
Gladiator of Fenrya

Nobody_Unseen · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2

In the most grand and elaborate building in the capital city of the Gorna Kingdom stood a mighty castle with guards stationed at every wall. The castle was decorated in elaborate designs and the insignia of the royal family of the kingdom proudly standing out amongst the grand decor. This castle had once belonged to King Fenrya though he had recently been dethroned by his son who had found out about the cruelty he had done to prisoners and people below in the arena. The city's people protested against their new King even though they knew they couldn't do anything about it. The new monarch of the kingdom was King Malazan who supported his fathers ideals for years until he rebelled and fled the kingdom. That is until now when he returned for the throne. King Malazan had planned to show the people of the city what the previous king had done in secret but those plans were stalled due to a current issue in the palace.

Within the palace the soft and gentle rays of the sun shone through the glass of a large bedroom decorated rather beautifully. A bed with red silk bedding was pushed against the middle of the back wall of the room. In the bed a sleeping figure of a male lay nearly motionless if not for the fact they were breathing you'd think they were dead. The male in question was in fact Luck who had been taken back to the palace after they had passed out in the arms of a kind man wearing red and silver.

Slowly Luck's eyes opened and blinked quite a few times in an attempt to get used to the sudden light that endlessly shone through the window. Sitting up he looked around trying to figure out where he was or even what most of the things in the room were. He had been laying on some sort of soft surface raised up from the ground and covered in a thin sheet which was quite warm. Luck turned his head staring out the window and remained like that for what seemed like forever. He only turned away when he heard the sound of a door opening causing him to look over to see a woman dressed in white and black holding a tray made of silver with a rag and bowl of water on it.

As soon as the woman saw Luck as sitting up and staring directly at her she freaked out dropping the tray causing a loud noise as she rushed out yelling something. The noise made Luck's ears ring as he reached up to cover them for a long while until they stopped. He didn't know why the strange woman freaked out or what he was doing here but he didn't mind other than the loud noise.

Accepting the sudden change in scenery he looked back over towards the window staring out at the vast city and buildings below and the brilliant rays the sun seemed to create endlessly. Luck enjoyed the sight he was seeing and the faintest of smiles could be seen on his face as he stared out the window. He stared for what seemed like forever out at the city below and the brilliant golden colors the sun made as it slowly descended. Luck seemed to zone out as he made the sight he was seeing a memory he would never forget.

Feeling something land on his shoulder he flinched, becoming visible tense as he froze. Slowly he peered over at whatever would have touched him, his eyes showing obvious fear. Luck stared directly at a rather tall man with long red hair tied up in a ponytail followed by icy blue eyes that seemed to be filled with endless kindness rather than the eyes of the others which were filled with greed and malice.

The man swiftly pulled his hand back and began to apologize for startling him though Luck didn't seem to be listening as he focused on the strangers eyes.

The stranger seemed to notice his staring and spoke in a calm and curious tone. "Something wrong?" It was a long and silent moment before Luck finally whispered in a nearly silent voice.

"You have kind eyes." Luck said, staring directly into the eyes of the stranger.

The man seemed to be genuinely shocked by Luck's words then smiled giggling quite loudly. As the man calmed down looking directly at a confused and concerned Luck he grinned speaking again.

"Thanks for that, it made me laugh quite a bit. Now you must be confused as to why you're here in the first place and who I am right?" The man spoke in a serious yet kind tone. In response Luck merely blinked with a small nod before speaking.

"Who will I be fighting this time?" He'd murmur quietly his voice hoarse from not speaking in quite awhile.

The man seemed to freak out at Luck's words, speaking quickly this time. "No no you misunderstand you're not here to fight anyone. My name is Malazan. You can consider me your friend from this day forward."

Luck looked down at his hands which were resting on his legs where he lay against the pillows nestled against the headboard of the bed. He seemed to be struggling to comprehend something but didn't say as he gave a tiny nod.

"You don't understand what I said do you?" Malazan asked with concern clear in his voice. Luck looked over at him and nodded again causing Malazan to give a small but gentle sigh though he smiled at Luck afterwards.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Of course you don't have to if you don't want to." He'd smile again, his eyes calm and accepting.

Luck looked at the man for a long moment before nodding again with a tiny smile on his face enjoying having a choice for once. Malazan smiled warmly before proceeding to ask his questions.

"Thank you, now remember you don't have to answer if you don't want to." He told Luck before continuing. "Now, what is your name?" Malazan peered at him as sat down in the chair that was already arranged near his bedside.

"Mother was afraid I would die early so she didn't name me. They called me Reaper of Fenrya or Luck though." Luck murmured quietly hoping that if he answered Malazan's questions it would somehow repay him for the kindness he has shown thus far.

Malazan's expression seemed to darken at his words though it faded quickly as he spoke again. "You said your mother was afraid you would die early. How long were you in the arena?" He'd ask though in a slower and gentler tone than before as he was afraid the question would make him upset.

Luck merely stared blankly, seemingly confused by the question Malazan had asked. "I was always there." He'd murmur in a confused tone. Malazan seemed taken back by his words, his expression unreadable for a long while, causing Luck to start to worry that he had said something wrong.

This chapter is unfinished please stay tuned!

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