
Godly Emperor of Light and Darkness

Roan arsen has so many weird hobbies like reading novels, searching about aliens and reading theories about he Universe, parallel worlds and so on. After reading novels, he fell asleep and dreaming of wars in the universe. He saw an ethereal being whose fighthing thousands of strong demons. But when he woke up, he was in the body of a five years old boy. Calming himself down, he tried to first familiarize to his new body being wary of his sorroundings. Seeing giant monsters fighting.. he was flabbergasted and fear crept his body, but he strengthened his will.. he needs to survive. The golden bead shined and....... (swish)............. (A/n: i hope you will like my new story )

08skymist_Music · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 6

A ten years old boy with long black hair with silver highlights, golden sharp eyes, pale white skin and with a cute face is sitting on the balcony of his tree house while drinking fruit juice and eating roasted meat.

Watching the stars and the moons, yeah, moons, their are three moons above, which looks like three rings that follows one another.

Since the day that he woke up into this world, he experience so many things that sometimes he forgets the life of comfort. Watching the nightsky makes his heart warm and at peace, never losing hope of finding a way out of this forest.

{It's been so long since I watched the nightsky without being pressured by the danger of being in somone's mercy.}

With a smile on his cute face, he finished his dinner and went inside and sleep.

Six months after he killed the fire winged tiger, Roan decided to build a tree house at the top of the highest tree in the whole fourth layer, a hundred meters away from the fiery cave.

He also made a new food storage, ten meters away from the tree house.

The fiery cave turned to a training area and a forging area and weapon's storage area.

He also learned new things like forging, and this time, the golden bead granted him a small book that is only visble in his mind scape, it is called "manuals for a beginner forger or blacksmith".

This is the first time that a book materialized from the leaves of the golden bead's tree body or divine tree, this is the name he named the tree, thinking that always calling it the "golden bead's tree body" is so long.

So here it is, he learned to forge simple weapons, he strengthened his weapons and added the materials he got from the tiger making his weapons and armor reached a new level.


Morning of the next day, roan started cultivating once again, seven days had passed in a blink of an eye.

As his realm go higher and higher, it became longer and longer for him to cultivate, thankfully, he created a device that will record the number of days using the blood of the beast as ink.

How he made it is not important, it is a long way back when he felt that his cultivation time goes longer and longer, so he decided to make something resembling a calendar and a clock.

After Cultivating, he trained his mixed martial arts that he learned from the divine tree, then trained his sword, spear, dagger and the bow and arrow art that he learned three weeks after he killed the fire winged tiger.

Ten days had passed since his training started and now he needed to eat, so he went and hunts once again.

Making the beasts hide in his mere presence, but how can they hide from a predator like him?

Two hours passed and he is now pulling three water ox's bodies reaching four meters in length each. He roasted it, this is the only way he knew how to cook it. He loves eating meat, because it taste so delicious even without any condiments.

Five hours passed and he finished all the ox's meat. He once again trained, thus time it's in forging and archery, it's always like this, another ten days had passed.

He decided to eat once again and cultivate his body, while being soaked in the fire lake for days, eight days to be exact.

After all of this, he will take a bath and eat a small dinner before sleeping eight hours until the next day.

This is his monthly routine, not daily because time for him passes in a blink of an eye.

Month's passed until it reach until five years.

The once small little boy became a handsome young man. For this past years, he trained and trained until he reached level 14 in his cultivation realm.

Now he felt that he is now ready to venture a new territory of the giant beasts, the core area of the forest.

{This will be the new journey that i will now face, I just hope that I will find clues on how to leave this forest, I felt that since i reach level 10, I could certainly fly, but something is restraining me, so maybe, this is the law of this world, and the only way to reach the exit is to reach higher realms or fight my way out of this place.}

Roan thought while looking on the distant field near the fourth area.

Years ago, he tried to look for another way to leave the forest without entering the core area.

He never finds a way out of this forest, something is disturbing his sense of direction that he will always end reaching the first layer of the outer area.

Scouting the barrier that is around the core area, he felt a gentle force pulling him inside. He felt it, that once he entered the core area, he will never be able to retreat to the outer area.

" I need to first be prepared before entering the core area, my gut feelings screaming that something dangerous is inside the barrier."

So he went home and decided that he will enter the place after seven days.

He needed to prepare everything he needed and eat all of his stocks of food.

He will just hunt for food inside of the core area of the forest when the time comes.

He prioritized his weapons and armors and some fruit juice to drink. He is not sure if there are fruits inside of the core area, so he decided to store some in his bag.

He made two pair of fingerless gloves from the skin of the earth rhino, the skin of this beast is as flexible as cloth but as trong as metal, this is also one of the materials he used in his armor and sandals.

//This are the things that he prepared before entering the core area of the forest://


*Two swords like katanas, with white and black handles and sheats.*

*detachable spear->2 1/2 meters in size, turns to a 1/3 of a meter when in baton mode*

*three sets of dagger (black in color, a set is six pieces of dagger), 8 inches in length.*

*Convertible Bow -> 1 1/2 meters long, full length, 12 inches when converted to a rod.*

*Drinks*-> six bottles of fruit juice (1 Liter each)


* 3 sets of clothes* (for emergency use only)*

*Armors* Currently wearing.

*Special tools*

2 hammers for forging

2 knife for cooking

After finally settling for this, he decided to rest on his bed while looking at the update of his status.


AGE: 15









-> LEVEL 4









He burned the skin where his status was written, like he ussually do.

He fully remembered everything so he don't need to keep it. This is just his way to organize his thoughts and analyze his improvements.

"I will surely leave this place, tomorrow, I will enter the core area"

He whispered to the air, while slowly closing his eyes.


*Roan's height and body description*

1. golden sharp eyes

2. pale white skin

3. long ponytailed black hair with silver highlights

4. body of a swimmer

5. 6ft and 6inches in height

Author's note:

I didn't put his weight because it often changes everytime he reaches new realms in cultivation and body art.