
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs


Clara stood in front of the door with two guards behind her, they aimed their spears at the two. She held an advanced bow, glowing blue.

"Wait, madam Clara, we found something-" Before she could finish, Clara stomped her boot down.

"Quiet. Insubordination, trespassing, and disobeying direct order. I was being lenient on both of you last time, but it seems stricter punishment needs to take effect." She took out her phone, and showed it to the two, it was recordings of them moving through the hallway and entering the rooms.

"With what cameras we had, we spotted you moving around," She looked at the two with a scowl and disappointment.

"Madam Clara, just listen!" Ella yelled out, fed up with her talking, but Clara shut her up again,

"I have no time for your excuses, i should have been more strict when City P told me of your past records." The two continued to argue for a few seconds before Ella snapped.

"Shut up and listen, madam, there's a bomb on the generator alright!?" Clara stopped talking, finally understanding the situation. But it was too late, Jacob turned around to see the timer

[Timer: 0:05]

'Oh, crap' Without thinking or speaking a word, Jacob grabbed Ella and rushed out of the room.

"Get out of here!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Just then, a flash of bright yellow consumed the generator room, Jacob and Ella managed to get out in time, landing hard on the floor with only a few bruises.

Jacob's ears were deafened by the explosion, and he could feel the immediate heat from the fire as it partially burned his jacket.

From the flames that ate the entire room, Clara emerged along with the two other guards, injured but still ready to fight.

Jacob realized he was still holding onto Ella, who was stuck in a daze from the explosion. Guards rushed from both ends of the hallway to see what happened, immediately coming to the aid of Clara and the others. Among them, Zeph and Rin.

Getting up from the ground, Jacob helped Ella up and looked at the burning room, his breathing was fast, afraid and wondering what would have happened if he stuck around there. But he turned his attention to Clara.

"Thanks," Ella muttered. As they looked around, a distant shout grabbed their attention, from a nearby hallway, and in a few seconds, gunshots rang out before the entire hall started to shake. Soldiers stumbled and fell until the shaking stopped.

"Have this place under lockdown!" Clara coughed out, she looked at her damaged phone, trying to see what else was going on.

Rin ran up to the two, tending to their wounds before aiding the rest. Zeph approached Jacob as he was walking towards Clara.

"So that was what you were searching for," He said.

After a minute, explosions began from different parts of the facility, causing the entire place to shake violently, and the lights to flicker while portions of the hall began to fall off. A loud alarm echoed throughout the entire place as a red light blinked rapidly.

"A bomber managed to slip through, we will investigate this after. We need to evacuate!" Clara ordered, but while they prepared to leave, an odd buzzing noise could be heard, similar to a saw.

"Jacob, you said the boxes had something metal in them right?" Ella meekly asked, turning to where the noise was coming from. The rest of the group turned as well, readying their weapons, unsure of what they were about to face.

Bursting out of the door, a large swarm of drones flew in, quickly filling the immediate area.

"There's too much for us, run!" Heeding her orders, everyone scrambled to run the opposite way. As they ran, a hail of gunfire began, striking some of the soldiers and killing a few.

Ella prepared her shield, raising it behind the group, taking in the wave of bullets.

"Keep running!" Ella yelled out, the constant rain of bullets was almost too much for her, and Jacob could see that her shield started to crack a little.

A group of drones rushed forward, leaving their swarm while bearing saws. They immediately attacked Jacob and the rest.

The saws beared down on their clothes, digging through and shredding their skin. Jacob slashed at any that came near him, but even with his attacks, some broke through and tore through his clothes, leaving wounds before getting destroyed.

Clara fired her bow at a rapid pace, pulling back the string for an arrow to appear from thin air and strike at her targets. The group of drones dwindled in number with more and more falling down in violent balls of fire, leaving a loud bang as they blew up.

"This was not like the simulations!" Jacob yelled. The swarm didn't stop their barrage, trying to break through Ella's shield and take out the rest of the team, but to their relief, the end of the hallway was in sight.

As the swarm drew closer and, more grpups poured out to attack the group, they rushed through the door, immediately shutting it before the swarm could enter.

Most of the group collapsed from exhaustion, with soldiers ans Jacob's teammates both sitting down to catch a breath while Rin tends to their wounds.

Next to Jacob, a notification box appeared, notifying him of his wounds.

He snapped his fingers, showing the screen and his stats, but as he did, the glitch appeared again.

[Good job escaping them, it was fun seeing it. Now I wanna see if you can take actual drones down!#@$] Above it, a new objective appeared.

[Destroy 50 drones: 0/50]

"You're telling me this now!?"

[I just wanted to see if you could handle the actual drones, looks like you can.@#!]

"Fine, I'll do it, " Jacob sighed. But at this point he was unsure how he could even accomplish that, given the swarm's size.

As he looked around, Clara gave some news to the team.

"The drones are heading through the vents, and there seems to be more." Jacob realized that above them was a large vent shaft.

Hope you enjoyed! leave a stone if you liked it!

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