but that just would've made it tenser," Elros said. John sighed before nodding; he didn't like it, but he could understand it.

"Why do you call him Mr. Stewart but you call me Guy?" Guy asked.

"Because you didn't make me do a hundred push-ups, a hundred sit-ups, a hundred pull up, run ten miles and call it a warm up," Elros deadpanned. Finally, Carol got up and hugged him, sighing as she took a step back, looking at him in worry.

"How are you doing with all this?" she asked. The mood changed as the others had a grave look. When they served as Lanterns, this was one of their greatest fears - that their existence would be made public. But they knew the universe was getting smaller and the Earth was getting bigger as well as more populated with metahumans. It was only a matter of time before it happened - with Elros at the center of it all.

"Doing alright, Ms. Fer - Carol. It's… going to be tough, but I think I can handle it. So far so good, at least," Elros said.

"The woman that was interviewing you," Carol said. Elros looked on in surprise.

"Yeah, Tess Mercer. You know her?" Elros asked.

"I do. She was a liaison for Ferriss Aircraft for several years before moving to the public sector. She's fair but very driven and intelligent. Don't cross her if you can help it," Carol said. She sighed as she saw Elros deadpan.

"Ok - what did you do?" Carol asked.

"I'm offended you would insinuate I did anything, Ms. Ferris!" Elros said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Elros," she said in a warning tone.

"Well… uh… I guess I might have made a joke or two," Elros said.

"What. Kind?" Carol asked.

"Innocent, I swear!" Elros said.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd believe you dear. But I do. So what was the joke?" Carol asked. The guys looked at each other before looking at Elros, who was backed into a corner.

"Uhh… well, I offered to undress so she could make sure I was human," Elros said lamely.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," Carol said as she face-palmed while Guy and Hal roared in laughter.

"You said a couple," John said.

"Well… she said something about a Plan A, and then I made a Plan B joke…," Elros continued sheepishly.

"Oh that is beautiful," Guy said as he slung his arm around Elros, laughing happily. Usually, he was the one that fucked up to some extent - he was happy that someone had joined his ranks now.

"What else?" Carol asked, her lip twitching. She knew that Tess was quite strict, so these jokes likely would've tickled her the wrong way.

"I… uhh… kissed her hand before leaving. But in a gentlemanly way!" Elros clarified.

"You just had to piss off your handler, huh?" John asked.

"It seemed to be the right thing to do at the time…," Elros groaned.

"I'm sure it did. Well, what's done is done. Try to stay on her good side if you can help it. Most women fall for your charm, but Tess won't be as easy," Carol said.

"That might be the most troubling thing about this situation," Elros said seriously, eliciting more laughter - even John couldn't help chuckle at that.

"Where's Kyle by the way?" Elros asked, looking around. Kyle was closest to him in age, so he and Elros got along well.

"He left with Alex already after you mentioned you'd drop by. Give him a call when you can, but I assume you've got more people to meet?" Hal said.

"Yup. I'll see you guys later, yeah?" Elros asked.

"Definitely. Keep us posted," Guy said, his voice serious. They would have Elros's back on this as a team. He had grown on them since he was a child; all the Earthen Green Lanterns were protective of his well being.

"And I'll do my best to find out what's going on inside," Carol said. Elros grinned and nodded before opening up a magic circle and taking his leave.


"Barry," Elros said. In a Flash, Elros found himself hugged by the fastest man alive. He chuckled and returned the hug before getting on the couch. Barry brought him a glass bottle of Coke before settling down with some water.

"You alright, man?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. It's time now, isn't it?" Elros sighed, leaning back as he looked up. Barry was one of the metahumans of the generation; one who would leave an indelible impact on the course of history. He leaned back and pondered what Elros said before nodding.

"Yeah. You and Clark are at the forefront," Barry said.

"Better that way. But I know what you're thinking. Take your time, Barry. Don't rush into it," Elros said seriously.

"I know what you're saying, but I think some might have to. This is going to make at least a few people less worried about using their powers. No one wants to be the first, but you and Clark have already taken care of that," Barry said.

"Yeah. Sorry for putting you in this position," Elros sighed.

"Nothing to be sorry for, E. If you didn't save those astronauts, you and I would've been finished," Barry said with a smile. Elros returned it with a grin of his own as he drank half his bottle.

"How'd Iris react?" Elros asked.

"Shock, mostly - but she took it much better than I thought she would. She approached it from a journalist's point of view, of course," Barry sighed.

"If she ever wants an interview, you know where to reach me. Her I can trust," Elros said. Barry nodded; no doubt that Iris would love to get the scoop on this. More importantly, she'd be fair and impartial.

"I still haven't told her everything, though. That… still comes later," Barry said.

"Understood," Elros nodded.

"That said, I've come to a decision," Barry continued.

"Oh?" Elros asked, leaning forward. Barry took a deep breath before answering.

"My answer is yes. There's no way around it now. Like you said, the end of an age is coming. After what happened last night… the age just ended. It's a whole new dawn now, E. We need to be as prepared as possible for what might come. After you leave, I'll head to Gotham and sit down with Bruce," Barry said.

"Alright. It's good to have you on board. Bruce was going to come see you today anyways, I think," Elros said.

"Of course, he was. I'm the fastest man alive, but somehow he's always one step ahead," Barry chuckled. Finally, Elros got up.

"Sorry to cut this short, man. Still, a lot more people to see and then a date tomorrow night before I head to the Underworld," Elros said with a grin.

"Take care. I'll be in touch," Barry said, shaking Elros's hand. As Elros opened a circle, he felt a gust of wind - Barry was already in the Batcave, probably.


"Olly, Olly oxen free!" Elros said cheerfully as he stepped into Oliver Queen's 80th story full floor office, overlooking the beautiful Star City. As he appeared, Oliver looked at him with the utmost shock and surprise.

"ELROS?! WHAT THE HELL?!" he asked, pointing at the magic circle which just disappeared.

"Oh yeah. There's something I need to tell you. Sit down and buckle up, Olly," Elros said as he sat opposite the man. Oliver shook his head awake before donning a more serious expression; finally, he nodded and listened intently as Elros told him the story.

"I… see," Oliver said, stroking his goatee.

"What do you think?" Elros asked.

"I think you probably should've given this some more thought," Oliver said with a sigh.

"This coming you?" Elros asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't give me that. You're worse than I am. Dating multiple girls… Hell, I can't even get Dinah for more than a month at a time!" Oliver groaned.

