

The world made by God ,

and God are in Heaven ,there is a huge fight

started between gods children there is infinite planet to rule so they start fight

that there creation are best then any god,

so the God's father deside this fight is

over with a competition that whose creation,

is best then anyone and so the God's father deside to create a competition to decide that who is the best God.

there is infinite planet and infinite God some are interested in this competition and some

are scared so they decide five planet to

fight in this competition they are first is the

Melonious is the biggest planet and have the powerful God Melon , second Arkcenious

it is the second planet ruled by Arkce ,third

one is Earth it is ruled by Evan .

"author - don't mind the gods name actually

that's my first noval and I don't deside how to

name them "

fourth is Lakerev that ruled by Lavi, and the last is Scaryia ruled by Devin .

Every planet start preparing for the competition and chose there best creation,

Evan the God of Earth start to go searching in Earth to find best creation of his, then the gods decided how to take the best person

who is liked by everyone, then in heaven's

globe a name is start occurring and the first word is B second T and third one is S.

BTS .......