

- - -

in random inn room at axel

"ughh my head i swear im not gonna drink with that alcoholic goddess again!!"

after washing his face and brush his teeth Ren just remember yesterday he forgot to check his stats update

[Mission Function unlocked]

[Novice Package Received]

[Relationship Page Unlocked]

Name :Ren Kazama




Agility: 13->17(+10)




Base damage :weapon+passive skill+str




[Blood Storage]

A unique storage space that use progenitor blood to store item note:living thing cannot be keep

[Blood manipulation]

Manipulate your blood to make any weapon


[Dagger mastery Level:1/5] *New

add additional damage when using dagger as weapon

lvl 1:10%+ base agi


'Reduces damage dealt to you when you fall below 50% Health.

Reduces your damage taken by up to 33% based on your missing Health'


Restore a certain amount of Hp base str

[Prince of the night]

Gain bonus 3x(lvl) in night time also gain additional better vision on night

[Super Sense]

Enchanced host sense(see , sight,smell) to imperceptible to human ,Everything is much sharper, and more defined as a vampire, and their vision is unhindered by darkness


- 'How to survive in isekai for dummies'

-Basic Outfit

-168.000 eris

-Life Skill Package

-Axel Map


-Get Permanent Resident

Reward:Title 'Welcome to my crib'

- Simple Shop function unlocked

-25.000 System Point

Duration: before winter comes (5 month 15 day remaining)

Penalty:system shutdown

-Get yourself a girl friend

Reward:Depend on who your target is

duration:1 year

penalty upon : Impotent



Likes:Discount Coupon,Magic Booster,Explosion

progress: 30/100 (acquientance) hint: this person started to liking you


Likes:Anything can help her to get a friend

progress: 20/100 (acquientance) hint: this person interested to know you well


like:be praised, Alcohol,Expensive Meal

progress:10/100 (Stranger) hint: you must get closer to this person to get more info

-Satou Kazuma

Likes:Sleep all day, Leeching rich people, Free stuff

progress:you must get closer to this person to get more info

' *sigh* haaaaah what kind shitty mission is this, whatever lets think about it later, system please open novice package please'

[Okay Host]

[Opening life skill Package]

-1x Master Chef Skill Book

-1x Simple Recipe

-1 Roulette ticket

-1 Chef Uniform

'errr im pretty sure i choose this world to be adventurer , why this shitty system give me stuff like this? Well its not i can complain about free stuff '

what ever system please use 'Master chef skill book'

[host you know that i can hear you thought right? stop insulting me okay or i will decrease your Intelligence to that blue haired goddess level, Using Master Chef Book....]

[Cook Level 10] added

[Description: Now Every dish you make gonna add temporary stats point but of course it depend from the ingredients on top of that even canned food gonna be tasty if its in your hand]

While thinking about my life, i suddenly feel my stomach grumbling

'well its time for breakfast i think'

/ / /

While waiting for our food to come ,

we discussing about what quest we should take

we hear someone calling us

"is this Party still recruiting member?"

When we look behind us , we saw female like crusader standing before us

she's got long yellow hair , a foreigner looking face and model like body.

'Ah there you are'

Kazuma tried to answer the female crusader question but it seems he so nervous to talk to bishoujo , well i can relate that

"A-ah what nice body i mean yes we still need 1 tank for our party , do you want join us miss? my name is satou kazuma"

"Haah Haaah Haaah for me to able join this scum party its the best reward everrr !!!!!!!!"

and suddenly my friend dumbfounded at her reaction

'i know this gonna happen'

" oy oy oy What do you mean scum party ? is my reputation so bad in this town???"

"Haaah Haah Haah im not talking about you"

While pointing her finger at me

"Yesterday i saw that Riajuu guy piggy backing a little girl covered in some thick liqiud, Aaaaaah i can imagine my self Every night he gonna taint my Beautiful body with his liqiud"

'oy oy oy what are you talking about dont make people misunderstanding , im trying to make good reputation in this town'

While keep smiling and make innocent face i answered her accusation "Ah you must be misunderstand miss yesterday this girl swallowed by giant frog and im just helping her after tha-"

"Kuuuuuuh Haaah Haaah Haaaah doesnt matter i dont care just let me join your party okay let me be humiliated Haaah Haaah Haah"

'this girl is hopeless'

And just like that this pervert crusader join the party.

/ / /

After we got proper 'tank' literally tank, she is so useless when it comes to hit.

mt routines goes like this

Questing -> piggy backing explosion loli after she use explosion magic -> Party till one of us wasted, and at night im doing solo hunt to lvling up.

Sometimes when theres no quest to do, i invite one of girls from my party to 'date' like window shopping, after a few times doing it i know a few thing about the 'girls'.

1.do you want to make megumin happy? just take her to explosion date or even treat her a decent food well this girl is pretty easy i guess ? plus she's pretty cute girl when her 'chuuni' mode turned off,some weird thing about her beside chuuni explosion maniac is theres a lot 'discount coupon'in her purse , ah i think she gonna be great wife one day whoever marry her is blessed.

2.for Yunyun errr i guess its pretty simple, you just have to be nice to her , i mean its pretty confusing at first time she's never complaint about anything , never angry at me and if do something wrong she always said While looking innocently 'its okay Ren ,we are friends right?', Ah right i remember one day i ask her why she always wear some revealing dress? ' Ah you see back then in my village my friend told me if i wear something like this you gonna make friend easier' okay first off all thats not gonna work and the one you make is just 'horny dog' not some friend girl.'

3.for alcoholic goddess case , its more easier than make a cat happy, you just to take her to pretty decent restaurant and give her a lot i mean a loooooot of 'Booze' thats all , the weird thing i realize is isnt she goddess of water ? how the fuck she can get drunk? oh yeah one more thing never ever let her touch your potion /drinks or anything with liquid it will be instantly turn into water.

Despite her frantic and sometime retard intelligence she a good girl though also beside that i just realize i think she is the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in this world ,her beauty is supernaturaly level.

4.an lastly our 'M' crusader , this girl is perfect waifu material if her 'M' side turn off i mean what can you ask more?, she beauty like your typical bishoujo , she's has good personality also on top of that she is a noble *cough its not that i want leech her okay im just pointing it out, but im wondering why she so shy when she wear 'normal' dress , last time she wear it to go out with me i have to princess carry her to get home because some people teasing her like saying 'ooh lalatina-sama you are so beautiful today' or something like 'oh lalatina are you going to date? btw i like to see you wear more feminime outfit'.

well to be honest its not bad routines i used to be loner in my previous world ,my daily life its just filled with me playing some random game on steam.

well you've been wondering hows my life right now? well after a endless amount of grinding i got a decent amount of money i dont know much is it but it seems i can buy a mansion right now , ridicilous huh? well its pretty normal though for me i mean when night comes i always take a mininum b rank quest to get a decent reward , why i would work hard like that when i can lazily enough like some NEET party member? well its not gonna hard to have extra money in your pocket.

oh yeah right now im living in some haunted mansion with my party member , well we got this for free though its reward for us to 'cleanse' this mansion from ghost well to be honest theres 1 ghost girl left but i pretend didnt know that,but one day i caught this girl stealing Aqua Booze....

I didnt see nothing.

One Night when i was about to sleep i hear someone knocking my door



"yess , who is that?"

"Uhmm,Ren its me... "

Chapter of The day, see you tomorrow

Fenncreators' thoughts