"Just ask her if you can start a harem," Elros said with a chuckle.

"I ask that and it's my body you'll hear about on the news the next day," Oliver replied with a smirk.

"I'm surprised that's not already the case after she walked in on your making out with your assistant," Elros said with a sigh.

"Wait! How do you know about that?!" Oliver asked, incredulous.

"People often just want to tell me their secrets. Dinah and I talk, after all," Elros said with a wink.

"Uh-huh. I'm starting to think you might've been the Devil incarnate all along," Oliver said.

"Now that hurts, Olly. But on to macro - any idea what could've caused the accident?" Elros asked with a frown.

"Nothing yet, but I've been making calls all night and day. Someone dropped the ball, though. The booster should've separated. Even barring that, though, it never should have re-ignited. That's just impossible," Oliver said.

"I agree. Any suspicions?" Elros asked.

"None yet, but I'm working out all the angles. I don't think I can rule anyone out. But… why is the question? What would someone have to gain by sabotaging the launch?" Oliver asked rhetorically.

"And how would they go about it like that? I mean… this was the first launch in years. Security and scrutiny would've been tight," Elros said.

"They either had access or powers. I don't think we can rule either out for now," Oliver said.

"Mmm…," Elros hummed, nodding along.

"But how are you handling it? You're public now after all" Oliver said.

"Yeah. I'm taking it in stride, I guess. Waiting to be contacted again by the government, which will probably happen soon," Elros said.

"They're going to want you to make your allegiance known publicly," Oliver said.

"My allegiance is to the people - wherever they might be," Elros answered.

"Some might not like that," Oliver said.

"Yeah, and if I ally myself to any one country, more people would disapprove of that. Besides, my view has to be much broader than just any country or continent. Seven and a half billion people are going to be calling out for us now - either singing our praises or wanting our heads. I can't let anything sway me from what I have to do," Elros said tiredly, looking older than ever for his age.

"Well, you're not alone on this. No doubt the Green Arrow will be making a public appearance soon enough. At the very least, I can divert some attention away from you," Oliver said.

"Next thing you know, the textile industry is going to be running out of green," Elros chuckled, eliciting a smile from Oliver.

"Probably. And look on the bright side here," Oliver said.

"What's that?" Elros wondered.

"They didn't probe you, right?" he inquired.

"I bet someone probably suggested that. But my handler - Tess Mercer - didn't even want me to undress so she could make sure I was human. She probably wouldn't want to probe me - or watch it done," Elros chuckled. As he continued, Oliver's phone rang.

"Hey, Dinah. What? Wait - what? How'd you… yeah, yeah. I'll let him know," Oliver sighed. Oliver looked at him quizzically.

"Dinah wants you to drop by," he said, slightly bitter.

"You alright with that?" Elros wondered.

"I trust you. Besides, we both know even you have some standards," Oliver said with a chuckle.

"Keep that on the down-low, will you? I have a reputation to maintain for goodness sake," Elros said as he got up and opened a magic circle.

"Hold on a sec - mind if I observe?" Oliver asked.

"Go for it. Might end up being useful in the future. You and Bruce understand these things more than I do, after all," Elros said.

"Huh. Your false sense of modesty is showing through, E," Oliver smirked as Elros winked at him and left through.


Instead of teleporting right inside Dinah's apartment, he appeared a couple of blocks away - thankful that no one saw him. He waited for a few minutes before making the short journey to her brownstone apartment. Knocking, Dinah quickly opened the door. She was wearing a black tank top and black short-shorts with her favorite fishnets, her dirty blonde hair going down in a wavy fashion. She quickly hugged Elros as he appeared, ushering him inside and getting him something to drink.

"How're you feeling?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm alright, Di. Just a bit tired from everything that's been going on," Elros said with a smile. Dinah wasn't put at ease, though; her worry just mounted. She knew Elros well enough to know that he could disarm most anyone just by giving them a grin or something.

"Elros," she said, a hint of danger creeping in. It was a minute before she saw him frown and look down, swirling the Coke bottle in his hands.

"I don't know. I know it was going to happen sooner or later, but I always assumed it would be on my terms. I certainly didn't think last night would be it. But there's no turning back now. What's done is done. I don't regret it," Elros said.

"I know. But that doesn't mean you're completely alright with it," Dinah said knowingly.

"Yeah. It's… worrying. But there's not much more to say on it just yet. I'm going to have to wait and see what happens - whether it's them finding out who I am or if the government wants to exert some more control over me," Elros said. Dinah nodded as she sat by him, putting her arm around his shoulder before hugging him like an older sister would.

"Don't worry. You're not alone in this," she said comfortingly. Elros smiled and nodded, returning the hug.

"I'll drop it for now. I'm interested in what you've been doing lately," Dinah said. She saw Elros grin again as he delved into the story of what had transpired over the months since he had become a Devil. Dinah's look of surprise grew further and further, brimming over as Elros opened a magic circle and put his glass in, teleporting it to the sink in the kitchen.

"That's amazing," she breathed, confirming it was there. Her look of surprise soon turned into a deadpan look as she learned about his relationships.

"Jesus Christ, Elros," she said, hanging her head in her hands.

"I'm not cheating, I swear! I would've been fine if it was just Rias! But… well, their culture is different. Who am I to-," Elros began before he was silenced by a look from her.

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am," Elros said, nodding vigorously. Finally, Dinah sighed - if the girls were alright with it, why should it concern her? She knew Elros well enough that he would never hurt them on purpose. She remembered the encounter she had with him a couple of years ago, fresh off of another break up with on again/off again boyfriend Oliver Queen.


Elros was following behind Oliver and Dinah atop the rooftops of Star City. Oliver wore a green leather vest with green leather chaps, along with green gauntlets and green boots and a green hood, holding in his hand a green bow and on his back, a green quiver with green-feathered arrows. Dinah wore a black leather one piece, showing her muscular and fish netted thighs, ending in black boots. She wore a choker around her neck as her face was contorted in anger as she and Oliver yelled angrily at each other.

"I can't believe you, Oliver!" she screamed.

"ME?! IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" Oliver yelled back.

"HOW WAS IT MY FAULT?!" she asked him angrily.

"Look, you need to stop taking your anger over Larry out on me, alright?" Oliver said. As soon as he said that, he regretted it. Dinah had a look of shock on her face, looking as though Oliver had slapped it.

"Wait… Dinah, I didn't-," Oliver began before she suddenly leaped down from the brownstones, angrily taking her leave.

