

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

"So, you're my girlfriend right?", Zavier asked as he blushed.

"Yes", Tessa replied.

He blushed again and Tessa rolled her eyes. He passed a small box to her. She dropped her fork and opened the box slowly. It was a beautiful set of jewelry.

It contained a necklace, earrings and hair pin. She loved the hairpin but it looked expensive. She wanted to ask him for the price but she didn't want to sound ungrateful so she thanked him.

"Do you like it?", he said nervously.

"Of course. Yes, I love it. Thanks Zavier", She said and he grinned.

"What?", she asked.

"You should stop calling me that", he said and she hissed.

"Zavier", she called and he stared at her.

"Zavier", she called again.

"You should be calling me names like babe, my love, sugar and love of my love", he advised.

"You haven't earned that yet. For now, you're just babe", she said and he laughed.

"Fine", he replied as they both stood up to leave.

"Won't you pay?", Tessa asked when she didn't see him going to the counter.

"I've already paid dear", he replied.

"Is it true that you paid five million dollars?", she asked and he nodded.

Her mouth was left open in surprise. "What?! That's damn expensive, Zavier", she said.

"Nothing is expensive when it comes to you", he said and played with her hair.

Zavier opened the door for her as she walked out like the queen that she is. He also opened the car door for her as she sat down. She then clasped her palms together. She's so nervous. Oh lord! This is her second relationship. She hopes that it goes well.

She watched as Zavier sat in his seat and fastened his belt. He also helped to fasten hers. She brought out her phone and made a quick video of him without his knowledge but he knew she was making a video.

"You're so hot", she said without thinking and he smiled. When she realized what she said, she blushed and took back her sentence.

"It's too late to take it back, I heard it already", Zavier said.

"It's the truth anyways", Tessa responded.

"You're very pretty. You're the most beautiful I've ever seen", Zavier complimented her and she blushed.

"Thanks for accepting to be my girlfriend. It's a wise decision", he said and she raised her brows.

"I mean, you have many handsome guys around you that always ask you out but you accepted my proposal. I love you", he said, holding her hand warmly.

She felt warm by his words. For some reason, he was driving with his left hand.

"You're left-handed?", she asked and he smiled.

"That's great", she said and stared at his veiny hands. Just then, Ryan's call came in but she rejected it.

"Why didn't you answer?", he asked her and made a sharp bend to the left lane.

"Ryan is talkative", she replied.

"How's your reading coming along?", he asked out of the blues.

"Will you tutor me if it's going bad?", she asked and he nodded.

"Of course. I don't like a dull girlfriend", he said as she laughed.

"C'mon. I'm damn brilliant ", she chuckled.

"I saw your biology scripts", he said and her smile fell.

"You were superb", he raised a thumb up and she shook him violently.

"Do you want us to get into an accident ", he said and she frowned. He knows that she's a dumbhead in biology. It's not her fault. She can't draw and label correctly. She couldn't keep those ridiculous names in her head. She mixes the characteristics and functions together.

Tessa suddenly yawned and received a call from her older brother.

"Austin's gonna kill me", Tessa bit her lips and stared at Zavier who laughed.

"No, he won't ", Zavier replied.

"He's mad at me for staying out this late. It's your fault", she said as he parked the car in front of her house.

He got down and opened the door for her. He helped her step down and adjusted her hair.

"Does it matter?", she giggled. "I'm gonna sleep tonight and when I wake up, my hair will look like a bird's nest", he laughed.

He wrapped his hand around her waist and placed his warm lips on hers. Tessa's hand went to his shirt as she kissed him back. His arms snaked hee waist more tightly as they went on with the kiss.

"Ehm…ehm", Austin coughed out while patting his chest.

"You guys should get a room. What if that brat followed me here", he said as she shot Tessa a glare. Tessa held Zavier's hand nervously as she met the eye of her brother. Zavier held her hand and also stared at Zavier.

