
Good Luck To You

Ren Daiyu: "What essay? What Kid? Why is YingYing; Ying no.2?"

Yao Changying: "Obviously because I'm Ying no.1. I'm older."

Ren Daiyu "Not fair, what about me?"

Yao Changying: "You're No Ying."

Yao Changying laughed as Ren Daiyu's face fell. 

Yao Changying explained to Ren Daiyu: "Some kid smelling of medical school arrogance turned up at YingYing's office and demanded she operates. So we both wanted to be good morally intact elders and help to refine his character and turn him into a respectable member of society. We asked him to write a short essay."

Ren Daiyu quirked a brow: "Good, morally intact elders? Really?"

Yao Changying shrugged then sat closer to Li Xiuying: "Did he send the essay?"

Li Xiuying nodded and handed her phone to Yao Changying. 

Yao Changying opened the attachment and just skim read through it. 
