
Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Upon waking up, everyone had time-traveled. Everyone had their own territory, and everyone was a lord. Fang Hao, who also time-traveled, opened his eyes to find himself a recruited farmer, thrown to the wolves. He killed the lord in anger and received a 'Hundredfold Amplification' as compensation. Thus, he embarked on the path of becoming a lord. [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 Skeleton soldiers.] [Hundredfold Amplification activated, received 10100 iron swords.] While everyone else was struggling to collect resources and survive, Fang Hao had already amassed a mountainous amount of resources. He wiped out all surrounding forces and established his own kingdom.

Angry Piranha · เกม
709 Chs

Chapter 48, Sweeping the Territory (Seeking Recommendations, Catching-Up Reading ...)._1

Fang Hao issued a search order, and all the skeleton soldiers immediately dispersed.

They began to gather any resources that could be taken away.

Fang Hao surveyed the entire territory. When he saw the chieftain's hall in the central position, his eyes lit up.

In general, the chieftain possesses the greatest wealth of the tribe, so some valuable items were bound to be unearthed.

Moreover, this kind of territory, home to tens of thousands, undoubtedly had some high-quality treasure chests.

"You guys don't need to search anymore, stay with me," Fang Hao called over a few skeletons.

It was uncertain whether there would be any special dangers inside, so it would be better to be cautious.

Six skeletons immediately stopped their work and quietly followed behind Fang Hao.

The chieftain's hall was still a combination of ordinary stone and wood, not like the stone brick construction of the castle.

This left Fang Hao feeling somewhat regretful.