"Relax bro. It's just ten fifteen", Zavier said and Austin hissed.

"Tessa. Come over here", Austin said and Tessa said 'good night' to Zavier. She made to go when Zavier pecked her a little on the lip before she left. She blushed and went into the house.

Austin and Zavier looked each other in the eye like rivals before Austin spoke to him.

*************** ***************

"This is my son, Angelo", Vivian introduced her son to her boss. Raymond looked at the little boy. He was a cute boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello sir. How do you do?", Ryan asked him, smiling politely.

"How do you do Angelo?", Raymond asked back.

"I'm fine sir", Angelo replied as he looked at his mother.

"I'm your mother's bo-", Vivian stepped on his left foot very hard as he kept quiet. But he was hurt.

"He's my best..best friend", Vivian spoke and Angelo nodded.

"Where's abuela?", Vivian asked and he told her that she stepped out to escort her friend.

"Alright", Vivian said.

"Angelo, can you pluck a purple leaf for me in the garden. I saw it earlier but was distracted. Can you please pluck it?", Raymond lied and Vivian was shocked.

How did he easily like like that?

"I'll bring it for mama", Angelo smiled and left quickly. Raymond turned to Vivian who smiled sheepishly. "You can't tell him we are dating yet", she said softly.

"Why?", he asked pouting.

"I haven't told him yet because if I do, he's gonna take it as if you're his father and I don't want to be a burden on you", Vivian said sadly and he frowned.

"Oh that! You know you're not a burden on him. You can tell him Vivian. I don't really mind and besides I think he likes me", Raymond said confidently and she chuckled.

"How did you know that?", Vivian asked.

"He called me 'papa' when we met in the garden", Raymond said and she was shocked.

"Pa-pa?", she called slowly and he nodded. "I don't like what you're doing Vivi", he held her waist suddenly and pulled her to himself as she gasped.

"What if Angelo-"

"I don't care", Raymond said as he stared at her flushes face.

"You're pretty", he complimented her and she sighed.

"Someone is coming", she whispered and he shook his head.

"No one is coming. I miss this", he said and places his lips on hers for a quick kiss.

"Mama? Pa-pa??!", Angelo dropped a purple flower on the floor and looked at his mother's best friend in shock. He suddenly went to them and pushed Raymond's leg.

"Leave mama alone", he yelled with his small voice and Raymond laughed while Vivian smiled. She picked him up and kissed his cheeks.

"I deserve that kiss", Raymond muttered and Vivian quickly kissed his right cheek when Angelo was not looking.


"For some reason, Zavier is acting weird", Simon said. He's always the one seeing what others are not seeing.

"What the fuck do you mean?", Matthew asked.

"He is nicer", Simon replied and the laughed.

"He's always nice", Simon added and they agreed.

"He's always nice Si", Drake said and Simon slapped his head.

"You're blind. He's more nicer", Simon argued and they let him be.

When it comes to argument with Simon, you have to let him win unless your time is worthless.

"I think he's dating Tessa", Cole said all of a sudden and their eyes turned to him.

"What? How did you know?", they chorused.

"She told me so. I asked her. Here", he flashed his phone at them to see. They wanted to read his chat with her but he switched off his phone.

"Still can't believe that he spent five million dollars on a restaurant just because he wanted to make her feel special", Fred butt in and they scoffed.

"She's worth it. I mean she got the brains, ass, beauty and everything so who will dump her? But I heard she's a B rated student. Her grades in Biology is bad", Cole announced and they raised their hands one after the other.

"I'll tutor her"

"I will"

"You can't draw as well as I do", Cole argued.

"No one should go near my girlfriend", Zavier's voice boomed as he sat beside Cole.

"You didn't tell us you were dating Tessa Lopez", They whined as he sent diggers at them. They gulped and congratulated him.

"May your relationship last long Zavier",

Damon wished and they laughed.

"So, will you tutor her personally?", Drake asked and he replied him with a sharp response.

