
Guns, Magic and Explosion!

-Yunyun POV-

The adults had forbidden people from coming to this place, as it was where the Axis Order had sealed the Evil God.

We were in the forest near the village, and I couldn't help but worry about the possibility of monsters like the ones Akuma used to scare us with appearing. What if Bigfoot, Big Ed, or Slender Man showed up?

The thought of such possibilities scared me. I didn't even know why we were here, and with the sun about to set, my fear only grew.

"Megumin, are you sure Komekko is here? The teacher warned us not to come here, saying that the Evil God could appear at any moment."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Megumin's demeanor changed. She averted her gaze and began to whistle, her fingers fidgeting nervously at her sides.

It was as if she had done something wrong and was trying to distract herself from the situation. Her sudden change in behavior caught my and Jinx attention.

"Well, someone in trouble."

"Megumin, what did you do?" I leaned in a little closer, trying to catch her eye and get her attention. She continued to whistle and fidget, avoiding my gaze.

I stared at her intently, hoping for an answer, but she remained silent. I decided to employ my usual technique of pestering her until she gave in.

"Hey Megumin, Megumin, Megumin, Megumin..." I repeated, determined to get an answer.

Finally, after a short while, Megumin relented and said, "Alright, Alright... I dropped off Komekko here to play. There, are you happy?"

"Wh-wh-what!? Why would yo..."

Before I had a chance to utter a word, our attention was drawn to something up ahead.

It was a towering and muscular creature with pitch-black skin that had a metallic luster. Its eyes were white with no irises, and it had two pairs of horns - one growing from each side of its head and the other protruding from its cheeks. On its back were a pair of giant, bat-like wings that looked like they could propel it through the air at high speeds.

Was this the Evil God? The aura it was emitting was terrifying. It couldn't be compared to the demon king, but I still couldn't help but shiver.

We have to warn the village. No, wait, what about Komekko? Megumin said she was here. What if she's been eaten?!

No, no, it couldn't be true!

At that moment the 'Evil God' spoke in excitement. "Now it is time for the sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice?! Was Komekko going to be sacrifice?" I said, horrified.

Turning my head, I looked at Megumin, and she looked back at us. "Yunyun, Jinx distract it. I'll grab Komekko, lock it down in place, and I'll blast it with an explosion.

Nodding in agreement, I got ready to cast a spell.


-Jinx POV-

Yunyun stretched out her right arm with her palm open wide and pointed her hand towards the sky.

"Light of Saber!" she shouted as four yellow magic circles with intricate runes appeared on her hands. Each magic circle increased in size as it moved farther away from her hands.


At the same time, a yellow light materialized on her palm, crackling with electricity.

With a swing of her arm, Yunyun brought her hand down, and the yellow light followed the trajectory of her arm, heading straight towards the giant goblin… no, this was a greater demon.

"Rawr!" The demon bellowed in rage as it was blinded by the light. Yunyun's spell left a big burn mark on its skin, but we had expected this outcome.

The purpose of the spell was to distract the goblin, not kill it.

This wasn't just any low-level monster; it was the greater demon we were facing. This thing was at least as powerful, if not stronger, than one of the Demon King's Generals.

I don't know what a greater demon was doing here, but it had to die for trying to sacrifice Komekko.

I reached into my magic bag and pulled out Pow-Pow, my trusty gatling gun. As I opened fire, a burst of purple light erupted from the barrel, illuminating the area in front of me.




-Megumin POV-

Although I wasn't as physically strong as Yunyun, I was faster than her with that oversized baggage on her chest.

Jinx couldn't even be mentioned in this conversation. She was always cooped up in her lab, neglecting her physical training except when Akuma forced her to like he used to do with us.

And so, as soon as I heard Yunyun cast her spell and Jinx fire her gun, I dashed forward, covering a distance of 20 meters quickly. I grabbed Komekko and ran to a safe location while the beast was distracted.

With Komekko on my back, I ran back to where Yunyun and Jinx were.

"Big sis! Have you come here to play with my new friend? He said that he will be my serva.."

"Not now Komekko, I have to go save your big sis Jinx and big sis Yunyun."

"What?! Big sis Yunyun and big sis Jinx are in trouble? I can help! I am super strong like big bro Akuma!" Komekko said in surprise.

"Thanks, but you should just stay beside."


"I'll you to lunch tomorrow."

"Really?!" Komekko said excitedly.

"Yeah, so be a good girl," I said as we finally arrived beside Jinx and Yunyun.

"Megumin, I think we should run. We still have time—"

The monster let out a deafening roar that felt like a physical blow to my eardrums. The sound was so loud that I had to cover my ears and felt a ringing sensation in them afterwards.

Jinx pulled the trigger of her gun, but nothing came out. "I forgot to recharge," she said.

Despite expecting the beast to come charging towards us once it recovered from Jinx's barrage of bullets, it just stood there frantically, as if disoriented or confused, looking around its surroundings.

"Why isn't it attacking? Was it waiting for its wounds to heal? Did Yunyun's spell damage its brain?" I thought to myself before shaking my head.

Whatever the case, this was the perfect opportunity to use my Explosion magic.

Could I resist the urge to unleash it and run away instead?

No, I couldn't!

"Yunyun, lock it down!"

Without hesitation, Yunyun pointed her arm towards the giant goblin, which was preparing to fly towards us, and shouted, "Cursed Crystal Prison!"

Simultaneously, Yunyun stretched out her palms, and a blast of cold air shot out from them, rapidly dropping the temperature in the surrounding air and instantly freezing the moisture around the giant goblin.

The beast was caught, its limbs and wings becoming encased in a thick layer of ice as it struggled to break free.

The ice continued to spread, quickly covering the goblin's entire body and creating a crystal-like prison around it. The giant goblin was now completely immobilized, trapped by the magic of Yunyun's spell.

This was the moment I seized my chance and began to chant, calling forth the power within me.

"With all my heart and soul, I summon forth a power untold. A force of destruction, a tempest of flames and fury.

Let it ignite and explode with a deafening roar! Consume all in your path and leave nothing but ash!

The world shall tremble before your might!


As I finished chanting, I felt the air around me begin to crackle with electricity, and a bright red aura enveloped my body.

All of my energy was focused into a single point, building up an immense amount of magical power.


Finally, I released my spell, and a massive explosion erupted from my fingertips, unleashing a devastating blast of heat and flame that engulfed everything in its path.

The explosion was accompanied by a deafening roar that echoed through the air, and a shockwave that sent objects and people flying in all directions.

The aftermath of my explosion magic was a scene of destruction and chaos, with flames and smoke billowing from the impact zone. The ground was scorched and blackened, and the air was thick with the smell of burnt earth and ash.

Despite the devastation caused by my magic, the girls and I remained unscathed. I had a look of satisfaction on my face.

"It's...it's beautiful," I gasped, my voice barely above a whisper.

My body went limp, and I sank to the ground, unable to tear my eyes away from the stunning display.

Just as I thought the battle had ended, a thick cloud of smoke rolled in, obscuring my vision and filling my lungs with its acrid scent. I coughed and rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my vision.

But then, through the murky haze, I caught a glimpse of movement. My heart skipped a beat as a massive figure emerged from the smoke, its form indistinct and distorted.

I squinted, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

As the figure drew closer, I was about to turn to ask Jinx and Yunyun, and ask them to finish it off, something else caught my eye.

Emerging from the smoke was a black cat with bat-like wings, a red cross-shaped marking on its forehead. I blinked, unsure if I was seeing things, but the creature remained in front of me, its eyes glinting in the haze.

"Nyaa!" it meowed, its voice both playful and menacing.
