God was bored, so he decided to make some changes. *Writing for fun. No Schedule. I don't have any rights for the worlds that will appear in the novel*
In an unknown place in the multiverse, God was watching the many worlds that exist through a TV.
"Boring..." God thought.
"May the Force be with you."
"...Boring..." God thought.
"Elementary, my dear Watson."
*Sigh* "...Let's change some things, shall we?..." God thought, turning the TV off and walking to a strange pool of water.
Creating some magic, the pool started to shine and some seconds later, started to show a planet with information near it.
"Let's see, 'Release that Witch Universe, the protagonist is Chen Yan/Roland Wimbledon, the energy used is magic power, there are 3/4 different races alive and they will start the third Battle of Divine Will in some years...', looks like the humans that can manipulate magic power are the so called witches... Since i want to change some things but not to change all the world, i will side with the humans, and since i have magic power and it would be impossible to be a male witch in this world, i will be female (God doesn't have gender)... Let's see, i will be a so called Transcendent witch but with some more perks..." God thought, seeing the planet.
"Hmm... i'm going to be born in 'Border Town' 10 years before the start of the canon to familiarize with a humanoid body." God thought, creating a time-space portal to the planet and entering it.
Time-skip 6 months
Feeling warm and wet in all directions, God thought 'looks like i'm in the womb of my body mother, let's sleep and wait for me to born.'
Time-skip 3 months
Feeling a sudden force trying to push her out, God woke up and started to think 'So it's time for me to born... let's say Hi to my body parents'.
"it's a girl, Nancy." Random woman helping the birth said, handing the baby in her hands to the mother.
"Thank you, Lola" Nancy said excitedly, taking the baby in her arms.
'So my mother name is Nancy huh, let's say hi' God thought.
'Hi there!'
"She is healthy, looks like we didn't need to weakly slap her ass to cry." Lola said to Nancy with a lovely smile.
"Indeed, let's give her something to eat." Nancy said with a motherly smile, taking out her breast and placing in the baby mouth.
'Wait what? you wanted to slap God's ass!? and YOU don't tak-'
'...Worst day of my eternal life...' God thought, with a small tears in corner of the eyes.