"What I do with her is none of your fucking business. If you are so lonely and can't afford to bear the loneliness, stop fucking girls and get into a serious relationship ", he spat and they kept quiet.

"Listen up!", he beat the table twice. "We shall operate a rescue mission in B.Joe's abandoned house in Drekfield tomorrow morning. A hundred thousand dollars has been sent to your account today by my partner. We leave by 9 tomorrow. Let us meet here by nine in the morning. We'll be rescuing Zach from the bastard", Zavier said.

"Why rescue him when you captured him in the first place? Does that make any sense?", Fred asked and they nodded.

"We've been paid to do the job and that's what matter. Do what you have to do early so we can carry out the operation without fucking it up", Zavier spoke and they nodded.

"I'll visit Cecilia earlier then", Fred said and Zavier brought out his phone to attend to other businesses.

*********** ************

Raphael stood in his car as his eyes searched for Tessa. His car was parked near her working place -TJ's restaurant. He saw that she was working and decided to enter the restaurant.

He has been in his car for some time now and had expected her to remove her apron but she didn't so he had no choice than to go in.

The door bell jinged violently as Raphael walked in.

"Tessa, we have to talk", he said as soon as he approached her by the counter.

"Take a seat Raphael. I am working right now", she said pointing to her apron.

"I don't have a day Tess", Raphael said and took her wrist. He dragged her out of the restaurant as as smiled at the confused customers.

"Are you mad?", Tessa asked him as soon as they were outside.

"Give us another change Theresa. Please", he begged her and she scoffed.

"No. We're over", Tessa said firmly and turned to walk out of him when he fetched a handkerchief from his back pocket.

"I'm sorry Tess", he said and covered her nose with the kerchief as she passed out quickly.

He held her collapsing body and carried her in a bridal style to his car.

*********** ************

Ana's vehicle roared to life as she turned the key in the ignition hole. She ruffled Ryan's hair and kissed his cheeks fondly.

"Cute baby. You're a cute. I wish you're mine", Ana said and dropped his bag at the back of the seat.

"Sorry pup", she apologized to her puppy that was hit with Ryan's bag. The puppy made a small noise. The seat belt was fastened on its body at the back seat.

"Where is my sister?", he asked with a bored gaze.

"Tessa is too busy to pick you up baby. She is in the restaurant but we can go and pick her up if that's what you want", Ana said and he nodded.

"Alright but first, let me treat you to some delicious bowl of ice cream. I heard you took first in the reading competition", Ana said proudly and brought out her phone.

Ryan knew what was coming. She was going to take a picture of him and he got it correctly.

She did take a picture of him with her phone. She also claimed that she would send it to his mom. Ryan rolled his eyes ans puffed his cheeks. They got to Tessa's working place after an hour.

"What do you mean by she went somewhere for four hours?", Ana yelled at the boss.

"I don't know what went wrong too. This is the first time that something like this is happening in my restaurant. She will tell me if she's going home but she didn't say anything of the sort. What if she quickly went to her friend's house", the boss suggested as he released cold sweats.

"I can make my boyfriend close down your restaurant Mister. What the fuck are you talking about? Tessa isn't an irresponsible person. I'm sure you kidnapped her!!", Kim bellowed and looked at Ryan to see his expression. Unfortunately, his face was blank to hold any expression.

"That's absurd. I do love Tess", the boss said and Ana's eyes widened at the revelation.

"Oh!!", the boss exclaimed. "That's not what I mean. I meant that I love her personality. She's caring, hardworking, passionate about her job. She's one in a million. I don't harbor any romantic feelings for her. Please don't misunderstand", the boss said and she nodded.

"May I see the CCTV footage?", she required and the boss sighed.

"It's blank. There's no footage to be seen. I think ", the boss whispered into her ear. "The guy that came here abducted her", he concluded and she gasped.

