
Luo Alexis...

It was a cold evening in the vast land called the luo empire, the time was about 7:pm and all the working-class men and women whom had left their home for work where heading back home.

In Dan so which is one of the twelve great cities in the luo empire, Alexis was taking a walk. He was dressed very shabbily,wearing a long black cloak and a pair of black leather boots. This was simply because he did not want to attract any ones attention.

Luo Alexis is the son of the emperor of the Luo Empire (Luo Artemis). Luo Artemis know as the emperor is a very powerful martial artist of the demi god realm of cultivation of pure energy and he controls level 7 law of space and level 6 law of time.

Seen as a very powerful and tyrannic figure, emperor Luo controls the four great nations also know as the four god kingdoms. He has ten wives and eleven sons of which Alexis is the last born.

The emperor's sons are Luxus/30yrs, Gilda/29yrs, Verondelle/26yrs, Asta/25yrs, Leo/25yrs, Silver/24yrs, Leath/22yrs, Stremon/21yrs, Amstrong/18yrs and Alexis/16yrs. Alexia is a very handsome lad with silver hair and sky blue eyes.

There was a prophecy made to emperor Luo when he was still very young. the prophecy stated that "He will have eleven sons which one of them will bring him death. The youngest shall compete with the oldest and he shall be a Vaghanna."

A Vaghanna is the descendent of the great Duo venerate who created the heavenly Dao who gives and takes life. There is only one Vaghanna in each realm. The only Vaghanna on earth is the one from the prophecy.

Alexis being the son of the emperor and born in a world where the strong dominate and rule over the weak, is quite unfortunate. He is born with seven out of eight meridians meaning he can't cultivate pure energy and has always tested negative to any law he was ever tested for.

Alexis leaves the life of an outcast and is looked down upon by the society and even his own father. After the passing away of his mother four years ago when he was still twelve, Alexis lost the taste of life and now leaves a wreckless and useless life with no ambition, no goal and no determination.

To others, Alexis lives the dream life being the son of the emperor and being able to get all he wants when he wants. be the are far from knowing the truth about who Luo Alexis really is.