
Start of world

My story starts with A handsome boy with curly hairs and beautiful blue eyes His name is Eden from Nelson family He is now 20 years old so his parents gave him mysterious Key which have been with his family for more than 1000 years it has passed down to each generation after getting key Eden was always curious which door can this key open

In Eden's family mansion

Servent 1-"Don't you think she is too evil to kill her own family just for some damn library"

Servent 2-"who cares it's all in book is this even real story or just fantasy"

Servent 1-"how can this be fantasy it has mentioned four great families one of them is Nelson and also one who started this chaos I think this can be real story"

Servent 2-"well now that you put it like that I think it might be

a real one"

Eden was listening to all conversations well Servents were talking about book 'cruel family' It has been popular in market Eden got curious and decided to read the book