"You'll hear from me Mister whatever your name is. One, you didn't report her missing to the police for about four hours. Two, you didn't call home to ask if she's there. Three, you're a bad boss!!", Ana shouted pointing furiously at the boss.

"I'll find her. Give me one more hour", the boss pleased holding her blouse. Ana flung his hand from her blouse. "I ain't giving you any shitty time. You got twenty minutes Mister", Ana said and sat down on the nearest chair. She carried Ryan and put him in the chair beside her.

Ana brought out her phone to call someone. The boss swiftly went on his knees and held her legs. "Who are you calling beautiful miss?", he asked and she ignored him. He asked again and she replied, "Her boyfriend of course. Zavier"

The man's eyes shook with fear as he asked to confirm, "You mean - Zavier. The leader of the sevens". The man remained on his knees and grabbed her legs to beg. When he saw that she didn't pay any heed to him. He violently held Ryan and Ryan flinched.

"Leave my baby alone. Don't touch him with your filthy hand", Ana spat furiously and held Ryan's little palm.

"You've git twenty minutes. I'll be waiting here", Ana ordered and the man stood up cursing her. He dragged himself into his office to call a bunch of people.


Tessa laid on a king size bed with her head throbbing at any slight thought in her head. She tried to get up but found out that her hands were tied to the bed with a rope.

"Help!! Help me!!!", She screamed not minding the throbbing headache she was getting.

The door creaked as Raphael walked in with a tray containing food and water. Tessa hissed as soon as she saw him.

"I never knew you could kidnap me", Tessa said and he laughed.

"I had no choice my love"

"You have. Move on", she said and he sat on the bed while placing the tray on the table. He helped her sit more.

"I can't let you go", he said clearly.

"You are obsessed with me. This is not affection or love Ralph. This is an obsession. By the way, what of Eva - your love?", Tessa asked laughing as she shook the bed with the ropes violently.

"Bitch is out of my life", he replied.

"Zavier is coming for you Ralph. He will kill you if you hurt me", Tessa spoke confidently and he smirked.

"Let me guess. Your new boyfriend. Not bad cause I sent him a message not to worry about you some hours ago", Raphael replied waving her phone in the air.

Tessa bit her lips hardly as she cursed him in his her mind.

"So, your rich boyfriend won't go looking for a girl named Tessa", he said scooping some food on the spoon to feed her.

"Ahh!", he mouthed but she refused. He repeated the action and she opened her mouth to eat. She chewed it and spat it on his face.

Raphael closed his eyes and wiped his face with the kerchief he used to abduct her.

'Pah!!', he slapped her hard across the face and her lips bursted by the force of his hand. She tasted blood in her mouth.

"You still beat women. You animal!!! I regret dating you. I regret meeting you", Tessa said laughing as he stared at her in anger. He suddenly threw the tray to the floor in anger and walked out of the room.

Tessa stared at the wall as tears rolled down her eyes. 'Please Zavier, be wise and find me quickly', she prayed silently in her mind.

She can never succumb to Raphael. But she was surprised that he hit her. He did hit her! He fucking hit her!!! She's gonna tell Zavier to kill him. She felt pain on her face from the impact of the slap. He is handsome but his temper is a dangerous one.

What made her to date him then? Tessa had always asked herself and provided the answer herself. He was caring, loving, kind and what she wanted in a boyfriend. But then, he was demanding for sex and she can't give it to him. Her mom had told her to keep it dor her husband.

If Zavier ask for it, she won't give it to him also. He could break up with her because of it but she is keeping her virginity. Before she knew it, Raphael left her and went to Eva claiming that she's better and she's having his baby.

She was heartbroken and cried her eyes out but she was advised to let him go. She was glad that she took their advice else she wouldn't be living a peaceful life right now.

Just then, the possibility that Zavier will not find her struck her. She shook her head to reject the negativity.

'He must find me. He will. I am his better half', She motivated herself and began to think of a lot of things.

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