
Glory- Book One: Samson

The story of a mighty man who fell but had the strength to stand up once more.

TimeConsumer1 · แอคชั่น
5 Chs

Power System

Different Paths

Enhancer ( Immense Physical Strength)

Manipulater (Telekinesis/ illusion/ mind control.)

Elementalist( Fire/ Water/ Air/ Earth, Lightning/ Light and dark.)

Healer (Healing others and yourself.)

Diviners( Prohecy/foresight,)

Mortal Ranks

Rank 1 ( Faith Awakener)

Rank 2 ( Faith Knight)

Rank 3 ( Faith Warrior)

Rank 4 ( Faith Soverign)

Rank 5 ( Enlightened)

Devine ranks

Rank 6 (*******)

Rank 7 (******)

Rank 8 (*****)