
Red Room

Taking my second afternoon nap during my senior study hall something strange happened. As my eyes closed silence surrounds me, and not just any silence, an unnatural kind of silence. The only sound is my own heart beat, my own breathing, and my own blood flowing. I sickening feeling encompasses my entire being at this moment something is very wrong.

'I don't know why, but I'm scared. I don't want to open my eyes. I don't want to know were I am. I don't want to know why I can't even hear the wind through the classroom window. I don't want to know were all my friends are. The classroom, no nothing can be this silent. Well since it's so silent I suppose I can resume my nap.'

The problem with pure silence is that any sound you hear is amplified greatly. The thumping of my heart like a volcano in my chest, air coming in and out of my lungs like a hurricane, and the blood flowing through my head like a waterfall crashing against my very soul.


'Why, why am I depraved of the thing I love the most. Why must the world be so cruel. Why can't I even sleep in peace. Why must there be no background noise. Why. I know if I can't fall asleep normally I'll just knock myself out.'

I pull up my head and then bring it down to my desk using all my strength.

*BANG* ....

I wake up unsure of how much time has passed, still encompassed in pure silence other than my excruciatingly loud bodily functions. Opening my eyes I take a look around. Red. Everything is dyed in a shade of red. I'm still sitting inside of my desk but this isn't my classroom. The room looks to be about ten meters by ten meters, and my desk is in the dead center. This room doesn't seem to have a door, how did I get here? Well that question can be left for later, now is the time for action. I stand up, walk to the wall, and punch it full force. The wall doesn't even budge. I continue punching the wall till satisfied, strange enough my fists hardly hurt.

'Since that doesn't work how about this'

I go over to my desk, then after a few tries I manage to get the leg off of my chair. After going back to the wall I start hitting the wall with it like it was an ice pick. Repeating this action several times I start to get frustrated.

'This has to work I can't be stuck in this unbearable red room were even something as sacred napping is impossible.'

I stand back away from the wall and ready the leg in front of me. Then running full force I ram it into the wall. The sound of something tearing reaches my ear. Looking down at what that new sound could have been I see that the leg isn't in my hands anymore, but in my stomach.

'Ah so that was my flesh tearing. Strange it isn't all that painful it does kinda sting a little bit though. Oh I'm pretty tired, maybe I should just take another nap.'

I lay on the floor and pass out due to exhaustion, or maybe it was blood loss.

This is my first novel that I started writing during my in school suspensions an got hooked on the feeling of building my own world through words. I am by no means a professional and have never even taken any sort of course in writing. So please if you have any suggestions on parts I can improve upon, which will probably be a lot lol, tell me in the comments.

Hershallcreators' thoughts