

Graliotheer, tiada siapa pun yang dapat meraih posisi tersebut... Mungkin. Bertarung melawan ketakutan dan kesengsaraan yang tidak ada habisnya. "Kapan akan selesai?" Mungkin cerita ini yang akan memberi tahu akhirnya.

AkiraKiraa · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Where am I...




Gresse woke up in his house and searched frantically for his mother.

Woah relax boy, your mom is fine.

Gresse was surprised by the person behind his.

Gresse remained calm and tried to understand what was happening.


Take it easy boy, I'm a good person.

How can I trust you?

If I was bad, I'd kill you and your mom while you were asleep, you idiot.

You got a point...

Gresse, who was still confused by this situation, asked the mysterious man about his identity. The mysterious man introduced himself as William Kastakov.

Gresse asked William, did the events of that night really happen?

Hey boy, shouldn't you introduce yourself too? Where are your manners?

I'm sorry, I'm Gresse H. Bonemarrow. I'd like to ask you a question.

Boy, just relax, no need to be too formal.

"Didn't he just tell me to be polite?"

Okay, I want to ask you a few things. What really happened? Who are they? And what happened to my body?

William answered Gresse's questions.

First of all, I don't know what really happened, I just happened to pass by Hiktar and saw that "they" were carrying your mother. I myself was confused boy, what exactly "they" were after from your mother. But I also felt a little "something".

Gresse asked.

What is that "something"?

I can't tell you.

William said.

Gresse was a little suspicious of William.

William continued to answer Gresse's question.

Secondly, "they" are organizations founded in search of something that will complement something that can bring destruction to all the world. They want to create freedom based on their own thoughts.

Wow they are a very unusual organization, I just found out that there is such a thing in this world...

Gresse said in reply to William's answer.

Yes, they are very dangerous. However, don't worry I am very strong. HAHAHAHAHA.

William said while laughing loudly.

Gresse could only stare at William's behavior and regard William as a very confident person.

What about my body? Is there something wrong with my body?

Gresse asked William.

Nope, there is nothing wrong with your body. But now you can officially control Matter.

William said while nodding his head.

Control Matter?

So this is it kid, in this universe there is something called a Maniphyer. Maniphyer is a term for people who can control matter. This power is believed to come from a meteor that has long been in Agnasia. The power of the Maniphyer is very powerful. They can manifest matter into anything they want, be it swords, fire, water, and so on. Supposedly the Maniphyer's power cannot rise as easily as you do. In addition, there are some special Maniphyers who have powers that cannot be imitated by other maiphyer. This class of Maniphyer is commonly called Ord. The power you unleashed that night was a manifestation of the matter you formed into a laser that can destroy the slightest thing. In fact, until there is no trace of it. Wow boy you are talented. Join us, your power can be utilized by irresponsible people. But by joining you into our organization, we will change your mother's memory so that your mother thinks that you are dead. This is done so that you break the connection with your mother and make your mother's position away more secure. How's that?