

We all wanted something that is greater than us, we can't help it, we are human after all. It all started with her, Eve. What happens when you are given a chance to become just like gods, the power to create at will, the power to control. All maybe it all just Game.

notAfreak · วิดีโอเกม
15 Chs


Zed faced looked drained of all energy, and his body looked more like a malnutrition child; he has been walking towards this shady shrine for a while now. The more he walked, the further it seemed to get.

Zed's eyes were on fire like that of a predator looking for something; He wouldn't expect anything from a man who has been hungry for three days straight; his heart was beating so fast.

He could feel the slight sensation of pain on the left side of his chest, and his body was even more disappointing, giving him no face, all the little water he had in his body drizzling their way out and calling themselves sweat and urine. Zed's body odor could kill anything within his ten-meter radius; he is even afraid of his armpit.

The gravitational forces on earth just made the journey worse; back in the mansion, he didn't feel much of the gravitational forces until he stepped out. He felt like he had 250 pounds of weight all over his body.

The wind that came with its only goal is to slap him of his feet if he doesn't grab until something quick enough; he got hit by the hurricane once if not for the fact he could still feel his body, he would have thought his head his a kite in the sky.

"I blame that burnt face fucker for all this," He said. Zed was climbing a stairway that leads to the shrine's entrance, but the stairs kept mocking him cause it only being his 12th step, and his legs are wriggling and voicing out their opinion: please no more.

At first, Zed didn't listen to the burnt face voice, which he now calls Shadow, Shadow told him the world would expand, and everything will be different. Shadow kept telling him the gods have chosen earth as their battleground, and the weak will fall, and the strong will rise. Shadow kept saying something about their primary goal, but Zed didn't pay attention to all this.

Shadow told him to come to this shrine cause he feels some power hiding in it, but Zed ignored its rants until two days later, Shadow will appear in his dream and tortured his life out of him. The first day wasn't that severe Shadow kept showing up in his plan and calling the insane torture training. Shadow will make him run with so much weight in his dreams and fight animals he has never seen before. Zed will wake to feel weak and hungry. If he dies in his dream, he would feel so much pain; he wouldn't be able to use whatever body part was damage for a day.

Zed tried not to go to bed cause the only way Shadow can harass him when he is sleeping or near a mirror, but that didn't help. He had to go to bed at some point.

After his 5th day, he made his way towards the shrine; he believes if he gains whatever power Shadow wants, he would be able to fight back and use it against Shadow.

Zed finally made it to the shrine's entrance, his mouth, of course, was wide open to gain in more oxygen, and his hands were on his knees. He hated himself. He thought his action was excellent coming off the plane; he had a clear mind and great instinct of survival, then he realized it was Shadow who was instilling actions into his mind.

Shadow was a good fighter, but his training is inhumane, and Zed doesn't believe in whatever Shadow says about the world-changing into a battleground. Yes, slight changes here and there don't mean gods will come down and fight, he thought.

Zed walks into the shrine confidently after 2 hours of exhaling and inhaling. "Stop, it is here," Shadow, who has been silent since the beginning of the journey, finally said something. Zed looked around to find whatever he was talking about, only to find a statue of a samurai holding what seems to be a katana. "beautiful! Beautiful!! Muramasa, just perfect."

Zed was listening to Shadow voice out about the figure; he was surprised cause this was the first time Shadow has said any word with positivity; he always finds ways to make you feel like your whole generation is a degrading bunch of worthless trash.

"what power, where is the power you talk of? Is it in the statue?" Zed asks Shadow.

"Shut up; it is the sword in the hands of the statue! You degraded and weak human, now slowly grab the sword, and don't remove it from its sheath.

Zed quickly grabbed the sword and was excited to see its power; he ignored Shadow and pulled out the katana from its sheath. Nooooooooo!!!!!! Shadow screamed.