

Servants loaded a carriage with travel supplies then waved farewell to their prince and his escorts

The passengers in the carriage included Death Guardian, Bleak Stinger, Wise Stalker, Justus, and Stewardess Alice

Stewardess Alice-"Take us to the Holy Cathedral"

The driver nodded and sent the carriage into motion

Stewardess Alice-"The streets of the city are crowded and Septem is a great distance away, so today we will be taking a portal to save time"

Bleak Stinger-"I've always wanted to use one of those!"

Death Guardian-"Enthusiastic as always"

Bleak Stinger-"maybe you should try it ,miner knight"

The carriage slowly made its way through the packed streets of the capital towards a ramp that led underneath a porcelain colored cathedral

Once inside the portal, the world turned into a large Silver tunnel with multi-colored lights at the end

Emerging from the other side they were met with an identical ramp leading upwards towards sunlight

Above the tunnel was a small town centered around an old church which is comparably a shack compared to the Holy Cathedral

Standing in front of the old church was a middle-aged priest that waved and smiled

???-" Hello your Royal Highness welcome to Septem"

Justus-" Hello to you Priest what is your name?"

Sewal-" I am Sewal and I preside over this town"

Sewal bowed deeply and approach the carriage

Death Guardian-" has anything strange occurred around town recently?"

Sewal-"on the outskirts of town cattle have been going missing"

Justus-"nobody cared to report this?"

Sewal-"the governor would usually handle affairs around here but he headed to the capital for the ceremony your royal highness"

Justus called Sewal close and whispered into his ear , his eyes widened and he frantically stated

Sewal-" we should visit the edge of town and deepen the investigation we do not receive many visitors so you all will be staying with a house of your choosing from the town"

Alice-" I will stay here and narrow down the possible candidates"

Justus-" no cats Alice "

Alice bowed deeply to hide her grin

Alice-"yes your Highness"

The carriage driver expediently carried the party to the edge of town where they quickly dismounted

Bleak Stinger-"wow I've never seen the border before,it's just woods"

Death Guardian-"not just any woods,I've seen what lives within"

Death Guardian's eyes looked into the woods as if he had seen an old enemy

Sewal-" Some Creatures get through but nothing serious"

Justus-" orcs?"

Sewal -" no your Highness, foxes and the occasional Black Bear"

Justus-" I highly doubt either of those could do this"

On the ground laid the head of Black Bull with a gory trail of blood leading past the border and into the woods

Death Guardian kneeled next to the head and glided his fingers along the ribbons of flesh on the edge of the Bull's neck

Death Guardian-" The head on this bull was taken off with two inhuman hands, ripped off, probably yesterday and it must've been carried out because there aren't any drag marks"

Bleak Stinger clapped her hands

Bleak Stinger-"sooo that's why you get paid more"

Sewal-"we should collect the head then return to town it's getting late and you all have not unpacked"

Justus-"That is a good idea Sewal"

Wise Stalker reached into the carriage grabbed a sack and placed the Bull's head insid with the help of Death Guardian then afterwards tied the bag shut

Everyone boarded the carriage once again and started on the way back to the village

Bleak Stinger-"Soo your Highness"

Justus raised his eyebrow and turned his attention away from the window towards Bleak Stinger

Justus- "yes?"

Bleak Stinger-"have you been this far from the capital"

Justus-"My father took me on a trip to Gentas when I was younger"

Bleak Stinger-"what was it like?"

Justus-"Strange and Cold"

The carriage finally returned to the small town within the district of Septem

Standing in the center of town was Alice and an elderly man and an elderly woman of extremely short stature

Alice-"I only found one suitable candidate for housing your highness ,meet Mr and Mrs Sapphire"

Mr.Sapphire-"excuse me your highness but is that The Sancti Monilia"

Justus grabbed the necklace from around his neck and held it out for Mr.Sapphire to admire

Justus-"yes beautiful right?"

The necklace's Blue silver shimmered in the old man's eyes

Justus handed the necklace to Mr. Sapphire

Justus-"try it on"

Mr.Sapphire-"I shouldn't"

Justus-" it is the least I can do for your hospitality"

Mr.Sapphire looked down at the necklace solemnly and handed it to his dear wife

She placed it around her neck

Mrs.Sapphire-"Doesn't seems that special"

Justus smiled and turned to Wise Stalker and placed out his hand

Justus-"Wise Stalker your spear"

Wise Stalker nodded:reached onto his back and handed over his spear,Justus gripped the spear with both hands then charged the elderly woman with its deadly head

The old man tried to jump in-front of his beloved wife but was just too slow ,the spear made a large crack as it made impact against her skin

Pieces of steel littered the ground at her feet

I have no idea what I'm doing

Daimoncreators' thoughts