
Goddess of Carnage

More than fifty years ago, heaven acquired a great triumph the day the demon king was finally defeated and killed. His "pets", dangerous beasts of carnage, fell into eternal slumber. The demon realm was completely sealed off, making its inhabitants unable to leave at all. Heaven's greatest nightmare was gone, so everything should be well, right? Wrong. Not when the cultivation world had begun to see reasons to believe that the dead demon king might not be so dead after all.

Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter eight: Haibin town.

Time froze.

Junjie stared at them and they stared at Junjie. Then Yingyue's poor brain finally alerted her of the exact reason why time had frozen in the first place.

Instantly,as if he had some contagious disease, she peeled herself away from him and put both hands demurely behind her.

"Dage"she addressed the man before them, injecting every ounce of respect she could muster into that one word.

Junjie, bless his kind soul, played along with her "no awkwardness please" mission.

"Yuchen. Child Meng. Are you done already?".

"Uncle. I request a different punishment" Yuchen spoke.

Junjie looked from him to Yingyue, and an amused smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Why don't you two come in?".

They obeyed, and soon three of them were seated around his desk.

"Tea?"he asked.

"I'm honored".

"Yes, please".

They spoke at once, and Junjie smiled as he poured everyone a cup.

"Did something go wrong?"he asked.

Again they spoke at once.


"Not really".

It took Junjie all of his willpower not to burst into chuckles. He had suspected that things might not go so smoothly between these two people who were complete opposites of each other. Yuchen,who had been taught not to feel his own emotions from childhood, and Yingyue who had a way of drawing people's feelings out of their hiding places. Still, he firmly believed that Yuchen needed someone like her by his side,at least until he left for Mount Tianshi. In his opinion, Yuchen needed a friend more than anything else. And since the boy was unwilling to make any, of course Junjie would gladly help him out.

"What happened exactly?".

"It was unintentional, Dage...".

"Uncle, I respectfully request a different punishment"Yuchen cut in.

"I can make that happen...if you tell me why I should".

Yuchen inhaled deeply, no doubt trying to keep his annoyance in.

"Dage, can I get a different punishment too?"Yingyue added.


"W-well... because...".

"You never read the rules"Junjie completed the sentence for her.

"That...!"she stuttered,then bit her lower lip, and suddenly became very much interested in her cup of tea.

Junjie sighed.


Yuchen's hands tightened around his cup, while Yingyue tittered nervously.

"Fine,"he said"a letter soliciting for aid just arrived from Haibin. The town has recently been experiencing strange occurrences".

"What kind of occurrences?"Yuchen asked.

"It wasn't specified. I think the people don't know exactly how to describe it. That's why I need you two to go there and find out".

"We... two?"Yingyue asked.

Yuchen was quick to object.

"Uncle, I...".

"Can do it on your own? I know that, but it is against the rules for a student to go on such an expedition all alone. You might be the Jade Dragon, and my nephew, but you are still a student, Yuchen".

Yuchen had no words to argue with that. Yingyue, however, could tell that he did not want to be anywhere near her.

"Dage,if you could reconsider...".

"What? Do I hear Child Meng saying she'd like to replicate the rules twice?".

"No. Not at all, Dage".

"I didn't think so. Keep in mind that that you are only going there to investigate. Do not engage in battle if you do not have to. And if you do have to, make sure to release the signal and ask for backup. Do you understand?".

"Yes, Uncle".

"Of course, Dage".

"Good. You leave at first light tomorrow. Oh, and get your dinner from the chefs. I had them keep it".

"Thanks a lot, Dage! You're the best!".

With that, Yingyue breezed out of the office, leaving Junjie with his nephew.

"Is there a problem, Yuchen?".



"Why must she go with me?".

"You're both law breakers, are you not?".

Yuchen did not respond.

"Yuchen, do you dislike her that much?".

Did he dislike her?

For the first time in his entire life, Yuchen did not have the answer to a question.

"She makes you feel... unusual, doesn't she? Somehow you're unable to maintain your apathy when it comes to her".

Yuchen looked up.

"You've spent years learning to suppress your emotions, but then she comes along and unravels what it took all those years to achieve. Naturally,you won't feel very good about it. But, Yuchen, that might not be such a bad thing, you know".

"You make it sound like a blessing. There are many temptations that come with the immortal cultivation path. She's merely one of them".

Junjie smiled, but did not dispute his words.

"When I opened the door and saw you two...".

"Stop"Yuchen said immediately.

"...I remembered that even I can't touch you. It's been eleven years...".

"Stop it".

"... Since you last felt the touch of another person. While she held onto you, I looked at your face...".

"Just stop".

"... And you looked terrified, like you were under attack".

Yuchen had had enough. He stood up and made for the door.


He paused.

"I've asked you this more times than I can count, and I ask again. What do you want to do? Just tell me that the immortal cultivation path is what you truly want, and I won't bother you or myself anymore".

Yuchen remained silent, but Junjie waited patiently. When his nephew finally spoke, it was to ask a question.

"What she did... will you tell Grandfather?".

"No, I won't".

"Then I will".


Yuchen waited. Junjie's throat worked, but in the end he did not say anything else, so his nephew bowed respectfully and showed himself out.




Mist Oasis had its name for a reason. The place stood at an oasis, surrounded by the skyhigh trees all around. If an intruder were to attempt to enter, they would first have to go through a boundless wilderness, and if they managed to survive that, the oasis was shrouded in thick, magical mist that was nearly impossible to navigate.

Thanks to this, only invited people,as well as those who already belonged to the sect could successfully get in. Somehow, though, the Mist Oasis itself was not covered in any mist.

Yuchen stood at the gates, watching the clouds of moisture outside. It was already past first light, and Yingyue was yet to arrive.

