
God's Game: I Can Alter My Appearance

"Wow, I never expected my first hickey to be from a used cigarette…" Axle was a thoroughly shut-in loner. His friends compared him to a baby elephant, while his family didn't give a fuck about him. But, one day by a stroke of luck, his life changed when he heard a mysterious voice in his head. Calling itself a god, the voice rewarded Axle with his biggest desire... A system. [You have been chosen as an HEIR to an unknown god.] [You have received MYSTIC CHANGE SYSTEM] [Host chosen, Host; Axle.] [Initializing synchronization…] [System is synchronized. Welcome to the Mystic Change System, Host.] With the ability to alter his appearance, Axle's life changed. But, with great powers, comes great responsibilities... -------------------------------------------------------- The cover is AI generated MC might come off as a little moronic rarely, but that is to make it more 'realistic'. Yeah, thinking of making a bullshit fantasy realistic... I need help... Hope you enjoy my novel! I would appreciate all the support, thank you!

DevilThree · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs


Planet Styrix.

7th August, 2027.

Mystara Continent, Elmwood City.


In a mediocre, dimly lit dilapidated room, sounds of keyboard taps and mouse clicks filled the air. On a simple cushioned chair, a young man of age 17 sat in front of a PC.


Seemingly lost in the world of his games, he used his mouse and keyboard professionally and skillfully.


Neither he was undisturbed by the unkempt mess of his room nor was worried that he had held back his nature's call for more than 20 minutes. After all, he couldn't afford to lose this match.


His name was Axle, a young lad who was 'interested' in video games and gadgets… to say the least. Since his mere 'interest' has been developed into 'addiction' by now.


He had already realized that his bad habits had begun to take a toll on his body, turning him into a chubby lump of meat, filled with lethargy and negative energy.


He had messy, long hair which looked like he hadn't taken a bath for ages, and his chubby face was spotted with light acne, signifying the boy's puberty.


"GOD DAMN IT! I TOLD YOU TO COVER ME, YOU SHITHEAD!" Axle shouted in rage, his monitor displaying a big sign 'Defeat' with beautiful animations. 

He was angry, but there was nothing he could do except shout at his teammates and throw his headphones off in rage. 

*Bam Bam*

But, before Axle could express his anger properly, he felt the left wall of the room thumping. It seems Axle's neighbor sure wasn't pleased by the unnecessary noise Axle was making.


'This bastard-' Axle cursed in his mind and removed all the thoughts of throwing his stuff around to vent his anger, not like it wasn't messed up before anyway. 

What's the point of changing the position of garbage in a dump, when it was all garbage regardless?


// Nachos- Gg's buds. Well played. Let's try harder next time! //

//Chips- Hell yeah! We reached 3rd which is already higher than I expected //

// Coke- Of course, bitch, with your skills you can only rank second last at best //

// Lollipop- Hehehe don't say that now brother coke, poor guy will get hurt //


 Axle's eyebrows twitched when he read the ongoing chatter in his Bonfire GC. These worthless punks were his teammates, mainly because he was incapable of finding someone better with his poor temper and bad communication skills.


'These bastards just lost such an easy match and they are saying it's better than expected?!' Axle gritted his teeth.


// Burger- You better not say anything Coke. I told you to fucking cover me and you died even after using the shield?!?! Did you fucking bomb yourself or what?! //

Since their GC usernames were based on fast food, Axle also had chosen his favorite snack. That was burger.

// Pizza!_I_hate_burgers- Oh here come the egoist. Come on man, give it a rest. No need to be so annoying all the time. Go touch some grass you shut-in neet. //

// Burger- No one is talking to you. //

// Coke- But Zy is right, you are too annoying bro. //

// Burger- I AM ANNOYING NOW?! //

Furious, Axle began to type faster.



He pressed enter, however before he could even see if his message was delivered, the texts disappeared. And the blank page showing his other messages and servers popped up.


He checked the DM tab in Bonfire and as expected, there was no GC named 'Chill Tavern' anymore. He was kicked out from the GC.


Undefeated, he wanted to express his rage in the DMs of his teammates- or rather, ex-teammates. But alas, their usernames disappeared from his friends list too. He was blocked by them as well.


Though he knew he was overreacting earlier, he refused to accept it. After all, his ex-teammates were only casual players, he was the one who forced them to play along with him in tournaments, and then he got mad at their lack of skills. 


But Axle couldn't see that. All in his mind was how they used him to level up and then abandoned him. A basic human nature that fails to see their own faults…


'Hahahaha! Use and throw! How many times is it? I should be getting used to it by now. It's just a norm now,' Axle took out a cigarette and lit it, 'Just make Axle help you, suck all the juice out of him, and then throw him away like trash.'


'I guess it's my own fault, I am too nice to them. I should become like Rex, no one will dare to cross my path then.' Axle took a puff of smoke as he closed his eyes in exhaustion, unable to realize how big of a narcissist he was.


 "Wish I had his body and his face, I could have beaten everyone and never had to suffer." Feeling better after a few puffs, Axle rotated his chair around, spinning it while deep in thought and fantasies, after all, he was the type who thought hundreds of steps ahead but still failed to take even a single step.

Overthinking is the bane of existence.


"Maybe I should really join a gym like Rex has? Will girls hit on me too then? But I don't have a deep voice like his… and what about my face? The gym can't change my face…" Axle sighed, still twirling his rotating chair around.


But, contributing to his already shitty day, the chair he was spinning on broke.


The chair's gear snapped, causing Axle to fall off it, his back facing towards the ground and his head hit the slightly creaking, hard wooden flooring.


"Arghhh fuck-" Axle cursed loudly. His head was ringing from the pain, but luckily or unluckily, it soon stopped as a sharp yelp came out of Axle's lips when his lit cigarette fell on his neck, leaving a burn mark.


"Just great!" Axle quickly swatted away the cigarette and crushed its butt under his foot after getting up, but he didn't stop there and proceeded to kick his broken chair to vent his anger.


His head was still ringing with a headache, like a bad hangover. 


"Wow, I never expected my first hickey to be from a used cigarette…" Axle mused before rubbing his head again to ease his pain. Luckily there was no blood spilled.


"It's because you are so fat that your chair can't take your weight." Suddenly, a voice laughed in his head. It sounded monotonous and sharp, it was quite otherworldly since he couldn't even make out the gender of the voice. Still, if he had to guess, it sounded a bit deep like that of a man.

"Now you say I sound like a male, huh?" the voice boomed in his mind again, this time smooth and soothing, it was sweet with a tinge of sexiness in the voice. The tone sounded mad but Axle's teenage hormones couldn't help but rush at the voice's arousing tone.


"W-What-" Axle was bewildered by the sudden change, 'Does it have an inbuilt voice changer or something?'


"Say, boy, am I a male or a female?" the voice this time sounded deep and gruff, like that of a middle-aged rough, rugged man.


"How about neither? People are going around with pronouns of a lollipop; you can be whatever you want." Axle blinked and shrugged, remembering some crazy, fat oily men who go around saying that they are 'kittens'.


They are some scary people Axle nearly fell into the trap of, and he never wants to meet them again.


The voice spoke again in an amused voice, back to the monotonous one, "You are an interesting boy." 



Fun Fact: Discord's previous name was Bonfire.

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