"Larry?" Elros wondered.

"Dinah's… ex. She was with him when she and I… well… it…," Oliver said, leaning against a chimney. Elros nodded as he looked around; Star City was strikingly beautiful at night, an illuminated sea of lights against the black backdrop.

"I'll make sure she get's home safe. I think it's best if you head home as well for now. Talk to her when you've both had a chance to cool down," Elros said.

"Yeah," was all Oliver said as he quickly took his own leave; he had a lot to think about.

Elros surreptitiously followed Dinah to a bar in one of the poshest areas of the city. Dinah happily took the drinks that she was offered, much to the chagrin of other men when she blew them off. Elros noted one getting a bit handsy and began to step in when he heard a sickening crunch. Dinah wasn't one to mess around with; she could easily hold her own against most anybody, having done a significant amount of martial arts training. She threw the guy into the bar before taking a step back as everyone stepped away from her. She suddenly felt another arm around her waist. She was about to give the person the same treatment but saw that it was Elros with a concerned look on his face. She shot a dark look at the downed man before taking her leave with Elros to her apartment.


"Mmm…," she said as she stumbled inside, reeking of alcohol. Not caring that Elros was there, Dinah took her clothes off, revealing the black bra and panties she wore underneath. She smirked as she felt Elros look at her; she knew she was a marvel to behold.

"You like?" she asked seductively as she turned and looked up at him. Whether it was because he was tall for his age, or she was just short - Elros stood several inches above her. However, his face remained impassive, even as she put her arms around his neck and leaned up to take in his scent, kissing his neck here and there.

"I know you look at me like that. Everyone does. But you're the one who's lucky enough to be here right now. Not that I mind, of course. So handsome," she said, running her hands up and down his chest. She heard him sigh but she continued.

"Come on. Let's get to bed," she said, an inch from his lips. She had half a mind to kiss him right now but wanted him to work for it. She slipped a hand between his jeans and pulled him towards the bedroom, sashaying for his pleasure. As they reached her bedroom, she felt Elros put his arms around her and smiled. She saw that he had a smile on his lips as well as he leaned in a bit. She bit her lip, continuing to take in his scent as she felt him lie her on her back, a hand running over her taut stomach. She closed her eyes and they remained closed as Elros's hand went back down and pulled the blanket over her sleeping form.

"Sweet dreams," he whispered before exiting her bedroom, softly click the door shut. He laid down on her couch and was soon fast asleep himself.


The next morning, Dinah saw that she was in her bra and panties and wondered what had happened the night before. She remembered that she kicked several asses for several hours before she yelled at Oliver about something. As a pain went through her head, she remembered that she had had one too many drinks and leveled some guy at the bar. She remembered another guy put his arm around her and she was about to hit him before she saw that it was Elros. Suddenly, her heart fell - Elros. She typically only slept like this after she had had a raucous night with Oliver - and wondered if she and Elros did much of the same. She felt confused about what might've happened - she couldn't deny that the Lantern was extremely attractive - after all, she found that she had envisioned them in such a manner several times already. Another memory came to her - she remembered that she had stripped in front of him and had basically asked him to fuck her. She remembered putting her hand down his jeans and leading him to her bed; she remembered him laying her on it - after which, she recalled nothing.

Dinah saw that he wasn't in the bathroom, so went to her living room - where she found him, fully dressed, sleeping peacefully on the couch. She went over and hesitated before rocking him awake. Elros's eyes slowly fluttered open and she saw him smiling brightly at her.

"Good m-m-m-orning," he said, yawning as he got up.

"Hey," Dinah said uncomfortably.

"How're you feeling? You were a bit tipsy last night," Elros said.

"Elros," she said, sitting next to him.

"Hmm?" he wondered.

"Did…we have sex last night?" Dinah asked, cutting to the point.

"No," Elros replied.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"We didn't have sex. Suffice it to say you put on a little show for me before leading me to your bedroom. I just laid you down and pulled a blanket over you. You were asleep in seconds," Elros said with a chuckle.

"Oh," was all Dinah said, exhaling in relief as Elros told her what happened. She looked back at him, intrigued.

"Why didn't you sleep with me?" she asked, running her hand over his chest.

"I know you and Oliver are gonna get back together. I don't want to get in the middle of that," Elros said.

"That's your reason?" she asked in surprise.

"I consider you two friends. No point in ruining that. Besides, it's wrong to take advantage of people when they're not completely in the zone," Elros said. Dinah smiled as she leaned forward and hugged him. She pushed him back against the couch, resting her head on his chest as he weaved his hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry for putting you in that position," she said uncomfortably.

"Don't worry about it, Dinah. Just know that you can trust me," Elros said. She nodded as she got up, smiling warmly at him. Elros got up as well.

"Leaving already?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll see you around, alright? And give Olly a call when you get a chance. I have a feeling he's feeling apologetic," Elros said with a chuckle. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he left.


"Alright, so you're a Devil now. It's good to see it hasn't changed you otherwise, at least," Dinah said.

"Of course not! I'm still a lover!" Elros declared.

"I know," Dinah said with a giggle.

"You know, so far everyone I've told has been cool with it. It's encouraging, actually," Elros pondered.

"Mhm. What until you tell Zatanna," Dinah said. As she said that, Elros turned white. His head collapsed on the table, eliciting a laugh from Dinah.

"I'm… sure she won't be upset. Not like we were exclusive or anything," Elros said, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Mmm, maybe not. But I thought you and Z came close?" Dinah said.

"Close, but no cigar," Elros said with a wry smile.

"And to think that she was the one who turned you down," Dinah said.

"I know. I mean… have you seen me? I'm adorable!" Elros said.

"Yes, you are," Dinah said fondly as she ruffled his hair.

"Anyways, time for me to check out. I'll see you later, Di," Elros said as he got back up. Dinah nodded and gave him another hug as well as a kiss on the cheek before he left through a magic circle.


"Lucy!" Elros said happily as he appeared at Lux, the piano bar that Luke owned.

"Ah! The man of the hour! Welcome!" Luke said, greeting Elros with an embrace as he led him to the bar and poured him a drink. It wasn't long before Maze came through.

"Maze!" Elros said happily, giving the woman a hug.

"Hey. Good show today," she said, going to the bar and leaning on it.

"I'm glad you thought so. Would've been nice if it all went off without a problem but you know what they say…," Elros sighed.

"What?" Maze wondered.

"I dunno, actually. Easy come, easy go or something like that, probably," Elros said, eliciting a smile from her.

