
<flashback> Ever Again[1]

It had only been a couple of weeks since Loretto left home but he was losing hope fast.

Everywhere he went he couldn't find a cure for his sister's fever. He tried not to think of how Lyss may already be laying six feet under ground.

It took at least five months for a simple yellow fever to cause death, he should have plenty of time. Then again he didn't even know how long she's been sick.

He constantly felt the pressure of his sister's possible death.

Maybe if he hadn't left he could be there. In het final moments.

Several times he caught himself thinking these things. always battling between potential regret and the possible rewards.

Prolonging his sisters life was more tempting than being able to be by her bedside feeling helpless. So he trudged on.

The distance between his humble village and the kingdoms capital would take at least two weeks to traverse. He had already been walking for a week with little rest or breaks. SO WHY WAS HE BEHIND SCHEDULE.

Loretto's despair grew as time passed and little progress was made. Once the second week came and went and he still had yet to see the capital on the horizon Loretto was ready to was ready to give up.

He stopped. His feet ached and his willpower had depleted. He felt empty. His only company was the despair that weighed him down and reminded him if his failure.

He would not see his sister's smile ever again.