
Gorgon the Snake

Bharati_Singha_7905 · อื่นๆ
23 Chs

Chapter 21: Betrayal

Marcus had always known that their fight against the government would be a difficult one. He had anticipated the challenges they would face, the sacrifices they would have to make. But he never could have predicted the ultimate betrayal that was to come.

It was a normal day, or so it seemed. Marcus was meeting with some of his most trusted lieutenants, planning their next moves and discussing how to stay one step ahead of the government. But then the door burst open and armed guards flooded into the room.

Before Marcus could even react, he was surrounded by guns and handcuffed. He was hauled out of the room, not even given a chance to say goodbye to his comrades. As he was dragged through the hallways, he could see the looks of shock and confusion on their faces.

It was then that he realized what had happened. There had been a traitor in their midst, someone who had sold them out to the government. Marcus couldn't believe it. They had all been so careful, so cautious. And yet someone had still managed to slip through the cracks.

He was taken to a dark, dingy cell and left alone with his thoughts. The weight of what had happened settled heavily on his shoulders. He felt like a failure, like he had let down his entire movement. All of their hard work, their sacrifices, their dreams, had been snatched away in an instant.

But even in the depths of his despair, Marcus refused to give up. He knew that he had to keep fighting, no matter what. He knew that the government would try to use his capture to demoralize the Black Snake, to weaken their resolve. But he would not let that happen.

As he sat in his cell, Marcus began to plan. He thought of all the ways he could turn the tables on his captors, how he could use their own tactics against them. He refused to let them break him, to let them destroy everything he had fought for.

And so, even as he was trapped in that small, dark cell, Marcus vowed to keep fighting. To never give up, no matter how difficult the road ahead might be. He knew that he was still a leader, still a symbol of hope to his people. And he would do everything in his power to make sure that hope never died.