
Chapter 14: Goblin Quest


Day 20:

So thats why they felt depressed, they know my Destiny from the very beginning. And this is the day that I, Ruby, will become an Adventurer just like what our ancestor wanted!

Father, Mother, don't worry I always come back for you two! ^^



The same day after Guts done his work, he filed a report

Ofcourse he omitted the 'Rapier thing' and he even had the same Testimony of his Group, the Aquamancer and Healer Guy so its all good.

Also Guts was tired for his last Dungeons so he for one day wanted to rest, and ready himself for tomorrow's new Quest, his goal? To level up to 3..




The next day

After he took out the Quest, he doesn't want to go at Dungeons for now, so Reconnaisance mission is what he picked, and one more thing that caught his attention was,


it was about a cunning Goblin that raided a village last 2 night ago and an immediate information was needed, not subjugation but a reconnaisance mission

Guts put his one hand to his chin.

How many Goblin

What kind of Goblin

Where to attack,

When is the best time to attack,

and addition is that the offsprings for this year were in declined, as there are many victims because of Sudden appearance of Dungeons, specially here at Gamma kingdom, so Adventurers Guild issued this kind of Quest for Level-1's and Level-2's Future.

And, after his last mission, Guts still isnt level up.

he doesnt have a money for that, whats more, 2 Golds were required to even touch the [Sand of Hourglass], levelled up or not, it can update your current Status like your power extracted within your very body and soul.

[Sand of Hourglass] Miraculously make it possible, but only the higher ups know what really happen to ones body

..or Not..

And one more thing, [Sand of Hourglass] only opened once every 6 month or twice a year so Guts still had atleast 2 to 3 weeks to recuperate himself and level up according to its opening date.



Quest: Reconnaisance mission, the now under controlled by Goblins Karnaes Village whose been assaulted 2 nights ago, The Guild wanted to know what really happen in that village and need an actual Information.

Beware: Do not Engage without knowing anything!

Requirements: Rank Below Level-3

Quest point: this Quest Covered within Kerashval City Authorization

Reward: 5 Silver and 50 Copper, 5 pieces of Beginner potion.


This Quest was at west part of Kerashval City and only half a Day of walking, an Adventurer who doesn't have a mount can rent a carriage or being dropped by any peddler or merchant their way.

This mission was hard for first timer Adventurer and like any other, but the reward was very catchy for them.

5 piece of Beginner potion was exactly 1 silver coin.

When Guts accepted the Quest, he's still thinking, what they look like? can I communicate with them?

Yes, he doesn't want a reward but only curious of what is the 'Goblin out of their Clan' really is..

Gold? Lets work with that after this. He thought.




After he rent a carriage whose destination nearest to Karnaes Village, he sense a tap from his shoulder and saw a guy with full plated silver armor and said,

"Can I join a ride? This carriage also went where my quest at" he said and showed his Quest.

'Kobold Subjugation' was written.

Guts only nodded and pay the carriage Merchant with half the money of what they currently talked.

The Fully armored Guy then also reach out some coin and pay the other half.

Welp thats what transportation fee works.

Before the carriage departed, Guts heard a murmuring sound outside, 'Kobold Slayer doing his business again' they said.




"So you are the 'Infamous Goblin' Adventurer around the City eh? May I asks who's this mister is?" After the carriage departed, the Mask man asks Guts without taking out his helmet and with his high pitch voice.


"Whoa Guts-san eh? Nice to meet cha!" He said Naugthily while laughing,

"And?" Guts asks,

"Ohoho! So Goblins can talk eh! Oh well... They called me 'Kobold Slayer' so you can call me that from now on, and I dont mind" what He said made Guts irritated.

But Guts Only close his eyes and lean his back and stay silent, its better to hear the carriage wheel bumping through rocks and mud rather than this Guy. He thought

A carriage Guts rented was only straight horizontal made of wood with ceilings made of sewed fiber and only transfer goods and other materials, carriage that does have a chair inside was only for noble and rich, him and Kobold Slayer only join a ride with this merchant and they drop off along the way.

'Maybe I can really talk with them?' Guts thought while steel his composure with closed eyes. He still thinking his quest

On the other hand Kobold Slayer-san was cleaning his Sword Blade and anything that made his armor shine

'This Guy' the carriage Merchant thought.

well, he was famous for hunting kobolds, but last month for whatever reason, his weapons and armors became grand and noble after his mission, he's rich but he's still the lowest noble heir like Rustin. For Commoner perspective he's family was only rich but, he's a man without any connections or support from his family, and become an Adventurer solelt for Hunting Kobold since then, but some day become covered with mithrils.

Also for an Unknown reason, no one ever saw his face even Guild Master Karma.

But, theres a rumor about him being an unscrupulous or a Bandit everywhere in Kerashval City.




without Guts knowing of how long their journey was, the Kobold-Slayer only grin while looking after he finished polishing his equipments, but seconds later.


Swisssshhhh Swisssshhhh

Swisssshhhh Swisssshhhh

Multiple arrow from every side pierce at their carriage

Guts leap outside with sudden Gusts of wind seconds before arrows hit the carriage

The Kobold slayer didnt react with Guts speed and only slash horizontally from inside the carriage to parry almost all arrows.

While Guts wanted to rescue the Merchant bug it already dropped to the ground full of blood and 3 arrow struck at its body lifeless, yup its dead.

Though Guts heartbeats faster with what happen to their coachman, he first look at where situation his in and where the arrows came from.

after His observing, He concluded 10 persons, all are mounted. They're all Bandit.

Horse Galloping and charge at them from every direction

Kobold-Slayer eyeing him and at Bandits switching his sight, 10 Bandits are talking to each other.

Now, Bandits dashed while encircling them, later became slowly, and attacked Guts and Kobold- Slayer by distributing their group to 5 vs 1.

Guts Jump backward and Duck dodging multiple stab and slashes fro Bandits, while

Kobold Slayer Dashed forward and slam his shield in front.





Kobold Slayer shield slamed at one of Bandits face, it dragged down by him and slit its throat.


Guts threw his two dagger at two Bandits horses face from their very front, his dagger slash throught their rein, and they fall down from their horse after it goes wild after it injured, Immediately after, Guts nimbly beheaded the two with his two short sword midair before their body landed to the ground.

The Remaining Bandits sweated heavily of what they saw.

A seconds later they are 10 man, now in a blink of an eye, 3 of them died with only their enemies first counter attack.