"Have you read the article in the news today?" Luke said, patting a newspaper. Elros looked at him quizzically before he took it in his hands. He sighed as he began to read it.


by David Graves

I, like many of you, was watching the launch of the Space Shuttle Enterprise last night. My heart soared as my children gathered around me, my wife at my side. I told them about the joy I felt when I watched Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins lands on the moon; about how we roared in excitement when Neil Armstrong said those legendary words: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind."

I, like many of you, watched in horror as what was supposed to be a return to grace turned into something much more frightening. My soaring heart roared to a stop as we heard about the problems that faced the Enterprise. That the booster would not discharge; that the booster had re-ignited; that the shuttle was on a collision course with the International Space Station, one of the most important creations in human history.

I, like many of you, waited with bated breath as I heard that the situation had again changed - that the astronauts aboard the Enterprise and the ISS were heading back to Earth! I was ready to hit the ceiling in excitement, but I paused - after all, how could this happen? There's no such thing as a spacefaring recuse crew, after all. How were these brave men and women coming back to Earth?

I, like many of you, watched with an awe as I saw them: a man glowing a soft cyan and another man wearing blue with an "S" emblazoned on his chest, a red cape billowing behind him. The one they call the Green Lantern (who was cyan when we first saw him) had wrapped the shuttle and ISS in some sort of protective bubble before he gently put them on the ground. The astronauts were all safe if tremendously shaken. These two men then spoke tho the public in perfect English! By that time, our jaws were on the floor as he hinged on every word they spoke, every breath they took.

I, like all of you, witnessed the end of an age last night. The world has been irrevocably changed and we can no longer go back. What's going to happen next? I truly do not know; I have no answers and no special insight. There is one thing that I do know, however - and I do not know if it frightens me more than it excites me or vice versa.

Gods exist. They walk among us.


"Mmm…," Elros hummed, thinking about the piece he just read.

"Thoughts?" Luke wondered.

"He chose the worst possible word. Gods. I'm not a God. Neither is CK," Elros said, brow furrowed.

"Perhaps not, but the public doesn't know that. You two are the first of your kind - the progenitors of the new era. Whether you like it or not, this is how you will be perceived," Luke said.

"Fucking hell," Elros groaned as he put the paper down, his head collapsing on the bar. Maze pour him a drink that he quickly downed, before turning to Luke.

"They're going to want me to solve everything," Elros said.

"I believe you're accurate," Luke said.

"Global warming. Famine and disease. War. The cat that's stuck in the tree. Wealth disparity. Destruction of environments, dictators, everything," Elros said.

"Yes. Do you intend to stop them?" Luke asked, taking a sip of his own drink.

"No. I'm not God, Luke. Not even close. I can't solve the worlds problems. That's to big a task for me," Elros sighed.

"They won't like that. Someone will blame you for all the problems here on out. They'll curse your name and revile you as they attach it to the atrocities they commit. Murder, rape, assault, genocide, torture - whatever it is, it will now be your fault. Make no mistake that you will be crucified; they will burn you an effigy," Luke said. Anyone else would've been offended that Luke put it so bluntly, but Elros nodded in agreement. He was right, after all.

"Well, look on the bright side," Elros said.

"What's that?" Luke asked.

"At least now I can relate to you better," Elros said, holding his glass out. Luke smiled and clinked it before they both took a long drink.

"I'd say keep them coming but I'm going to have to be sober while I visit a few more people," Elros sighed.

"What are your thoughts on the incident?" Luke wondered, changing tracks.

"Well, always knew it was going to happen. Didn't think it'd be last night, but that's out of my hands. I'll take it in stride as it comes, though. It'd be useless to try and plan for what's going to happen on my part. If I try to stick to a script, it'll either come off as disingenuous or robotic; I don't want any of that. No… from the heart is how I'll play it," Elros said, twirling the cup in his hands as an unusually serious expression played on his face.

"Look on the bright side. At least you have a cadre of beautiful women to go back to when the days get too tough," Luke said with a chuckle. Elros laughed along at that.

"Oh yeah - you put my name in for a promotion or something?" Elros asked.

"Indeed. I suggested that you simply be allowed to skip the Middle-Class Ranking and proceed to Ultimate. It'd be foolish to keep the same procedure for you, and I doubt any High-Class Devil exists that would be able to defeat you. Although I doubt my intervention was necessary. You've sufficiently embarrassed a number of the 72 Clans; they're of the opinion that no Low-Class Devil should have beaten so many High-Class and prominent heirs so quickly," Luke said with a smile.

"Maybe if those heirs spent a day or two actually training instead of relying on their powers. I mean, come on - Immortality? Weapon Creation? Demonic Transformation? Good shit, but useless unless they can capitalize on it," Elros sighed.

"Indeed. But even more so than that, most Devils lack one extremely important trait," Luke said, taking a sip.

"What's that?" Elros asked.

"Sheer will. That's what separates your group from others, even from the peerage you joined. Men and women that won't break. Truly difficult to find," Luke replied with a smile. He himself was known for his extreme will; and much like himself, Elros wouldn't break under any circumstance.

"Oh - you heard about this Battle Royale thing?" Elros wondered.

"Indeed. I was the first call, I believe. You, myself, and twenty-eight other competitors. This shall be fun," Luke said.

"Nowhere for you to go, though. I just hope you don't have anything else to do that day, otherwise, the match will be over before it begins," Elros grumbled.

"Eager to face off with Yama?" Luke asked.

"Hmm… we have our match coming up soon after - I'll be getting the confirmation this week. There's something about him…," Elros said, frowning.

"He certainly carries himself with an attitude of authority. The God of Death as they call him," Luke said.

"That armor he has is kind of badass. Reminds of Mandalorian Armor from Star Wars," Elros mused, eliciting a chuckle from Luke.

"I believe the competitors you've faced until now will be there as well. Bastion Milcom, Anders Canio, Elizaveta Fomina, and Riser Phoenix," Luke said. He smiled as he felt the anger radiate off Elros as he mentioned Phoenix.

"Phoenix?" Elros asked.

"Indeed," Luke said with interest.

"I see," was all Elros said.

"I daresay you'll be the main target. You may wish to unveil your Demonic Power at the event," Luke said.

"Ugh, these fucking discriminating pricks. Why would they want to hurt this adorable face?" Elros grumbled, eliciting a smirk from Maze.

"If it's about looks, then I should be the one fretting," Luke said.

