

You know what's funny?

When the cat runs from the mouse, when the squirrel scares the dog, when the rabbit keeps the lion in fear.

And similar scene is in Goliath's mansion.

Four meters of steel muscle and power. A man whose fist could bring down a building, a man whose presence could inspire fear. A hero that even the worst villains fear to face. People say that fear is his bitch and he plays with it in his favor, cleverly manipulating it so that his opponents surrender without difficulty.

A man who is predicted to be a possible future Top 1 USA's Hero, a statement so ambitious, but for such a man quite realizable.

And now, a man with this future, and present, that many dream of, was relaxing in his huge mansion, with an expensive garage and several businesses in different fields. Dressed in his most usual attire: a Hawaiian shirt and loose shorts. There were no shoes on his feet, because what kind of moron would wear shoes in the house? Not him.

Remember we talked about the rabbit holding the lion in check? Well.

"Inko, tell me, what's bothering you so much? " Goliath smirked slyly, hiding his nervousness behind his smile. The two were in the main hall.

The main hall of the mansion was impressive in its grandeur and sophistication. The high ceilings were decorated with carved elements that gave the room an aristocratic sophistication. The huge window, decorated with silk drapes, offered a magnificent view of the luxurious garden, flooded with bright sunlight.

The windows invited the warmth of a summer day, which matched the beautiful weather outside the window. The bright blue sky that stretched to the horizon was colored by the play of white fluffy clouds. The grass on the lawn seemed especially green and lush in the sunlight, and the flowers planted along the driveway glowed with bright colors like fairy tale declarations of love.

A lush rug made of soft silk adorned the floor of the hall. Its coloring, combining pastel shades and colorful painting, emphasized the richness and luxury of the interior. Sparkling candlesticks made of precious metals were placed throughout the room, creating an atmosphere of mystery and nobility.

Majestic columns decorated with golden patterns surrounded the room, framing its grandeur. A large fireplace with carved floral ornamentation occupied the center of the room, its wood fragrant with the scent of antiquity and status.

Huge jars of wildflowers stood in the corner of the hall, their bright petals and beauty making one forget all cares and hardships. "Why even have such huge plants in the house? Literally a tree by the door, ugh.... If it were up to me, I'd put up iron statues, though... If look form other corner...They look pretty good, if you look at them. And Nana likes it. Ok, Inko was right to insist on buying greenery here, at least it dilutes the atmosphere... And why did she have to buy so much white, Eh...? " Goliath's thoughts flew all over the place, doing his best to ignore the irritated girl in front of him.

Inko Midoriya, a young woman, Japanese, with green hair and a trim figure; his secretary and part time sister, but not his own, but his named sister. Inko is quite close to him, so she's been living with him for quite some time now. Goliath was the one who suggested she move in with him, and America in general. At first there were hesitations on her part, and her unwillingness to be a "burden" and twist under his feet, becoming a freeloader, wasting his money and time. Then Goliath had to come up with a different approach.

His tricky ass offered Inko to be his secretary. Of course at that point he didn't have his own ready-made agency, it was under construction. He'd have to recruit staff anyway, that's when he decided to start with the person closest to him, Midoriya. Secretary was the best position, because better than her, no one knows him better or knows how to deal with his antics. Plus Inko was very responsible and great at putting the right routine in place, which he was thankful for more than once. It was a decision they had never once regretted.

Besides, she was the one who brought him to his senses. As Goliath knows (only to his entourage) he has a habit of becoming more and more impulsive and incredibly talkative around more people, and can blab some shit. Goliath is aware of what his behavior can lead to, though he can't do anything about it, so he always keeps someone around to bring him to his senses.

If he goes out of bounds and acts unprofessionally, this person will act as a "limiter" who will tell him to slow down. In most cases, Inco was the enforcer. And that's why she sat one of USA's strongest men on the couch in front of her, making him listen attentively while she collected her thoughts.


"Andre." Green haired began calmly, finally getting the man in front of her to focus on herself.

" Yes, Inko? " the 4 meter tall giant asked innocently.

" You already know what I'm going to say, so I'll get to the point. You shouldn't have picked a fight with another hero. That's the strangest decision you've made so far that I can remember. I'd even say, you outdid yourself, it's not even as crazy as when you beat up a villain using his own minion as a bat." Inko pinched the bridge of her nose, remembering that truly cartoonish moment, they'd had to pay a fine for damages later, Goliath had gotten a little too excited that day. The PR department of their agency was very complimentary of their boss, but Inko was not happy, there was so much unnecessary paperwork on her desk. " Sure a showdown between heroes is nothing new, but no one does it during their work shift..."

" Uh, I was just going to say that the heroes sometimes fight amongst themselves... " Andre rubbed his broad neck, realizing that there was no way he was going to win this possible verbal altercation with Inko, "I don't deny that I was out of line, but can you imagine a hero or even a villain who calls himself 'All Might'?! " the giant spread his arms out to the sides, bringing it up again.

" But for some reason you didn't react that way to that professional hero called 'Death Lord'." replied Inko briefly, raising one eyebrow and sitting down on the nearest chair.

" Yes, because he was a cretin and an upstart. Who calls themselves a Death Lord anyway? How cocky and complex do you have to be to call yourself that, a? "

"Wasn't that a little too much to say that day? "

"What did I say to him? " Andre asked perplexed, looking back at his named sister, who shook her head in displeasure.

