
Gotham knight

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A guy gets reincarnated into the dc world with all the martial arts in the world downloaded into his brain, he has a lot of options to choose from not just being a hero or a villian. but he chose to be something more than that, something better, he chose to be HOPE. my 2nd fanfic

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Chapter 1My reincarnation, My despair, My rage

My name... doesn't matter in my death,but my age does. 18 years is a pretty young to be dead, what the fuck am i talking about? anyway, long story short I met god, he said he'll do something about my soul and now my head hurts like hell, trying to learn every single martial art at once does that to you.

After what felt like hours of pain i woke up, i got new memories of this 15 year old kid whom has passed away and gave his body to thy Alexander the great to occupy and live his life.

I don't have the right to comment on someone's life but yeah this kid lived a pathetic life, i mean living in gotham as an orphan is worse than the lives of most homeless people in the real world.

Now coming into my new gained martial art knowledge, it'll give me a leg up in this city for a couple of months before i try to leave this godforsaken, goth nerds wet dream of an architectural stink pile of shit, piss and drugs.

As i think about this i look around my pockets to find a couple of hundred dollars, which this kid stole in case you are wondering, from the orphanage before he left. If he was alive and well right now, i would have given him a pat on the back because that orphanage is nothing but a villian making machine.

Onto more pressing matters i walk towards the road outside of the alleyway i was in, to escape from lunatics, i still wonder why this city still has alleys when they are the most crime ridden.

As i reach the edge of the alley i hear a scream to my right as a mother fucking truck dashes through the road hitting all the cars and making them fly, i almost get killed by a fucking Prius, of all the cars that could hit me it had to be it.

But all of a sudden my instincts scream at me to jump towards it so... i do and summersault back from the flying car back into the alley, it may have looked cool on the outside but i got my legs making weird noises from the impact.

"ouch motherfucker" great the first word i use in this world is mother fucker salute to you Samuel.L.Jackson for giving me this habit.

I look around when i don't hear anyone clapping and realise that all of them are injured, so i go out to help them. What i am no hero i am just helping a guy lift a weight off of his chest,this is what normal people do incase of an accident help others i am not saving them just helping them stay alive(some of them).

when all is said and done the police arrive and rescue the people i get a couple of thank yous here and there and i meet my first buddy in this world max Powell weird name but ok.

Max was one of the few uninjured(that's not a word) people in this group and our first conversation pretty much went like this "Hi i am Max" he says with a smile while helping giving a woman her arm back, yes it literally got ripped, "are you trying to make small talk right now" he looks uncertain and replies "yes?".

I deadpan for a moment before shrugging and going along with it "I am Alexander albon" he feels weird too, because I was passing him a leg while saying that, he grabs the leg and gives to the person laying on the other side " I have seen you do a summersault off of a Prius, a flying Prius no less. it was cool" well atleast someone saw me do it now if someone says that i didn't do it,i have a witness.

"yeah my survival instincts screamed at me not to die to a Prius I guess" we both give a small exhausted chuckle at that not because the joke was funny or anything, we just needed a laugh.

"Is it like this everyday here in gotham?" i ask with a dash of curiosity and a tea spoon of fear.(WTF am i writing)because if it is like this here everyday i might have to consider leaving this city within a week and if possible right now.

"no no no its pretty mild most of the time, but there is this virus spreading right now, they say it's COVID-19 or something like that, makes u age a 100 years in 10 seconds if you inhale enough of it near the c district. Penguins got a truck load vaccines smuggled in which don't work and you couldn't see from your side but the batmobile was following the truck too." he gives me an info dump how peculiar.

"what do you mean by pretty mild?" i ask, i don't know if pretty mild in gotham is the same as new york.

"Nothing more than one or two shooting's in the bad side of the town and a couple of robberies if your house isn't secure, those too are because the gangs are kind of in a war right now."we both start walking as he says this.

walking by his side i say"nothing's pretty mild about that max"

"that's a good day in gotham my friend and if you are trying to leave gotham, i am sorry to tell you but the city is in lockdown"

"oh fucking hell" i whisper and look at him "do you happen to know a place where i could live and a place where i could work."

"well, what happened to your old job"he asks me with suspicion written on his face.