"What? Come on, Lucy. You don't look a day older than… Jeez, I can't even remember how old you are at this point. What kind of skin cream do you use and can you send me some?" Elros wondered, eliciting a chuckle from him.

"Bathe in the blood of virgins, my friend. Tried and true," Luke joked.

"I'll ask Issei then. Anyways, time for me to check out. I'll see you soon, Lucy. Bye, Maze," Elros said, kissing her on the cheek before he opened up a magic circle and left.

"Yama, hmm?" Maze asked.

"Indeed," Luke said with a sigh.

"Does Elros know what you know?" she asked.

"No," Luke replied.

"And do you intend on telling him?" Maze asked.

"I do not. I daresay he'll find out for himself soon enough," Luke replied.

"Poor kid," Maze sighed. Luke didn't answer, simply taking another sip.


Elros knocked on the door to Constantine's house, deciding it was best to not appear directly inside it. The House of Mystery had it's own defensive system that Elros didn't want to be caught on the wrong side of. To his surprise, however, the door was answered by a beautiful woman with raven haired and decked out like a magician. She had a look of surprise on her face as she saw him.

"Hey," Zatanna said, biting her lip nervously.

"Z! I didn't expect to see you here," Elros said in surprise.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I… was talking with John. But come in. I was just about to head out," she said, ushering him inside.

"Elros, that you mate? Come on, drinks are ready!" John said from the other room.

"I'll see you in a sec," Elros called back to him before turning to look at Zatanna.

"How've you been?" he asked her.

"I've been good. Mostly. You?" she asked.

"Can't complain. See the news?" Elros asked. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him. Elros paused for a moment before he did the same for her, rubbing her back gently. Zatanna exhaled as she felt it; Elros somehow had a knack for being able to put people at ease with a simple gesture.

"How're you dealing with it?" she asked as she reared back a bit, caressing his cheek.

"We knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, Z," Elros said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, but you always wanted to do it on your own terms," Zatanna said.

"I know. Can't always get what we want, though," Elros sighed. There was a pause before Zatanna spoke again.

"So, John filled me in on what's been going on," she said uneasily.

"Oh?" Elros wondered.

"Yeah. Seem's like you've had a busy few months," she said.

"Hasn't been all bad. Extended lifespan and all," Elros said with a grin.

"Mmm. And a lot of new girls, from what I hear," Zatanna said, a hint of jealousy trailed into her voice. Elros sighed before shrugging.

"A few, I suppose," he replied.

"You like them?" she asked.

"I do," he replied.

"Mmm…," she hummed.

"I'll… see you around, Elros. I'm just happy that you're safe. I'll call you in a couple of days," Zatanna said. Elros smiled and swooped down, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Zatanna exhaled in pleasure at the gesture before smiling at him and taking her leave; if they were going to have a talk, it would be a long one and she didn't want it to happen at Constantine's house.

'Guess I'm going to have to do a show in Japan,' Zatanna thought, beginning the preparations inside her mind. The name Rias Gremory was eminent in her mind.


"Fucking good stuff, mate," John chuckled as he and Elros relaxed.

"I'm just happy I didn't get probed, honestly. But my handler doesn't seem like the person to bed someone over and give it to them. Hell, I offered to undress for her and she turned me down," Elros said.

"I'm sure that's a first for you," John chuckled.

"It is! It's troubling. I'm not losing my charm, am I?" Elros wondered.

"Only when it comes to Z," John said.

"Don't be a prick," Elros grumbled.

"Anyways - the world's changed, blah-blah-blah. I'm not gonna bore you with the spiel. A fucking toast to something finally changing, at least. And to Zor Bleep Bloop," John chuckled.

"Thank you! I knew that was the right thing to say," Elros said with a grin.

"So what's next?" John asked.

"I'm going to take that as it comes. I'm most curious about what else will change, though. Now that I'm out, are more going to come out of the woodwork?" Elros wondered.

"Hmm… wouldn't be surprised if some got a bit more brazen, mate. People are just gonna write it off, though; can't be arsed to think to much," John sighed.

"Look on the bright side - business might boom for you," Elros chuckled, clinking glasses with Constantine.

"Been meaning to ask you something, though. I met with Michael a couple of months ago. He said you, Jason, and Jim were looking into something in London. What's up with that?" Elros asked.

"Increased magical presence in some abandoned part of town. We couldn't find much, but it seemed to worry Michael," John said.

"Much? Did you find anything?" Elros asked.

"A purple cloak was about the only thing out of place. Significant magical readout from it, but we couldn't make any more progress - troubling, to say the least. We're keeping our ears to the ground, though," John said.

"Alright. Let me know if I can do anything," Elros said.

"Will do, mate. So any other updates?" John asked. Elros began to fill him on what had been happening; John listened keenly, nodding here and there and asking for a clarification or two.

"Interesting stuff. I might need to check out that Underworld sooner or later. Sounds like a fucking paradise, to be honest. Beats the slum I've been to," John chuckled.

"I'll take you down sooner or later. My girlfriends dad isn't your biggest fan unfortunately. Dunno why. You're a fucking charmer," Elros said.

"Piss off," John grumbled, lighting a cigarette.

"Was about to do just that. A few more people left to visit. But before I do, I want to ask you something," Elros said.

"Shoot," John said.

"You know what I'm planning to do with some of the others. I haven't talked to them about it, but I want to extend an offer to you to join. We could use someone with your expertise. Besides, we need a couple of people to keep us grounded. The cynical Brit is perfect," Elros said. John smiled but shook his head.

"I'm flattered mate, but no thanks. That's just not my scene," he replied. Elros sighed and nodded.

"Worth a try anyways. Let me know if you change your mind, though," Elros said, getting up.

"Will do. Keep me posted," John said as he passed one more drink to Elros. Elros nodded and clapped John on the shoulder before taking his leave.


"Hey, Barbara," Elros said, knocking on the door to her apartment. She saw that her father was sitting on a sofa beyond the glass coffee table. Barbara quickly embraced him, taking both her father and Elros by surprise.

"Elros," Jim greeted him before returning to his newspaper. He knew him from when he and Barbara went out a few times; he quite liked Elros.

"Hey, Mr. Gordon," Elros said. Barbara quickly led Elros to her bedroom, sitting him on the bed as she sat next to him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm alright. Just… well, you know. Taking it in stride, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit stressed," Elros sighed. Barbara nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder, gently rubbing his back.

"It'll be fine. You're not alone in this," she said soothingly.

