
Goblin ME: creation system

You have probabbly heard of this story before. A teenager dies. He goes to heaven and meets god. The God says, "it was mistake, you weren't meant to die. I'll give you a chance to be reincarnated." Or maybe there is no god. The teenager just wakes up suddenly in a new world alone, but don't worry He has a system to help him. Or maybe there is no system, but he instead reincarnated as a small creature. Maybe a dog, maybe an ant. He would struggle for years just surviving this new world of his. Seems like a lot of fun right? "Yes it is." "Why can't the same happen to me? Take my soul or make me your slave. I just want a different life. I want to have system, i want to not be human, i want to transported to another world. Have many beauties by my side and live my life in luxury." A young man said these words as he gazed at the cealing. Tears streamed his eyes and they touched the wounds on his face. How would he have known that his wishes would come true. And maybe a whole lot more. ... "Wait wait wait... you said I am a what?" [Goblin.] "And I gain points how?" [Any and all sexual activities, host.]

BlackGoblin · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 10: The queen.

The large doors slowly opened and the inside was bare for Alex to see. Ale was amazed at how large the place was.

Many objects and statues decorated the palace. The floor was so clear that Alex could see himself as though he was looking at a mirror. The ceiling was so high that it would make one wonder how they built it. The walls were made with patterns that could no doubt fascinate anyone with an artistic eye. The columns supporting the ceiling were coiled onto by long snake like dragons. Faint blue lines trailed the scales of the dragons and illuminated the place, giving it an enchanted feeling.

But none of these attracted Alex's interest.

There on the throne of stone she sat. She sat lazily on the throne with her left hand supporting her chin. A silver metal mask only left her golden eyes to be seen. Her black hair trailed on her shoulders.

Similar to Norina, she wore a long skirt that had long slits on the sides.

All of these marveled Alex, but none like her skin. Her skin unlike all the goblins he has seen, was not green. It was instead red.

'No, it must be crimson.'

But Alex was not sure, the whole place was after all dark. Only the blue lines trailing the ceiling and statues gave off light. But either way, the woman sitting in the throne gave him shock. Although he had not seen her face nor did she sport any flashy or fancy chlothes, he felt like she was the most beautiful he has ever seen.

And as he was still spellbound by her appearance, he forgot what Norina told him not long ago.

He looked into her eyes!

And their eyes met, he felt as though a connection was made between them. But this connection did not feel at all good, he instead felt terrified. Like how a deer feel when gazed upon by a tiger. The difference is, he doesn't have the choice to run.

He snapped back to his senses and immediately looked down. He continued walking foward, but a head of sweat could be observed from his forehead.

"My queen," Norina half kneeled. Alex was a step slower. He awkwardly crouched on one knee.

"Norina..." A voice lazily sounded through out the hall. Her voice was not loud, in fact, it almost sounded like a whisper. Yet, the two were able to hear her as clearly as if she was right in front of them.

"I have brought the irregular."

"I see. Tell me about him."

"It is as i suspected. He is just like me, a traveler from another world. Although i have not ssen him use his ability with my own eyes, he has confirmed that he indeed has it."

"Is that so?" The queen looked at Norina. Her eyes squinted, seemingly in disbelief of what she just said.

"Alex, please display your abilty to the queen."

"What..." Alex looked at Norina. He was not told he was supposed to show his ability. If it was in the morning, he would have been fine. After all, he had a lot to energy in the morning, but as of current, his balance was zero.

"Right now?" He asked.


'System!' Alex screamed in his head. Although he knew that he had no energy, he hoped that he had earned one or two percent without himself noticing.


But the system did not comply. The system did not reply back to him.

Norina looked at Alex. Her gazed seemed to say to Alex, 'Go on, use your ability.'

Alex started to panic. Why isn't the system responding?



Sweat trickled on his head. He felt a pressuring gaze locked on him.

"Could you have gotten the wrong goblin Norina?"

"No your highness."

"Then why is it not doing anything?" He tone suddenly turned harsh at the end of her sentence. From her voice, Alex felt annoyance and slight trace of anger.

As the two were talking, Alex suddenly had a thought. His eyes brightened, but he contained it.

"Goblin, do you intend to make me wait?" The goblin queen said harshly. But her voice did not just sound harsh. Alex did not feel anything normal from her tone. If anything, it sounded more like a shout to him. He even felt the ground tremble lightly, but all these might just have been a misconception of his.

Although he was frightened by her voice, just at the same time she spoke, so did he.

"System," he spoke softly and almost inaudibly.

[Greetings host.] The system said.

Alex heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that his thoughts were true.

'I can only access the system through speaking.'

"Your highness," he said.


"Um, there are certain conditions that must be met in orderfor my ability to work."

"I am listening."

"I need a platform to make the items."

The queen looked at him curiously. So he continued.

"It does not have to be important. I just need a place to draw."

"Draw?" The goblin queen asked.

Alex Then turned to Norina and said, "You know drawing. Like with a pen and paper."

Norina thought for a second and light seemed to dawn on her. "Your highness, it seems that he wishes for..."

"I know what he wants," the queen said. "Does it necessarily have to be paper?"

Alex then thought, but considering how he used she system with nothing but the ground and a stick, it should possible other platforms.

