In a cosmos filled with countless races and powerful beings. initially betrayed by his fellow earthlings and abandoned on the martian surface to die alone. our protagonist Arman finds himself in front of gods who want to assign him a generic mission of saving the world. Arman instead of asking for cheats rolls back his eyes and then quickly falls to sleep shamelessly But fate isn’t taking "no" for an answer. Awarded with a cheat, our protagonist reluctantly has to accept his fate. and get born in the body of Arthur Nolan, a son of an Aristocrat. As soon as he is wakes up, he finds himself a part of an assassination plot, given no choice he only has his cheat to save him from the threat from then on starts the legend of Arthur. --------------------------------- Get ready for an action-packed adventure featuring an insanely overpowered protagonist. -------------------------------------------------------- Op MC -check!! OP subordinates — check!! -------------------------------------------------------- read along to know why despite always trying to maintain peace in his life, unknowingly he has terrified even gods ------ please read at least first 25 chapters and then judge this novel, it's my first work, so please do tell about the newbie mistakes, if I make them. cover page doesn't belong to me. Note: starting few chapters may feel a bit slow, after that the story will pick up the pace.