"I know. Thank you," Elros said, smiling as he put his arm around her. Barbara sighed at the touch and leaned in closer, tracing his chest with her other hand.

"Do you know what you're going to do next?" she asked.

"I don't. I'm just going to take it as it comes. Whatever happens, happens. I know that if I try to plan it out too much, I'll slip up somewhere," Elros said.

"Mmm. I did some research on Tess Mercer if you'd like it," Barbara said. Elros chuckled as he rubbed her back.

"I can always count on you to look out for me. Thanks, Barbara. But I think I'm good. In fact, I dare I say that Miss Mercer and I might even become friends," Elros said cheerfully.

"She graduated Summa cum Laude with Honors from Harvard. She became the Editor in Chief of the Harvard Law Review when she went back for her law degree, eventually taking a job at Ferriss Aircraft - a friend of Carol Ferriss. She eventually moved to the public sector," Barbara said.

"A genius, it seems. So my sexual jokes aren't going to work?" Elros asked.

"Afraid not," Barbara sighed.

"Huh. I'll have to turn the charm up to eleven, then," Elros said.

"Just… be careful," Barbara said in worry. Elros smiled and brought her in for a hug that she happily returned.

"I will," he whispered.

"I… want to apologize to you as well. For snapping at you and slapping you. It was… stupid of me to react like that," Barbara said as she caressed his cheek. She leaned up and kissed it before burying her head in his chest again, taking in his warmth. She enjoyed being like this with him; there weren't many men in her life that she could be so at ease with.

"Don't worry, Barb. It's fine," Elros said as he kissed her atop her head, holding her close. Barbara exhaled in relief as she felt him rub her back. They sat like that for minutes before Elros finally got up.

"Few more stops to make. I'll see you later?" he asked.

"Definitely," Barbara said, smiling as she watched him open his magic circle and leave. Sure he was gone, she quickly locked her door and got on her computer, resuming her research into the peerage.


"Hey Mr. D, Mrs. D, Kara," Elros said cheerfully as the beautiful blonde greeted him with a hug.

"Hello, Elros dear. How are you?" Mrs. Danvers asked as she got Elros something to drink.

"Pretty good, Mrs. Danvers. I take it you all saw what happened last night?" Elros asked.

"We did. Absolutely amazing. Did you read these piece earlier today?" Mr. Danvers asked, holding up the newspaper with the Gods Among Us article.

"I did. Interesting end, to say the least," Elros said.

"Agreed, but accurate as well. I never thought there could be so many people like that on Earth…," Mr. Danvers said, looking at his daughter. Finally, he smiled.

"Sorry for keeping you two," he said as he returned to his paper. Kara led Elros to her bedroom. Locking the door, she held on tightly, her blonde hair strewn about him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there," she said softly.

"Nonsense. It works out as well as it could've, I think," Elros said, rubbing her back gently.

"You and Clark just took all the risk, though. A… lot of people are gonna be afraid, Elros," she said, leaning back to look up at him.

"I know. Which is why I'm going to advise you not to be so eager to come out as well. Let us test the waters first. It doesn't make sense for everyone to leap in," Elros said. Kara looked uncomfortable but nodded; she liked being able to do good but didn't feel as though she was ready to step up like Clark. She wanted to do it on her own terms.

"But how are you taking it?" she asked, getting to what she really wanted to know.

"About as well as I could, I think. A bit stressed, bit anxious, bit excited - all wrapped into one. The world's changing quickly now. And it's not like this story is going to die down quickly, so I suppose I'll have to be a bit more careful than usual," Elros said.

"Clark told me about what you did, by the way. Said it'd be alright with you," Kara said.

"It's fine. What do you think?" Elros asked.

"I don't really have a leg to stand on in terms of judgment. Not like I'm from around here," Kara said with a sad smile.

"No, but you belong here just as much as anyone," Elros said as he wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. Kara rested her head against his, taking in his scent as she ran her hand up and down his back.

"Always know what to say, hmm?" she asked.

"That's my true superpower," Elros chuckled.

"Don't I know it. With so many women living with you, this must be a dream come true," Kara said.

"I'm a lover. It's odd, you know. You and the others know about them, but they don't know about you," Elros said.

"Any particular reason you haven't told them?" Kara asked.

"Well, Devil's aren't as shy with their existence as some of you guys are. I wouldn't want to betray your trust. If you want to tell anyone, it has to be on your terms," Elros said.

"Mmm," Kara hummed, thinking about that - her terms? What would those be? She knew it would eventually come out - that a woman in blue and red could fly about, much like the Superman they were talking about. But how would it come out?

"The Superman…," Elros chuckled.

"What?" Kara asked, snapping out of her funk.

"They're calling CK 'The Superman'. It has no ring to it," Elros said.

"What do you think they should call him?" Kara asked with a giggle.

"Just Superman. Nice and simple. That or Big Blue. Or Boy Scout. You know him," Elros said with a raucous laugh.

"I wonder what they'd call me?" Kara wondered.

"The Blonde Bi-," Elros began before Kara put her hand over his mouth, giving him a dangerous look.

"If you complete that sentence, you will never please a woman again," she said, looking at his crotch with glowing red eyes.

"Still got my fingers," Elros mumbled but nodded.

"You're seriously the worst," Kara sighed.

"Ha. Sorry. How about Supergirl?" Elros asked.

"Supergirl… Supergirl… hmmm… that I like," Kara said, thinking about it. Elros chuckled before getting up.

"Anyways, few more stops to make. I'll see you around, Kara. If you want to, drop by Japan sometime," Elros said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Will do. Stay by your phone. I'll probably call you in a couple of days to check in," Kara said. Elros nodded before opening a magic circle and taking his leave.s


"Elros!" Donna cried out happily as she embraced him.

"Hey, Donna, Star, Ms. Prince," Elros said, hugging Donna back.

"How are you feeling?" Donna asked as she arched back a bit, taking his face in her hands and scanning it. She knew that Elros could disarm almost anyone easily with a charming smile; she had to make sure that she wouldn't fall for it.

"I'm good, Donna," Elros said with a smile as she took her hand in his, giving it a soft kiss as he brought it down.

"You've had quite the night," Diana said as they went to the couch.

"Tell me about it! All I wanted was to see mankind return to space," Elros sighed.

"At least the astronauts are safe," Donna said.

"Right," Elros replied.

