1 Stupid System

The continent of Magia was one full of countless mystical things. Great knights roamed about the land, slaughtering thousands in wars among mighty nations, adventurers ventured into forests, searching for grand beasts to slaughter and sell to their local blacksmith guilds, and mages casted grand spells that could change the tides of battles within seconds, spewing flames like those from the mouth of a dragon and create tsunamis that would devour entire armies.

And here I, the great and magnificent Shandy, lay within a small, broken down hut amid the slums of Venturis City, abducted by the system.

A voice sprung up within my mind,"Greetings host, you are here in order to create the greatest magic tower to ever exist."

"To start you off, we have created a starting kit for you, good luck."

Hearing that smug voice again ticked me off, that annoying creature had lured me while drunk into signing a contract, and now I lay within a foreign world, far from my home Earth, dropped off into a wilting shack within an unknown city.

I said,"System" and a screen promptly appeared within my vision.



Occupation: Mage

Level: None

Tower: None

Skills:. None

Quest: 1

Notification: 1


I clicked upon the notification icon where it brought me to a screen,"Would you like to open the 'Starter's Kit'."

I clicked yes and the system announced,


You have been granted, -Arian Language-

You have been granted, -Identification- Level 1

You have unlocked Quest +Basic information:Find out the basic information about the world so that the system can compile a document regarding the continent

Time limit:1 week

Quest Completion:0%

Quest Failure: Destruction of system

Quest Completion: 100 experience points, mystery item


Surprised with all the information by which is was just flooded, and after a few minutes of pondering, Shandy decided to try using the identification skill. He announced identification within his head, where the system stated:

Item: Rock

An expression of irritation appeared upon Shandy's face upon seeing the uselessness of the information.

After trying to comprehend all that had just happened to him, he decided to explore what lay beyond the boundaries of his house, and exiting through the door, he saw a dark and desolate alley.

Dirt and grime laid cluttered about in most places, with few people coming outside their houses, with a couple of drunk people lay upon the ground on the sides of the alley, and in this region where the city patrol refused to enter, lay hives of gangs and criminal organisations, using the people of the slum as cover for their activities.

Yet, he saw something disturb the peace of the dead slum, a few big and burly men walked from house to house, generously collecting the protection fee that they so kindly 'provided' to the residents of the slum.

Whichever shack they went to, they would either return with their duffel bag growing slightly larger with coins or otherwise, they would exit with any object of value after a few desperate cries resounded from the house, and over time, they got closer and closer to his house.
