
Chapter 59: Agony of knowledge and choice

Once again I look down at the headless corpse, taking the modified Durandal with me while thinking. -It is still a beautiful full sword even with this modification.-

Stepping in front of the only other object aside from Lucys decapitated body and head, I check out the Clock-face. Trying to find a way to look through the glass find a small indentation in its center.

Putting the Celestial dial into it, the clock springs to life, turning back until the Astralclock handles stops at 7 and 4 respectively. The glass between these to vanishes to give access to a white room, totally the opposite of the black one I just fought Lucy.

Stepping inside I find the floating body of-of unconscious Henry. Seeing this body I look around only to find a great nothingness of white, not even the corners of the room.

-Hello, brother... or should I say, sister?- I hear a voice in my head that can only come from the newly awakened Henry.

Rolling my eyes I tell him. ''Oh, shut up Henry I am still pissed at you for killing me the last time.''

''I am very sorry to tell you this, but I am not King Henry Quentin VII, despite my appearance'' Tells me Henry sounding somehow like the Great One whos corpse I found on the second floor. ''Who are you then?''

-Wait a minute Henry's surname is Quentin, just like Grandpa Q. Can it be that Henry is Sifs/my father?... Thinking about it their biographies seem to be pretty similar... How the hell did Dad end up in Worldsend?-

''That...'' Henry says, his face somehow looking troubled before declaring. ''... is something I don't know. My original purpose was it to become the Astraltower Spirit. More than that I can't remember...''

Somehow Henry body suddenly twists unnaturally before telling me mentally.

-I am the Great One. Nice to see you again Now that you have killed the invader of this nightmare I am happy to reward you. As your first reward let me hand this tower and its spirit over to you.-

''Thanks, but can you tell me what the hell is going on? What happened to Henry?''

-We both know that you can also call him father. Be at ease. After using his astral appearance Lucifer or you call it Lucy send him back into his body. Now we come to the second reward...-

''Come on make it quick. I can't wait to return to Merry and Lara.''

-Be at ease time in hear is really relative and unpredictable. As for your reward, it is more a choice than a clear-cut reward. You can choose between two very different roads. Number 1 means stopping Lucifers remodeling of your brain to permanently change your body's gender. You could be with the woman you love as a man, life with them as the creator intended it to be between man and woman...-

''What's the number two?''

-Number 2 is to not gender change and complete Lucifers plan of brain mutation. You would get a System to guide you to make use out of the library below us. You might even have some parasites remaining to modify your body in some minor ways. Not as radical as a gender change... Now you have the choice to eighter finish this remodeling processor you can use the parasites to re-create your entire body. Now, which one do you choose?-

''Anything that I should be aware of before choosing?''

-Too much to count but the most important ones are the twelve universal laws of the universe.

1. The Law of Divine Unity

The Law of Divine Unity is the first of the 10 Universal Laws and it helps one to understand the World one lives in. According to it, everything is connected to everything else. Every thought, words, actions, and intent of one affect others and the universe around us. This is true here and in other universes, even beyond time and space.

2. The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in a world vibrates, moves, and travels in circular patterns. The exact same principle of vibration in the physical world apply to our feelings, desires, thoughts, intentions, and will. Each sound thought or thing has its own unique vibrational frequency. Be aware of that.

3. The Law of Action

The Law of Action must be applied in order for you to manifest things in the world. Therefore, one must engage in actions that support our words, feelings, vision, thoughts, intentions, and emotions. These actions will bring you a manifestation of one or more results which are dependent on our specifically chosen words, thoughts, intentions, and emotions.

4. The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence basically puts us in the drivers' seat of our own lives. Your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world, therefore, one needs to accept responsibility for one's own lives.

Another good example of this law is the fact that in the physical world, energy, vibration, light, and motion have their corresponding principles in the Universe. This explains the relationship between this large realm and the smaller ones like the Aen.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. This means that one has to take responsibility for everything that happens in one's life. Every action has an equal reaction or consequence. In other words, every thought, action, words are full of energy.

6. The Law of Attraction

This Law of Attraction shows how we create the events, people and things that come into our lives. All our thoughts, words, feelings and actions give out energies which, likewise attract like energies.

As one focus on the problem rather than the solution, one becomes intense and the size/ number of the problem will magnify as that's where one focuses on.

7. The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that each person will receive a series of situations or problems for the purpose of strengthening the person. This law makes it possible for one to grow further and surpass oneself.

This law also teaches us to compare our situations to other people's problems and put everything into its right perspective.

8. The Law of Balance

The Law of Balance states that everything has an opposite. There has to be dark so that there can be Light. However strong one becomes the creation will find an equal if not the superior opponent.

9. The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm states that everything vibrates and moves to a certain rhythm. This rhythm establishes cycles, seasons, patterns, and stages of development. Each cycle is a reflection of the regularity of God's universe. To master each rhythm, you must rise above any negative part of the cycle.

10. The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles and that these are the basis for all creation in the Universe. As spiritual beings, we must ensure that there is a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within us in order for us to become true co-creators with God.-

Thinking about the best way to reclaim godhood, find happiness with the two women of my heart and considering the twelve universal laws of the universe I truly feel the agony of knowledge and choice, so I tell the Great One. ''I chose to...''

One more chapter for this arc...

Zibarncreators' thoughts