"How do you feel about your identity becoming widely known now?" Starfire asked as she stroked his hair. She was far different from any of the other women Elros knew - even Rias or Akeno. While most were outgoing, Starfire certainly put them to shame; she wore her emotions on her sleeve, much like he did and was happy to flirt with everyone for the sake of fun. She was extremely comfortable in her body, not thinking very highly of the overall prudishness of Earth. It struck her as odd that people would be so reserved in public yet perverse in private; whereas on her home planet, men and women walked freely and with gusto. She had a confidence around men and women that would put Devils and Fallen Angels to shame and leave everyone staring at her in wonder. She frowned very little - and only when she didn't understand something; otherwise, one could always find her smiling as wide as Elros. She was, in most regards, the female version of him - brimming with love and passion, glee and cheer. She snuggled up closer to him, unaware or uncaring of the fact that Donna was slightly fuming.

"Stressed out, but dealing with it," Elros said, leaning back and bringing them in closer.

"You did the right thing," Donna assured him.

"Thanks, Donna," Elros said, flashing her a smile that she returned.

"What do you think is next?" Donna wondered.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to be waiting with bated breath for someone in the government to call me. I'm actually surprised they haven't done so already, but I suppose it's to be expected considering how unprecedented this all is," Elros said.

"That's putting it mildly," Donna sighed.

"It won't be long until the rest of us will have to come out as well," Starfire said.

"Does it bother you?" Elros asked her.

"Not particularly, no. I've always wondered why we haven't done it sooner," Starfire replied.

"Because it would wreak havoc on the systems of men, Star," Donna said lamely.

"But there is no benefit in withholding such information. You give the humans to little credit I think, Donna," Starfire said. Donna had no reply to that.

"Also while I'm here - could I speak to you for a second, Ms. Prince?" Elros asked Diana.

"Certainly. And you can call me Diana, Elros," Diana replied, getting up and leading him to a private room.

"I wonder what that's about," Donna frowned.

"As do I. But it is good to see him again," Starfire said with a smile. She remembered the visceral and passionate session they shared only a month prior to Elros's becoming a Devil. Donna had an idea of what Starfire was thinking but didn't react - remembering her own experience with Elros.


"Have you spoken with Bruce recently?" Elros asked.

"I have not," Diana replied. Elros nodded before filling her in on what they were all planning to do. Diana listened carefully, nodding here and there to show that she understood what he was saying. As he finished, she looking up at the ceiling, thinking.

"I see. You intend to start a team. You, Clark, Bruce, and J'onn are the current members, and you are waiting on Barry and Arthur. And you wish for me to join?" Diana asked.

"Yes," Elros said.

"And you think this necessary?" she asked.

"I do. Especially now. After what happened last night, I don't know how brazen people are going to be in showing off their own powers," Elros said.

"You understand that you have no jurisdiction?" Diana asked.

"I do," Elros replied.

"You may be reviled for stepping in where you aren't wanted," she continued.

"I know," Elros said.

"And you wish to continue still?" she asked.

"Yes," Elros responded. After a moment, Diana smiled.

"Very well. I accept your offer. Truth be told, I expected something along these lines to happen anyways. After all, the existence of men and women such as ourselves isn't by any means limited. The people must be protected from those that would try to do them harm. I shall visit Gotham later today to speak further on the matter with Bruce," Diana said. Elros grinned wide and nodded.

"Sounds good to me," he said, going back into the living room with her. Getting settled between Starfire and Donna again, he began to tell them what he had done in the last few months.

"Devil?" Diana asked, intrigued.

"Yup. Extended lifespan, enhanced vision, defense, and strength; and beautiful women!" Elros said happily.

"I daresay you've had the last aspect for a while," Starfire said, smiling as he winked at her.

"Wait… you're a servant of this Rias Gremory?" Donna asked, frowning.

"Yeah. She's pretty relaxed about the whole master-servant relationship, though. Works out well. The positives are pretty eminent thus far," Elros said.

"But do you think it was wise to make such a rash decision?" Donna asked.

"You know me, Donna. Both feet in," Elros said. Donna sighed, shaking her head - yup, that was Elros.

"I fear that you're too relaxed sometimes," she said.

"That's one of my best traits!" Elros said.

"You are living in Japan now?" Starfire asked, curious.

"Yup. I'll text you all my new address," Elros said, doing so as he pulled his phone out.

"Ah! Let us take a few pictures as well," Starfire said excitedly, taking his phone from him and wrapping her arm around his neck. She leaned in close and took a few before taking some of Donna and Elros and Diana and Elros. Elros just chuckled; Starfire was easily excitable oftentimes, a trait he admired about her.

"Might we visit sometime?" Starfire asked.

"Of course!" Elros said excitedly.

"Do they know about you?" Donna asked.

"Yup. They don't know about you guys yet, though. They also know that, in general, aliens exist," Elros said.

"Not as though they have a leg to stand on," Donna said.

"True enough," Elros chuckled, checking his phone for the time. "I better head back," he sighed.

"Mmm… alright. I'll drop by soon. I want to see who your new friends are," Donna said.

"Perhaps I could speak with you in private before you leave?" Starfire asked.

"Sure," Elros said, going to another room with her. Donna watched them go, slightly uncomfortable as she thought about what they were going to discuss. Diana simply watched in amusement; she didn't harbor romantic feelings for Elros and doubted that he did so for her beyond a physical attraction. She did know, however, that Donna was at least slightly infatuated with the Lantern.


"What's up, Star?" Elros asked.

"I merely wished to be alone with you for a moment," she replied with a smile, hugging him. Elros smiled and returned the hug, weaving his hand through her hair as she listened to his hearbeat.

"How've you been adjusting?" he asked.

"Well, thanks mostly to you and Donna," Starfire replied. She spent a lot of time with Donna. In quite a short time, she came to think of her as a sister.

"I'm happy to hear that. I was worried that it might be difficult, but you honestly seem to have a better handle on it than many earthlings I know. But when you consider how outgoing and vivacious you are, it's not surprising. Can't help but be happy aorund you," Elros chuckled, eliciting a bright smile from her.

"It helps that I have such wonderful friends. Do you recall the day we met?" she asked him as she caressed his cheek.

"Kidding me? I'll never forget that day," Elros said with a grin.


"Interesting," Elros said to himself as he approached a smoldering crater in the Amazon. His ring had set off an alarm that an object of extraterrestrial origin was fast approaching Earth. After making sure he wouldn't be disturbed by ill-equipped government forces, he made his way over to see what was going on.