She raised her hands defiantly, flexing two fingers each, "I quote : 'Death Lord? Good name. I must congratulate you, obviously you parents never had reason to. "

" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Damn I'm good" laughing loudly, laying his head on the back of the couch with laughter prattled Andre, amazed at his own words. No wonder he had forgotten his words, he wouldn't even dignify such people with a memory, perhaps the name would be on his mind for days, but Andre didn't need such memories. " Speaking of this clown, I looked up some information about him, and I think he should have been beaten harder after all. "

"Harder?! You gave him a concussion! "

"That's it? Nah, weak, a child rapist deserve more than that, I would have killed him altogether if it were up to me. " frowned the giant, looking up at the ceiling and remembering the situation. He smashed the table with anger, angry at himself, for he hadn't beaten it to a bloody mess. If there were any questions about such injuries, he simply wrote it off as self-defense, nothing more.

Children are Goliath's weak point, it pains him too much to see children suffer. If you have a death wish, try hurting a child and appear to Goliath. He doesn't know what that asshole was thinking, showing up to people.

"Child Rapist?! " Eyes wide and jumping up from her seat at the sudden thought, she grabbed the armrests holding herself up while in a semi sitting position. Her head involuntarily filled with unnecessary thoughts, involuntarily her brain replayed a heartbreaking childish cry of pain. Anger gripped her, she didn't even notice as she raised her hand in the air and slapped the armrest with all her might, words filled with venom flew out of her mouth, "Then he deserved it all! Normally I'm against all this violence, but people like this... They're not even human! Where is this "creature" now! "

Andre met eyes with Inko, smiling predatorily, " With the crimes he committed, he's reeled in a few life sentences, but don't worry my dear sister, he's where he belongs. "

By "that place" Andre meant Hell. Goliath didn't even bring himself to memorize the creature's voice, let alone his words. Of course, the initial reason was that he thought he was an upstart, like everyone else who called themselves such silly names.

Inko sat back in her seat, trying to calm her anger, with her arms crossed she exhaled heavily, "And I hope his stay in this place will be the worst. "

" You have no Idea. "

Inko decided that a cup of coffee would be better to cool her nerves, she got up from her seat and stepped towards the kitchen, " Alright, let's continue the conversation over breakfast. " she invited Andre to follow her.

" I'd love to. "


Goliath's grand mansion hid behind its walls not only luxury and sophistication, but also a unique kitchen design that epitomized the progress and elegance of the trendy high-tech style. This space was the assembly point for Goliath and his closest friends and family, and the splendor of its interior left no one indifferent.

Functionality and modernity combined with elegance and innovative technology created a unique atmosphere in the kitchen.

The entire floor was covered with snow-white ceramic tiles with a glossy surface, reflecting light and adding airiness and space. Clean lines and a minimalist approach to furniture and accessories created a sense of harmony and peace.

The kitchen island covered in smooth marble became the center of attention and a place to cook and think. Innovative appliances built on leather chairs not only made cooking easier, but also gave an impressive look. A huge stainless steel refrigerator with smart features blended in perfectly, creating an effect of perfection and functionality.

The kitchen, on the other hand, was next to the dining room, which was as luxurious as it gets.

The majestic dining room of Goliath Mansion continued the theme of high-tech style, creating an amazing atmosphere of modernity and elegance. The space of the dining room was organized with comfort and functionality in mind, to dispose guests to a pleasant lunch or dinner.

The dining table, made of shiny chrome metal and glass, was the centerpiece of the room. Its smooth surface reflected the light, creating an effect of lightness and spaciousness. Elegant chairs with leather upholstery recreated the image of elegance and comfort, inviting guests to enjoy a festive dinner.

Special attention was paid to the lighting in the dining room. Impressive crystal chandeliers suspended above the table created a play of light and shadow, adding glitter and luxury to the interior. Light installations and lights embedded in the floor and walls allowed for different lighting scenarios, creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere.

Inko walked into the kitchen, heading straight for the large refrigerator, " Silly, tea or coffee? "

Andre entered following her advancing to a vacant chair, he didn't turn around he replied. " Let's just have tea, and... " he sat back down, returning his gaze to Inko, "You know I don't like coffee, you broccoli. "

"Yeah, yeah I know, but it was still worth asking in case you changed your mind," she shrugged, opening the cabinets and pulling out two cups from there before pressing the button for the automatic kettle to boil. She turned around and crossed her arms over her chest and continued, " Until the boiling water is ready, let's get back to this situation of yours. "

" Uh... " Andre put his head down on his hand, sighing unhappily, "Look, did you see the excitement this caused on social media and how much good it did us? John from Marketing is already saying that they're getting more and more offers to cooperate. And the hype that comes after all this... Just check out Twitter and you'll see for yourself. "

" Yeah, yeah, I can see it myself, but you know better than I do, what you do sometimes. Still, you're the one who asked me to keep an eye on you, to keep you in line, aren't you, dummy? " Inko smiled wryly, feeling behind her the rising steam from the kettle that would soon be ready.

" Well yes I am, and? Uh ok ok, I won't challenge professional heroes.... " Andre stood up from his seat, heading for the exit, " Perhaps... "

I think this one is bit cringe? Let me know what do you think.

I post a short chapter to let you know I'm online and haven't abandoned it. If there are any mistakes, then let me know.

MasterBonercreators' thoughts