
The Beginning

Many different types of beings lived on a planet called Earth, a place full of Magic and adventure.

The majority were the humans who would worship the Gods they believed in.

There were the 3 main Pantheons, the Greek Gods, the Egyptian Gods, and the Norse Gods.

Each Pantheon respectively held its own domain, the Greek Gods' main domain was Mount Olympus which was in the sky above Ancient Greece.

The Egyptian Gods had the Great Palace Malkata which was located in the sky above Kemet or in present-day times, Egypt.

The Norse Gods had Asgard which was a realm of its own located deep in space.

The Titans resided in Tartarus which was deep under the Earth, in the pits of the Underworld.

The Gods and Titans are born with the ability to harness Magic and use it with their corresponding abilities depending on their aptitude with Magic itself.

While even though Humans were the majority of the species on earth with over 14 billion, they were by far the weakest in terms of aptitude and skill.

Many humans could use Magic to a small degree but the majority lacked the talent to truly become powerful.

But Magic also wasn't the only way to become powerful, many people were more in tune with their physicality.

And in turn would become swordsmen or archers, etc, and could rival Magic itself.


In the distance, Mount Olympus where the Greek Gods reside in could be seen in its full glory as the glistening moonlight shined down on it through the stormy clouds.

It was thousands of feet high, towering over even the clouds.

Flashes of lightning could be seen, rumbling angrily at the very peak of Mount Olympus where there was a large temple.

Inside a certain golden lavish room of the temple were 3 certain individuals sitting at a long table, arguing.

One had long flowing white hair, a matching mustache and beard, and light blue eyes, his light tan body was very muscular and robust, and he was wearing a Chiton robe with sandals as he sat at the head of the table, this was Zeus.

The 2nd one had mid-length curly brown hair with a matching mustache and beard, and a muscular body, he was shirtless with shoulder armor on his left shoulder and only had tight blue scaled pants on, he sat beside Zeus, this was Poseidon.

The last one had long dark hair, a mustache, and a long thin goatee, his body was covered in completely black armor as he sat opposite from Poseidon with a frown.

"Zeus do not go down this pathway!" Hades growled as he slammed his fist onto his armrest.

"It has to be done! I have already told you, an oracle of Gaia has told me that the second-born child of Metis will be a son who will overthrow me! I will not allow it!" Zeus retorted angrily.

"I agree, such a child who can be even more powerful than us, is a danger to us. He could betray us at any time for power." Poseidon added calmly.

"Such stupid logic, since they are both twins, it might not apply to them. Are you sure you both are not just cowards?" Hades scoffed.

"Watch your mouth!" Poseidon narrowed his eyes at Hades.

"Or what?" Hades looked at Poseidon with a threatening gaze.

"Enough! I will eat Metis while she is pregnant with the twins, they cannot be allowed to live!" Zeus exclaimed.

"Brother that is vile! Eating your own child makes you no better than father!" Hades glared at him.

"No better than father!? He just wanted power, I'm making sure Olympus is safe!" Zeus abruptly stood up while furiously staring at Hades.

"We can watch him-"

"Enough already! I have decided, don't forget I am the leader!" Zeus cut off Hades before starting to walk away toward the large golden door.

"You best not forget I am your elder brother." Hades muttered which Zeus heard clearly before leaving the room.

Only Hades and Poseidon remained.

"What are you still doing here?" Hades raised his brow at Poseidon who was across from him.

"Do not do anything foolish brother." Poseidon slightly frowned in his chair but dematerialized into water soon after.

Leaving only Hades in the room.

"I will do what must be done." Hades quietly whispered before also disappearing into a cloud of dark smoke.


It was the next day, and today was the day Metis the wife of Zeus would give birth to her twin children.

She was laying on a wooden bed with a pale expression, her room was gold and she had a big bulge coming from her stomach.

She had brown hair sprawled over the bed as she had maids attending to her.

"Lady Metis, you'll be alright, Lord Zeus should be coming now." The maid with black hair calmly stated as she held Metis's hands softly.

"Y-yes everything should be a-alright once Zeus comes." Metis stammered as she was sweating in weariness.

Soon after, Zeus came in with a gentle smile, wearing his chiton, the maid immediately backed up in order to give space.

