
God Magus Teacher

After beating the demon god, Magnus attempted a breakthrough to the god stage. But when he succeeded, he didn't realize 10,000 years had passed. Tired of fighting, Magnus just wanted a normal life as a teacher. "Teacher, can we skip today's lesson?" asked a young boy. "No," A young girl tried different tactics, "If you don't agree, we will disturb your date with our mother tonight." "Understandable. You two are free today. Have a nice day." Thus unfolds the extraordinary tale of a powerful God Magus, a beautiful widow, and mischievous twin kids.

MoonGoblin · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

He can cook


Magnus calmly continued cooking, seemingly unfazed by the ferocious roar. As the sound drew closer, the source emerged from the dense forest—a massive Iron-Clawed Bear, its iron-like claws glinting in the moonlight. The caravan members trembled at the sight of the formidable beast.

"It's Iron-Clawed Bear!" Sophia murmured

Sophia, feeling the powerful mana emanating from the Iron-Clawed Bear, knew that it was not an opponent to be taken lightly. From the aura, it seems the bear is an advanced-stage magic beast. Before anyone could react, Magnus stopped cooking and calmly reached for a butcher knife he had brought along, the blade gleaming in the firelight.

Without a word, Magnus approached the bear slowly. 

"Careful Lord Magnus"

Seeing that Magnus who's a magus tries to close his distance with a bear makes Sophia nervous. But Magnus keeps walking toward the bear.

The Iron-Clawed Bear, sensing danger, roared defiantly, but Magnus remained composed. As the bear lunged forward with its massive claws, Magnus dodged with uncanny agility, narrowly avoiding the deadly strikes.

In a swift counterattack, Magnus expertly maneuvered around the bear, striking with precision. The butcher knife danced through the air, finding its mark on vulnerable spots. The Iron-Clawed Bear roared in pain as Magnus skillfully exploited its weaknesses.

The caravan members, initially paralyzed by fear, watched in awe as Magnus single-handedly took on the mighty beast with a final, calculated strike to the bear's neck. Magnus decapacitated the Iron-Clawed Bear's head, rendering it lifeless on the ground.

"Woooaah" The twins, who were initially terrified, couldn't help but be fascinated by Magnus's skills.

With the bear now defeated, Magnus proceeded to skin the bear expertly. Magnus pulls out the Beast Core, a shining gem-like organ, and throws it to Sophia. "You can keep it"

Sophia carefully examined the Beast Core, identifying it as that of an advanced magic beast. It is a very expensive product in the market. Hunting a magic beast is not an easy task, normally to hunt an advance-stage magic beast, a whole party of advance-stage individuals is needed. but Magnus easily slaughtered the beast without even sweating.

'He didn't even use any magic,' Sophia marveled inwardly, watching Magnus as he was about to grill the bear meat. His proficiency with close combat hinted at not only he has powerful magical abilities but also considerable prowess in physical combat. The mystery of Magnus's true strength intrigued Sophia, leaving her curious about his actual stage as a magus and warrior.

Magnus expertly processed the bear meat, his movements precise and efficient. With swift and practiced strokes, he separated the various cuts of meat, ensuring minimal waste. The twin kids, Lucy and Lucas, watched in awe as Magnus wielded the butcher knife with finesse.

Once the meat was prepared, Magnus moved to the marinating process. He gathered an assortment of herbs and spices, showcasing a profound knowledge of flavor profiles. The aroma of garlic, rosemary, and thyme filled the air as Magnus carefully blended the ingredients into a rich marinade. He added a touch of olive oil for moisture, ensuring the meat would be succulent and flavorful.

The marinated bear meat was left to sit for a while, allowing the flavors to penetrate and enhance the overall taste. Magnus then expertly skewered the marinated meat onto wooden sticks. He set up a grill over the bonfire, the flames dancing and crackling beneath the iron grates.

As the meat sizzled on the grill, the tantalizing scent wafted through the campsite, making everyone's mouths water. The twin kids couldn't contain their excitement.

"Mister, is it ready yet?" Lucy asked eagerly.

Magnus chuckled, "Almost there"

The grilling continued, and Magnus attentively monitored each meat, ensuring they were cooked to perfection. The golden-brown exterior of the bear meat glistened in the firelight, promising a mouthwatering treat.

Finally, Magnus declared, "Alright, it's done!"

He skillfully removed the meats from the grill, the meat tender and juicy. The aroma intensified as he placed the delicious Bear Meat BBQ on a serving plate. The caravan members gathered around, their eyes filled with anticipation and hunger.

Sophia couldn't help but be impressed. She had never seen such a strong person actually cook like a professional chef.

The members of the caravan eagerly grabbed the Bear Meat BBQ from the serving plate, their hunger apparent after a long and exhausting day. The first bite sent waves of delight through their taste buds, and a chorus of satisfied murmurs echoed around the campfire.

Sophia took a delicate bite and her eyes widened in surprise. The combination of Magnus's culinary skills and the high-quality bear meat resulted in a dish that surpassed her expectations. She couldn't help but appreciate the depth of flavors and tenderness of the meat.

Lucas and Lucy, being kids, were more straightforward in expressing their joy.

"Mister, this is the best thing I've ever tasted!" exclaimed Lucas, his mouth full.

Lucy nodded vigorously, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Yeah, I agree! Mister Magnus, you're amazing!"

Magnus chuckled at their enthusiasm. "Glad you like it, kids."

The other survivors of the caravan also joined in the praise, sharing their enjoyment of the unexpectedly gourmet feast amid a forest campsite. The driver, the maids, and even the surviving guards couldn't help but savor each mouthful.

The atmosphere around the campfire transformed from one of panic and distress to a communal gathering filled with warmth and shared appreciation. The delicious aroma of the Bear Meat BBQ, the crackling of the bonfire, and the satisfied sounds of people enjoying the meal created a scene of unexpected camaraderie.

As everyone relished the food, Sophia couldn't shake off the curiosity about Magnus. She observed him closely, wondering about the enigmatic man who not only possessed incredible magical and combat abilities but also culinary expertise. Magnus, amidst the feast, maintained his composed demeanor, occasionally sharing a nod or smile in response to the compliments.

Magnus observed the joyful scene around the campfire, his cold exterior softening as he saw the smiles and content expressions on everyone's faces. A subtle warmth crept into his eyes, a reflection of the satisfaction he felt seeing others appreciate his cooking.

These moments of shared delight triggered a nostalgic wave within Magnus. He recalled the times when he was not only a formidable magus and warrior but also the sole cook at his adventure party during his young adventure day. Before the war with the demon god altered the course of his existence, Magnus was the one who prepared meals for his companions, because he was the only one who could cook. 

Amidst the crackling of the campfire and the ambient sounds of the forest, Magnus found himself reminiscing about the past, a time when his days were filled with companionship, laughter, and the simple joy of sharing a meal after a successful quest. 

"It's really good, Lord Magnus. I never thought a magus could cook this well" said Sophia with an amazed face.

Magnus opens his eyes wide. For a few seconds, Magnus thought Sophia was Runia because the way Sophia praised him sounded very similar to how Runia praised him for the first time about his food. The genuine compliment on his cooking brought a sense of familiarity, a sweet echo from the past. 

Magnus found himself caught in a moment of reflection. He looked at Sophia, the uncanny resemblance to Runia stirring a little bit of emotions he thought were long dormant.

"Thanks" Magnus replied with a warm smile.