"didn't have an old job, i ran away from an orphanage."i decided to tell him the truth.

"why did you do some mischief there?" he asks with a hint of prankster eyes.

"No i just hated the place, what were you expecting, did you think i stole panties or something.?"i look at him and see his face do a complete 180 from his prankster face to a serious one.

"well there are inconsistencies in your story like the fact that you live in gotham yet you don't seem to know about it." he looks at me in suspicion and is in a stance kind of ready for any unexpected movement.

"woah woah, no no no the orphanage i talked about, i left because they have been experimenting on us since birth we know about the outside world and recieved an education but not what happens here"i give out this body's old story.

"Then what about the others in the orphanage?" he asks to make sure i am not making this up.

"They were too far gone i was the only survivor but i blew up the place before leaving" he suddenly widens his eyes.

"Wasn't it the lex foundation orphanage that blew up yesterday."

"So it was lex corp who did it huh, no wonder i couldn't find a single Wayne laptop there" i go into silent introspection after that.

Max seems to be deciding something and after a couple of minutes of silence he looks at me and says "i don't know what happened to you, but i can help you, you can live with us and work at our restaurant you'll get a salary cut for the rent and your food is with my family the other necessities are on your own."

"are you sure about this?" yeah what the hell is he naive or something.

"I know, when someone helps others they have this look on their face i judge people on that....

"And i also asked you those questions just in case and man are you quick to spill the truth, you could have lied your way out of it man." i kid you not he looked judgemental when he said that.

"don't judge me man i don't care about that particular truth, otherwise i am pretty tight lipped." i reply to his jabs at my loud mouth.

"yeah whatever look at that pizzaria over there, that's our spot." i look over and see golden shining heaven dao Mt Tai's father Mt Sai with beautiful jade beauties...

-Back To Reality-

I see an old pizzahut with its paint faded here and there because of its ancient origins, wait are those runes over there, did the last owner magic this place or something.

"I know it is pretty run down and all but paint it a new colour and it'll shine like a diamond." he explains after seeing the look on my face.

"yeah whatever dude i just work here it's not like i own the place."

-Time Skip-

It's been 3 weeks since I joined here and boy oh boy is this world weirdly giving me ideas to be rich. Granted the ideas aren't mine, they are from my old world.

so long story short when I asked if he wanted to play a game, he asked if it was monopoly or chess or something like that, i told him video games ofcourse and he got this face of confusion that ignorant people have.

I leave him to his ignorance and loogled it to see that there are no fucking videogames in this world, no wonder all these people went crazy.

Dumbass MC's might see this as an annoying inconvenience but i didn't, i saw it as an opportunity.

"So Max, you got a Wayne laptop right." i ask while we both are near the register.

"yeaah" he replies uncertain about my new interest in HIS laptop.

"Can I borrow it for..." "NO" "oh common man it's just for 2 weeks" "NO" "I won't tell your mom about all the dough you wasted trying to backflip a pizza" "ughhh fine" "See you just needed the right motivation to help a friend out"

The days were going good and the business was booming so Max's dad opened a fast food section on the empty side of the pizzaria, and i decided to help out with the renovation.

And boy oh boy did i find out something new, this world didn't have drivethru's so i suggested we make something like that, happy with the new novel way of selling food Max's father decided to approve my idea and start the first drive thru in this world.

It was a big hit and we had to hire more people, but it's hard to find people you can trust so Max's parents took the drive thru while me and a couple of other workers worked shifts at the pizzaria and the drive thru.

I released the first video game in this world flappy bird, it was simple to make, easier to be popular and quick money, i had to wait just a month to get the ad proceeds from the 5,00,000 downloads in the first two weeks.

Life was good, and then life was bad.


"We have to escape boss we got half of Gotham PD on our trail and they know our location." my minion states the obvious again instead of a solution.

"We need to make a hostage situation for the police boss, they may listen to our demands and let us go" Seeing my silence at his ingenious plan the minion continues "They won't care about a single life we need a bigger hostage like a....like the drive-thru across the street yes we can enter through the drive thru and hold the restaurant hostage."

I nod at his plan and we start to leave on a car, we reach the drive-thru and enter through the drive thru window and shoot the couple in there,when we hear the door opening.

