
A man with a spear

the god of imagination Landed on earth there where volcanos and rocks falling from the sky's.why he picked here I don't know.

'why did I go here again I think the god of forsite said there was going to be people with spears' the god thought. 'I should just sleep for a while and see if them spear people appeared'

And he did just that but it was not for a while a few millions of years went by.

'who is poking me in the face' god looked up and saw a person in animal skin stabbing him in the face with a spear. 'at least that other god was not wrong'

In a I stand the man with the spear was torn limb from limb and only his head was left. "now what do we have here" the god thought as he knelt down to the bleeding man. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME" the man cried out as he fell onto his back. The god stopped the bleeding and gave him something to stop the pain.

"now where do you live and I will grow back your limbs"

"I live in that direction" the man pointed with his head.

"thank you" God said as he took the spear and shoved it in his eye

'what a nice guy'

Heading over to the direction god saw a child running around chasing a rabbit.

'looks a bit like that man I killed oh well can't have them knowing he is dead.

With that the child was launched into the ocean.' wait why didn't I just turn into the that man and it would of been fine'

After pondering for a while he found houses built out of wood and people creating a new house

'so what am I ment to do here'

'do I kill them turn into 1 of them stare'

Then he turned into the man he killed with the spear and changed his looks a bit along with his hair colour.

After walking into the the village all the people there started staring and a few people in spears rushed over and asked who I was.

"I come in peace I am lost and I am looking for a place to stay"

After that 1 of them left and a bigger man came over.

"if you can win against me you can join us"

'a challenge he looks to be better then the other men with the spear'

And with that god three the spear into the big man's head and he fell onto the ground.