In the middle of a clearing was a crater roughly 25 meters in diameter with a pod-shaped object driven into the ground.

"Scan," Elros told his ring and it did so.

"Object confirmed to be of extraterrestrial origin, likely from the planet Tamaran in the Vegan System. Unknown as to the reasoning behind presence on Earth. Threat level: Low to Moderate," it said. Elros jumped into the crater and approached the object.

"Anyone home?" he inquired. Almost as soon as he did so, it released a massive amount of steam as a door began to open. Elros was surprised to see a beautiful woman stumble out of it. She was humanlike in appearance, except for the yellow-orange tint of her skin. It did nothing to detract from her beauty, however; she had long fiery red hair as well as a shapely figure with large breasts. She wore purple V-shaped suspenders that latched to the front of what appeared to be a purple speedo, covering only her breasts. She wore purple knee high boots as well as a black garment around her neck with a green jewel set in it. She slowly opened her eyes, a beautiful green that made Elros's heart soar.

She was easily one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. It wasn't long until she set her eyes on him, blinking a bit before she approached him cautiously. As she came near, she looked at him up and down and went around him in circles a few times, touching and poking and prodding his uniform. As she came to his front, she observed him with interest. Putting her arms around him, she locked lips with him - taking Elros by surprise. Instead of pushing her off as a normal person would at this juncture, however, Elros put his own arms around her waist and pulled her in close, kissing her with a ferocity - after all, when else would something like this happen? He felt her tongue come through his mouth before he replied in kind, gently massaging her from the back. It was at least 30 seconds before they broke apart. She looked at him with continued interest as she finally spoke.

"Green Lantern?" she asked.

"You… speak English?!" he asked, flabbergasted.

"Because I touched you," she said.

"I'm sorry?" Elros asked. Instead of her answering, however, his ring spoke.

"The Tamaran species is known for their ability to learn any language through physical contact," the ring said.

"Through kissing?" Elros asked.

"Incorrect. I acquired your language when I poked you," she said.

"Then why'd you kiss me?" Elros asked.

"I find you attractive and you find me attractive. Therefore, we kissed. Did you not enjoy it?" she asked.

"Quite the opposite. I enjoyed it very much," Elros said with a grin.

"As did I. My name is… Koriand'r. Translated roughly into Starfire in your Earthen language," she said.

"Beautiful name. I'm Elros. Elros Eärendil," he replied.

"Hello, Elros Eärendil. I am very pleased to meet you," Starfire said with a serene smile.

"I assure you that the pleasure is all mine," Elros said with a grin. They paused and looked at each other for a while before suddenly, they began to kiss again - although with considerably more passion. It wasn't long until Elros had taken her down to the ground, working his way down her neck with a passion as she moaned in pleasure at the touch. As he paused to suck on the base of her neck she brought him up to look at her, her green eyes piercing his own.

"Beautiful," she whispered. Elros simply smirked back before crashing his lips against hers. She returned the kiss with just as much passion, wrapping her legs around his waist as they continued to enjoy each other.


"Yeah, that is definitely one of the best introductions to alien anatomy I've ever had," Elros said with a chuckle.

"I enjoyed it quite a bit. It is good that we were so secluded, though. Your society seems to frown upon pleasure in such a conspicuous way," Starfire said, pondering the thought.

"Well, as you've noted, Earthlings are quite prudish. Odd, considering how depraved some of us are in private," Elros chuckled.

"I have noted that. We are similar yet so different," Starfire mused.

"Opposites attract, as they say," Elros chuckled.

"You're much more in line with Tamaraneans in some ways. Much more free-spirited than say, Donna. It is good to find a kindred spirit. I've yet to find someone else like you," Starfire said with a smile.

"Guess I'm pretty special," Elros said cheerfully.

"It is not the Earth custom to greet someone as such upon meeting them, yet you were quite accepting. In fact, I believe you enjoyed it very much," Starfire mused.

"Oh, you have no idea," Elros said.

"I believe I do if you felt the same way as I did. It has been months since we experienced each other last," Starfire said with a sigh.

"Sorry about that, Star," Elros said with a smile.

"I do wonder why you insist on calling me that instead of Starfire. It is not that long. Or even Koriand'r. Or Kori," Starfire said.

"Nickname. A show of affection. Besides, nicknames have to be something you don't approve of. You like Kori, so I can't call you that," Elros said.

"Is that why some call you E?" she asked.

"Yup. Little do they know that I love that nickname, so they aren't doing it right at all. They'll have to be much more creative," Elros said cheerfully.

"What is your nickname for Donna?" Starfire asked.

"Her's is difficult. I mean... Onna? Maybe I could try Onnatop, but she'd kick my ass into space if I called her that. Hmm... Donna Troy... Donna Troy...," Elros thought, trailing off - what could he call her?

"On the topic of names, I have been reading the books you recommended to me. I now know where your name Elros Eärendil comes from," Starfire said proudly.

"Oh? Lay it on me," Elros said with.

"Eärendil comes from the book The Silmarillion by your favorite author, J.R.R. Tolkien. It means 'Lover of the Sea' in the invented language of Quenya. However, it has another root: Earendel - or Aurvandil - which means 'luminous wanderer'. In the book, Eärendil was a seafarer who, on his brow, carried the morning star across the sky. Your last name roughly translates to 'morning star'," Starfire said.

"It does indeed. I'm impressed you got it. You're one of the select few," Elros said with a smile. Starfire brimmed with pride at the compliment before continuing.

"Your first name, Elros - he was the son of Eärendil in the book. You are named after the characters in the book," she said.

"It would appear so," Elros said.

"Was it your mother that enjoyed the books? Or was it your father that was interested in them?" Starfire asked.

"I suppose it was him, considering it's his last name that I took on. Could've been grandparents as well, I guess. But beyond that I'm not sure, Star. She died before I could ask her anything and him… well, you know what he was like better than most," Elros said, slightly bitter. Starfire frowned and nodded as she brought him in for a hug, trying to repress her own tears from coming through. She could easily pick up on the emotions of others and often times, they had an effect on her; if someone was happy, she was exuberant; if they were sad, so was she. It seemed to be even more pronounced with Elros.

"Do not worry, Elros. I am here for you," she said. Elros smiled and hugged her back, swooping in to kiss her on the cheek before walking back to the living room with her.

"Anyways, that's my cue to go. I'll see you, ladies, later," Elros said, opening a magic circle and stepping through to home. Starfire and Donna sighed as he left, both of them preparing to visit him later on.