"My wife, how are you?" Zeus asked as he immediately crouched down beside her, caressing her hand softly.

"Z-Zeus, I can't wait to have my twins. I want to name the boy, Napoleon and the girl, Athena. An oracle also told me they would both be beautiful!" Metis spoke happily as she held Zeus's hand.

"Of course they will be beautiful, they are our children after all." Zeus smiled.

Metis simply smiled back at his words.

"How long until she gives birth?" Zeus suddenly asked the maid behind him.

"She is very close milord, we don't have much time." The maid hurriedly replied.

"Alright, leave us for now, I have something I wanna say to her." Zeus ordered.

"But mi-"

"Did you not understand what I said?" Zeus turned his head around and narrowed his eyes at the maid.

"It's o-okay Zoe, you can go, it shouldn't take to long." Metis slightly nodded toward the maid called Zoe.

"Yes milady." Zoe bowed before leaving the room.

"W-what did you need to talk about?" Metis questioned weakly.

"There is something I have found out recently that needs to come to your attention." Zeus said.

Metis looked at Zeus curiously.

Zeus went on to explain what he was told by the Oracle of Gaia, his face went colder and colder as he spoke, and his gentle side could no longer be seen.

Metis eye's widened as she heard everything, she was no idiot, she knew what lengths Zeus would go to keep his power.

"I w-will n-not allow it!" Metis attempted to get up but Zeus immediately pushed her back down.

"You are far too weak to resist." Zeus coldly replied.

Metis struggled against Zeus but he did not budge, he coldly stared at her as he watched her struggle.

"I'm sorry but you have to die." Zeus bent down and bit into Metis's collar bone.


Blood spurted onto his face, as he continued to munch.

Metis frantically scrambled her arms against Zeus's arms and chest, punching him everywhere, she tried to break his arms off but he was far too strong.

"S-st-topp! Argh!-" Blood flowed down Metis's mouth as her body fought to stay conscious.

But her consciousness started to fade slowly.

"M-my c-c-children-" A glistening light blue tear slowly went down her cheek as she weakly called out but no one was there.

Metis's body slowly went limp as Zeus continued to eat her.

Suddenly some sort of vortex came from inside Zeus's mouth as he largened his mouth and instantly swallowed the whole body in one bite.

"It had to be done." Zeus muttered.

Once he stood up, he felt something large discharging from the top of his head.


Falling onto one knee he grabbed the sides of his head as they were in excruciating pain, it felt as if his head was split open.

After a few minutes, the pain finally went away and he felt his head had instantly healed.

Looking around warily, he noticed two small kids behind him, curiously looking at him.

One seemed to have long overflowing blue hair with an androgynous look, wearing a strange white and black outfit, while the other was a girl with long brown hair in a full set of armor, both of them were standing at 4'5" feet tall.

"You!-" Zeus was perplexed at the situation, he didn't think he himself would give birth to them.

"Woah, are you my twin sister?" The blue-haired kid curiously circled around the brown-haired girl who was covered in armor.

"I believe so." The girl simply replied, while also glancing around curiously.

"Wow, we were just born and have the ability to communicate and have already grown to over 4 feet tall, Isn't that cool?" The blue-haired kid continued to speak with an intrigued expression on his face.

"You are correct in that assumption, this is pretty "cool"." The brown-haired girl slightly smiled.

"Are you a female?" The brown-haired girl, cutely tilted her head sideways, staring at her new sibling curiously.

The blue-haired kid stopped circling her and looked down his pants.

"Nope, I'm a male, I'm pretty nice If I do say so myself." The blue-haired kid smirked while looking himself up and down.


"Silence!" Zeus suddenly exclaimed, cutting off the brown-haired girl from speaking.

Only then did they both look at him.

"I have had enough of this! I will just take care of the boy and be done with it!" Zeus growled while walking toward them.

Instinctively the brown-haired girl stood in front of her brother but her face was nervously sweating as she unsheathed her sword the sword she was born with and held it in front of her with both her hands.

Until suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, feeling a chill enter her body, her nerves calmed down and her sweat disappeared.

"Don't worry, we'll protect each other, that's what twins are for." The blue-haired kid smirked as he stood beside her with an ice katana slowly forming in his right hand.

The girl nodded with an appreciative smile, before focusing on Zeus who was only a few feet away from them.