After waiting for a long time, he was ready to leave on his own. He had already turned when he heard her voice.


Inspite of himself, he turned just as she ran into view, her sword in her hand. She stopped in front of him and proceeded to pant, her hands on her knees. Her hair was always messy, but today it was so exceptionally so that she really shouldn't have bothered with the single braid in the first place. There were multiple strands peeking out of every inch of it like the ruffled feathers of some bird, and it made Yuchen's eyes itch just looking at it.

"You're late".

"Yeah,"she agreed breathlessly.

"Tardiness is prohibited...".

"I know, I know"she straightened up and grinned"sorry, I just got distracted".

"Were you climbing trees again?"he could not help but ask.

"No, nothing against the rules this time. I was just daydreaming,is all. Did you wait long, Shixiong? I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'll tell you every detail of all I imagined. Fair enough, right?".

Yuchen looked at her, then, as if suddenly wondering what he was even doing listening to this person's ridiculous prattling, he turned around and began to walk away.

"Ah? Shixiong? Wait, Shixiong!".

He was surprisingly a fast walker, and Yingyue actually had to sprint a little just to catch up.

"Don't walk out on me like that. What if I'm unable to follow?".

Suddenly, she sneezed and rubbed her nose.

"How can you stand all this fog?"she asked, waving her hand in a vain attempt to clear the haze before her.

Naturally, he ignored her.

They walked for what felt like hours to her until they got out of the mist. Yingyue was grateful she had Yuchen with her, because she certainly would have lost her way otherwise.

"We'll fly on our swords from here"Yuchen said.

Without waiting for her to respond, he got on his sword and took off.

"Hey, wait up!"Yingyue called out as she hurried to unsheath hers and join him in midair.

Their flight was silent except for the wind rushing past their ears. Yingyue would have loved to look around, but Yuchen was moving so fast she feared she would lose sight of him if she looked away from him. And without him, finding her way to Haibin town would be impossible. In no time at all, they arrived at their destination. Yingyue was sorry the flight had ended. She would have loved to remain up there a while longer.

There was already a crowd awaiting their arrival. Apparently, news had spread that cultivators were coming to solve the problem, and everyone wanted to see them. After all,in certain places, cultivators were merely legends,whom people idolized from afar.

Instantly, the crowd surged towards them.

"Are you the cultivators?".

"Which sect are you from?".

"Does this mean we're safe now?".

"Why didn't you come sooner?".

The people looked like they were going to swarm the two of them. Yingyue was bracing herself to endure this when her eyes caught the look on Yuchen's face. Most people would not see anything besides his usual blank expression, but she saw it. The tiny, nearly inexistent crease between his eyes. And she remembered that he was not allowed to make physical contact.

"Stop, you all!"she called out"have you no respect?!".

Her Young Miss Cultivator air was so perfect that the people actually stopped and went silent.

"We're sorry, Young Miss"a young man spoke up"we have just been waiting desperately. It kept getting worse everyday".

"Well, you can rest easy now. We're here".

"Are you sure you can find the evil thing? Nobody has ever even seen it".

"What? Are you doubting us?"she feigned annoyance, looking like a perfectly experienced master, which she wasn't.

"I'm sorry... that's not what I meant".

"Are you notable cultivators,then?"someone else asked.

"Notable!"Yingyue was affronted.

These people had never produced a single cultivator,yet the Pan sect was benevolent enough to send them aid and this is how they behave?!

"Bow your heads! This guy is the Jade Dragon of the Pan clan!".

A noticeable ripple went through the crowd at the sound of that name. All eyes turned to Yuchen, and there was a silence so strong it could have gained consciousness and become a living entity.

"The Jade Dragon?"someone whispered.

"Why didn't you say so?".

"If we had known we would have behaved ourselves!".

"Brought offerings!".

"Kowtowed in greeting!".

"Wow,"Yingyue whispered"and I deprived you of all those things. Sorry, Shixiong".

"The Jade Dragon is my idol!".

"He's my hero!".

"I pray to him everyday!".

Yingyue blinked.


To who?

This guy behind her?!

"Let me touch the soles of his shoes!".


"No no no!"she exclaimed, waving both arms wildly"no touching! Absolutely do not touch even the hem of his robes!".

"But he's so beautiful!".

"He's even more gorgeous than I imagined!".

Well. He was more gorgeous than Yingyue had imagined as well, which was saying something, as she had such an excellent imagination. But wait, that was far from the point! The crowd was pressing closer now, mostly the young women.

Yingyue looked back to see how Yuchen was taking this, only to see that he was standing there calmly, expressionlessly watching her act like an over adoring sidekick.

This guy...!

"Young Master Pan?".

Both of them turned to see a very old man supporting his stooping frame with a fine walking stick as he walked over,a manservant by his side.

"Chief"Yuchen called, bowing in greeting.

"I was relieved to receive your uncle's response. I really did not expect you to come in person. I am much obliged".

"Wow," Yingyue thought"the town chief came to welcome him in person. What would he say, though,if he knew that the Jade Dragon is only here because he's being punished for misconduct?".

She nearly tittered at this thought.

"The Young Miss is a cultivator of your sect?".

"This is Meng Yingyue".

Yingyue bowed with enthusiasm.

"Meng..."the chief definitely recognized the name, because he immediately bowed"we are undeserving".

"Can you tell us what has been going on?"Yuchen asked, straight to the point as always.

"It is not a tale I can say while standing. Please come with us. We've prepared a feast in preparation for your arrival. I believe you should be rested before you hear the story of the plague that has befallen Haibin town".

"... the plague that has befallen Haibin town".

*shudder shudder*

What do you think this "plague" could be? Also, should we converge and give A-Yue a good smack upside the head? Somebody help our gorgeous Jade Dragon!

Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708creators' thoughts