
GoT: The Second Dance Of Dragons

My Cousin, Theragfromthecrag was kind enough to lend me his old material, but let's be real, I'm writing it my way. And while we think much the same, I wanna make it mine. This this is the Second Dance of Dragons, a battle of brothers, no something worse, a Battle of Twins, Targaryen Twins

bossbovatannin · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs

2: The Sixth Blackfyre Rebellion begins

(Small Council Chamber, The Red Keep, King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


"Volantis has been destroyed, allegedly by Dragonflame.'' Says Varys solemn in his expression.

''I can only assume that Sothoryos is the reason we're only hearing about this now. It's the only place that makes sense. Father, If I may, I have a theory which may allow us to temporarily offset the threat of the dangers of the enemy possessing Dragons. Specifically a theory linked Specifically to Me.'' Says Daemon.

''Speak Then.'' Aerys Commands.

''Sheepstealer.'' That name alone draws the entire rooms attention.

''You speak of the Dragonseed Nettles Mount during the Dance.'' Rhaegar notes.

''You believe the beast exists?'' Aerys says, excitement clear as day for all present to see.

''As you know Lyn Corbray is a good friend of mine, and he once told me of an obscure legend among the older Vale Families. One of the Hill Tribes in the Vale is called The Burned Men, and allegedly worship a Deity of Fire. It's alleged by historical accounts that Nettles settled in the Hills of the Vale for a time, who's to suggest that Sheepstealer never returned to those hills and has been feeding off of offerings made by these Burned Men ever since Nettles died? Allow me to investigate this. If the legend is true and Sheepstealer yet lives, the task will be mine to correct my Namesake's folly of allowing Nettles to leave with Sheepstealer.'' Daemon suggests.

''As the Crown Prince that duty should be mine.'' Says Rhaegar.

''I don't give two shits what you think your duty is. The fact you think so little of my mother, your Queen, makes me concerned for any command Father has you carry out. Your success rate I do not question. I do however question the truthfulness of your actions. How am I to trust a brother that has more than half the Royal Court answering to him instead of their king? Or A Crown Prince whose best friend is a Sword Swallowing Pillow Biting Prick? If Jon Connington is a Pillow Biter, then what's to say that you aren't the same?'' Daemon says.

''Watch your mouth, you might be my Twin Brother but you do not -'' Whatever Rhaegar was about to say is cut off from being said because Daemon draws a knife and throws it at the nearby window.

The sound of dying is heard, and Daemon has lept over the Table drawing his blade.

''Who sent you?'' Daemon demands

''Morghon naejot lentor Targārien! Jaqiarzir naejot lentor Blackfyre!''

''See you in hell then!'' Says Daemon as he slits the man's throat.

''Well, looks like House Blackfyre has slipped out of the Seventh Hell. I await your orders Father. '' Daemon says.


(Aerys Targaryen POV)


Aerys knew in the moment his son slit the Assassin's Throat that he would make his Victory possible, not Rhaegar or Tywin! It was Daemon! Daemon who prevented the Assassin striking, and not Rhaegar who ended the threat.

''Daemon, you will command House Targaryen's Campaign, Rhaegar, you shall stay here.'' Says Aerys, with a tone of Finality.

''Thank you for this Honor Father, may I?'' Asks Daemon.

''See it done my son, I'm counting on you. Send the Ravens, Daemon has the command.'' Aerys instructs before taking his leave.


(Daemon Targaryen POV)


''Your Grace, orders?'' Asks Tywin.

''Send word to the Other Great Houses, I'm calling a War Council at Harrenhal. Lord Tywin instruct Lord Rickard Stark to gather the entire Northern Forces, even the Skagosi. And Send it by Rider too. I don't trust Ravens right now. As for the War Council itself, I expect Lord's Redwyne, Hightower, Tarly, Karstark, Umber, Manderly, Mormont, Dondarrion, Morrigen, Uller, Yronwood, Santagar, Royce, Corbray, Waynwood, Blackwood, Bracken, Mallister, Crakehall, Marbrand, Lefford, Westerling, Harlaw, Drumm, Goodbrother, Velaryon and Celtigar in attendance with their Heirs and Spares.'' Daemon instructs listing off critical Bannermen by region.

''Of course your grace.'' Says Tywin.

''Lord Commander Hightower, you, Ser Barristan, Ser Arthur, and Ser Oswell shall accompany me as Royal Representatives. Lord Tywin, You, Lord Kevan, Lord Tygett, and your son shall be House Lannister's Representatives beside us. Lord Varys I want you with us as well, your Little Birds are an invaluable resource.'' Says Daemon.


(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)


Daemon had a knack for strategic planning by the looks of it. Ordering a War Council with not just the Great Houses but their Principle Bannermen was an incredibly smart idea. It allowed them to map out the entire early Rebellion Strategies.

Daemon was special, but despite winning this time, the battle for brotherly supremacy was not yet over. Rhaegar would let him have the spotlight, at least for now....


(Tywin Lannister POV)


The Young Dragon was showing greater promise than anticipated, his recognition of Sothoryos as the only possible location as to why Varys hadn't heard of Dragons being Reborn made a lot of sense.

And his Ability to influence King Aerys was truly adept, but the biggest indication of Tywin underestimating him was the Order to not only summon the Great Houses or their Principle Bannermen to Harrenhal for a War Council, but the the way he revealed a means of potentially leveling the playing field showed a hidden talent.


(Time-Skip: 1 Hour Later)


Dozens of Ravens escaped the Confines of the Grand Maester's Tower, each bringing forth the same message; ''House Blackfyre is back, ride for Harrenhal to attend a War Council held by the King's representative and Lord Tywin.''

The time for The Sixth Blackfyre Rebellion to Begin had come, but the first battle between Blackfyre and Targaryen had yet to begin at all.

Tywin watched as the Prince was fitted in Plate that gleamed a deep and bloody crimson Red with the Targaryen Dragon carved into it and highlighted with Jet Black Onyx Gemstones. His helm was accentuated by a red snarling three-headed dragon with Black eyes.

He cut an intimidating and inspiring figure, for a second son at least....


(Across The Narrow Sea, Volantis)


(Lady Blackfyre POV)


Volantis was the latest Free City to sumbit to her iron will, Lorath, Yunkai, Astapor, and Qarth and Mereen had already fallen to her Military Might or her Womanly Wit. Her Dragons were unruly things, but in the heat of Battle obeyed her unconditionally.

Unlike her forebears she had no desire for the Iron Throne, but she had little choice, with her Father dead and Brother's held prisoner, she had little choice but to dance to her blackmailer's tune. But when she learned who forced her to leave the comfort of being hidden in the shadows, her Dragons would savor a fine and hearty meal.....