"No really..."

"Then you can use the floor," the queen got off her throne. She went down the steps one by one. When she stepped on the dark mirror like floor, the place she stepped on lit up in a similar luminous blue to the lines Alex kept seeing all this time.

"Just use your finger and you will see."

Alex stretched out his hand at his finger come in contact with the floor. The floor lit up just where he touched. When he dragged his finger across, a large trail was left behind.

Now all Alex needed to do was draw. But there was one problem.

'How much energy do I have?' He wanted to ask the System, but he could not ask without actually speaking. But he did not want reveal too much about himself. So he thought of another plan.

"System, how much energy do i have?" He asked. His ears perked up and he looked around. And as he suspected, the two did not show any reaction at all. Instead, they were even curious what he said. This was simply because he did not speak in the goblin language.

Ever since Alex reincarnated into this world, he was able to speak the goblin language easily as though it was his native language. Subconsciously, he had recently started using it even in his head. But he did not necessarily need to speak in the goblin language. After all, earlier before, he was using his own native language without thinking. But he was able to communicate with the system. He previously did not think of this small clue before. But he did now.

So he gave it a try. He used a language from earth to speak to the system. He wanted to test out if it worked and to make sure the two did not understand what he said. Of course Alex did not use the common language from earth, lest Norina actually understands. Alex believes that Norina was most likely an Asian, so he had to use a language she would not understand.

Alex could be considered bright in school, so he was very proficient in three languages. The Arikan language from Africa, the Azran, the language from America and the common language Eria.

Although he knew a little bit of the Asian language, he was not too good at it yet. And as Norina looks Asian, there was a good chance she did not know the African language.

So he said the sentence in Arikan.

The only thing that worried him was...


And with that sound in his head, his problems were cleared. Not only did the system understand him in the Arikan language, he also had energy.

The only question in his mind now was, 'what do i make.' He only had this little amount left. He thus wanted it to count.

So he asked, "what does the queen wish for me to create?"

There was brief silence in the room.

"How about a mask," he heard.

"A mask? What kind?"

"The kind just like the one i have now."

Alex did not waste anymore time and used his finger to draw on the ground. A blue trail was left after his finger passed by. This blue like was soon connected to form a mask. The mask was very simple. It only had the shape of a face and eye holes. Nothing other than that.

This mask was similar to the masks worn by the queen and the female goblins. The difference between the mask worm by the queen was that the queen's mask was made of metal, but the goblins' was made of wood.

Alex chose to draw the queen's mask. He put his hand in front of the drawing.

"(Arikan) System, can you make this item?"

[Insufficient energy.]

Sweat dripped off his head. 'What.'

"(Arikan) Can you optimize it?"

[Yes. Would you like to optimize the item? Warning, optimization may remove certain properties of the object.]

"(Arikan) yes."

Once again, a purple haze enveloped his hand and slowly shifted to the drawing. He reached out his hand and held the item below. The haze disappeared and it was soon revealed.

Alex's lips twitched when he saw the... mask.

The queen also looked at the mask. She slowly went foward and stood right in front of Alex.

"Why is it so small?"

Alex was speechless, the mask fit right into his palm. Although it looked just as he imagined it, it was not as big as he did.

"My ability has limits my queen. Because i have previously used it, it is unable to work at it's fullest."

"I see." The queen grabbed the mask on Alex's hand. Alex was shocked at the disparity between his hand and the queen's. It was no different from a child and an adult. Both his hands could fit right into her one hand.

When she held the mask, she was able hold it with her two fingers.

Alex looked up and saw her was a and was shocked. When he saw her from afar, he was a not able to accurately measure how tall she was, but now he was sure. This woman was way taller than an average human.

She might be 2 meters tall or higher. From the looks of it, Alex could only reach her waist.

'Is she still a goblin? She must be an ogre or something. She only lacks the horns.'

Other than her large height, Alex was amazed by her other "size". Just one of her melons was more than two times bigger than his head.

At this marvelous sight, Alex had a stupid thought. 'Wouldn't it be great if I was squished right between those?'

Sadly, the woman wore a skirt that reached her feet. If it had at least reached her knees, he could see her...

This thought instantly left when the queen looked straight in his eyes. He immediately looked down.

The queen then said, "interesting ability. Tell me your name goblin."

"Alex," he said. To his surprise, the queen got even closer to him and put her hand on his head.

"Then I shall name you Alexander."

She did not shout, but Alex felt like her voice boomed in his ear. Like an impact to his very soul. He felt the world tremor and his heart beating faster.

◇You have been named: Alexander◇

◇You have levelled up◇

◇You have gained the tittle: Goblin Queen's subject◇

◇You have gained the skill: Rage◇

Alex was stunned, this was the second time that he had heard a second voice other than the system's in his head. Although the first time he was not very clear headed, he still remembers. Now he had heard it again, but he was shocked by all that it revealed.

Alex smiled with glee as he thought of all the things this implicated. 'Skills and tittles exist in this world!'

"Leave, return tomorrow when you are ready." The queen left for her throne.

"Yes your highness," Norina stood up. She bowed to the queen and signalled for Alex to do the same.

Soon the two left. Leaving the queen all alone in the room.