An average kid in a uniform comes in, we don't shoot cause we already lost 2 hostages to send a message to the police, we have 3 to 4 men going from the front to block all exits.

The kid looks at the body's and says"Did you do this?" I nod and reply " Yes and if you don't wanna be the new paint on the wall, shut the fuck up and go insi..." and i black out from a punch to the face.

I slowly open my eyes and look around to notice all three men who came with me knocked out.

I can also hear the sirens going off outside. I slowly get up and go into the pizzaria to see just two of my men awake and fighting for their lives with the kid.

When i blacked out, i thought for sure that it was batman but now that i look at it....... The Kid is Worse

the kid chokes one of my men while kicking the other in the nuts, as the the guy being choked blacks out from oxygen deprevation, the guy who got kicked in the nuts recovers and comes in with a kick to the face.

The kid falls down but uses his leg to sweep the guy and take him with him. Now comes the spectacle of the kid hitting the downed guy repeatedly, i know that the guy got knocked out on the fourth punch but the kid didn't stop until..


I know that what i am doing is wrong, i know this guy might die if i punch him any more, but i don't wanna stop.

I saw two of the nicest people in this city getting killed because they were an inconvenience for a criminal.

why should I stop.


"Look here kid"

I hear that dreaded voice which filled me with range until i turned around and the rage got replaced with FEAR.

"See kid i know your fuse you don't want to kill this son of a bitch you listen" he says while tightening his hold on max.

I leave the guy on the ground and stand infront of him and wait for his command what more could i do.

"Listen kid i am gonna die here today no matter what the police got a shoot-on-site orders on me, so i am gonna teach the son of a bitch who hit me for the last time in my life a lesson" I prepare myself to die in this psychos hands, all the fighting techniques in my mind couldn't prepare me for this, they prepared me for a confrontation but not of this kind, no matter how strong i am i can't do this, i wish someone else could deal with this, i am tired of pretending like living in gotham is a normal thing, this place shouldn't exist, these people shouldn't exist.

I look up and see the fear and resignation in Max's eyes those shouldn't exist either.

"Your task right now is to pick the old bayonet rifle hanging over there and shoot me with it before i kill your friend." The psycho gave me the crazy command and i look towards the bayonet, it is Max's gradfathers old rifle it gets regular checks from Max's father to make sure it is always working.

I walk towards it and take the bayonet off the wall and grab a couple of bullets in the safe behind it.

I am standing infront of the psycho now we have a distance of 10 metres between us, the narrow pizza place felt huge right now, my hands are shaking, not from fear or anger or guilt.

My hands are shaking from the weight of the bayonet, this is my first time shooting, if i don't shoot right i might injure Max.

I lift the bayonet and point it towards his face trying to not injure max "LOAD" he says loudly in a commanding tone, and i follow his command and load the gun.





The recoil is much more than i thought it would be, it might bruise my shoulder.

I closed my eyes right after i shot, now that i open my eyes, i see the result he is dead, but i didn't shoot him, i shot my friend the bullet travelled through him and killed the psycho.

I run towards my friend and see him still breathing, i kneel before him and talk to him "It's gonna be ok max..it's gonna be ok he's dead the police are coming, your okay,your okay."

"It's ok Alex...i am fine...just dying right now nothing much" He chuckles a little and winces at the pain.

"Man..should have taken..you to the...shooting range.....atleast once" He chuckles again and guilt overwhelmed me.

"The fuck are you.....looking all....guilty for....my time has come.....and.....i am leaving. Alex i might be asking.....a lot of you but.....i need you to listen clearly, i want you to change... Gotham, change it.....so that the next time.....my soul floats by...i see children playing.....without care,women...going out at night without.....fear, i want you to change.....it because you want...to change it too, i have seen you....wanting to change everything around you...but you had this...fear which always won...you over, try...anger this time, try to use...your anger to stop....the crime and make this city liveable." and with thosewords Max powell my first friend in this world left this world for a better place.

Before i could grieve for his death properly my anger overtook me, my calm on the outside hides my rage on the inside, i joined the Gotham PD but my refusal to use a gun didn't allow me to raise through the ranks easily until.....................

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