"Father why must you do this!?" The girl exclaimed.

Zeus stopped in his steps as he heard the girl call him father.

"It's as you've heard, the boy is a danger to us all. I will not hurt you, just move and only he will have to die." Zeus explained, he didn't plan on killing his daughter, so he would rather avoid it.

"No, he's not! I've heard what you and mother talked about when we were in her stomach! The oracles could be wrong!" She retorted.

The brother himself was just shrugging, having no clue why he would try to take over Mount Olympus, it seemed like a bother.

"One more chance, step away from him or I will kill you both." Zeus coldly stared at them.

The girl remained brave and did not move, she understood that her father could instantly kill her brother without her even noticing but he wanted to see where her loyalties lie.

"Fine so be it."

Zeus noticed her determined stare and reached toward them with his hand.

Both the twin's grips tightened onto their weapons.

Until suddenly black darkness enveloped the room.

As soon as it appeared, it quickly disappeared.

"Huh?" The twin's eyes widened at the sudden intruder.

A black-haired man wearing black armor was holding Zeus's wrist in front of them.

"Hades!? What is the meaning of this!?" Zeus angrily exclaimed.

"I was going to let this go because I thought one child's life shouldn't cause us to fight but I'm done being a coward and standing on the side and watching you commit these atrocious acts."

Zeus's eyes widened at his words.

"Either promise to not harm these twins or you are going to have quite the fight on your hands." A black aura started to emit from Hade's body.

"You!-" Zeus broke away from Hade's hold and glared at Hades.

Zeus's bright blue aura clashed against Hade's dark black aura as they stood face to face.

The kids themselves were staring at the two with shocked eyes, they knew they were powerful but the dense air, made it hard for them to even breathe.

Until suddenly the blue aura disappeared completely.

Zeus was staring at Hades with a frown.

'I can't let my anger control me right now. With the plans, we have, to rescue the cyclops and the current Titanomachy we're fighting, I need Hade's help now more then ever. I can't afford to lose him, we could very well lose the battle because of the lacking manpower. Even if I were to fight him now, it wouldn't be an outcome favorable for me regardless.' Zeus thought inwardly.

"Damn it! You conniving bastard, if you want the damn child to live so much, fine so be it!" Zeus huffed angrily.

"Haha! I don't have to die!" The blue-haired kid happily exclaimed as he jumped up and down.

The sister rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Promise it." Hades slightly smiled at the kid's antics but continued to talk to Zeus.

"Yes yes fine, I promise not to harm the kid."

Hades continued to stare at Zeus.

"I also promise not to mess with him at all. If that's all, I'm leaving, I'll be sure to keep an extra careful eye on him." Zeus scoffed while glancing at the blue-haired kid, he then started to walk toward the open exit.

As he was about to leave, Hades called out to him.

"Are you not going to give them names?" Hades questioned

"Metis said she wanted to name the boy Napoleon and the girl Athena." Zeus grumbled before leaving the room.

"Napoleon?" Hades questioned aloud with a raised brow but Zeus was long gone.

"Thank you, but who are you?" Napoleon questioned while his ice katana dissipated.

"Idiot have you not been listening, that's Lord Hades!" Athena chided Napoleon while sheathing her sword on her waist.

"I knew that, I was just messing with him." Napoleon chuckled awkwardly.

"You guys can just call me Uncle but I have business to attend to, if you have anything you need just let the maids know. For now, you guys can explore Mount Olympus by yourselves, tomorrow we will announce you to the world." Hades quickly explained before disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

"Well, that was fast." Napoleon muttered.

"Yeah, Napoleo-, yeah your name is way too long. I think I'm just going to call you Leo. Do you mind?" Athena questioned.

"Sure." Leo just shrugged.

"Well, should we go explore?" Athena curiously looked at Leo.

"Why the hell not. It's not like I have anything better to do." Leo replied nonchalantly.

Once he finished speaking, Athena hurriedly grabbed his hand and urged him to follow her out, seemingly eager to learn more about the Greek Pantheon.


Titanomachy: was a war with the Titans and Olympians that lasted over 10 years, fighting for ultimate control.

This is my first official Original Novel, let me know yall thoughts!

And like I said before, this story will not follow Greek Mythology as much, there might be similar things and there might be really different things.
