

"Good morning mama Coco. "I greeted Mama Coco as she came into the maid's quarter with a basket full of clothes.

"You people are still sleeping? The cock crew like a minute ago, get up your sleeping butts and prepare for today's work." She ordered and all the maid ran helter skelter to prepare for today's work. Mama Coco is the palace head maid,she's really kind and she can go cranky sometimes. She treats all the maids especially me like we are here daughters. I really love her, she has been like a mother to me since the very day I was became a palace maid.

My mama and papa died in a drastic flood one year ago on a journey. I had to do minor jobs to sustain myself. I was taken from the village 8 months ago to Gardenia to become a maid in the palace. Thank God I wasn't made a bed warmer.

I was scared but Mama Coco showed me love and affection telling me I have nothing to worry about and since then, I've been living happy.

The royalties are also kind and good people. The Gardenians including me love the Queen and King so much but tragedy struck and the King fell ill due to a rare and deadly sickness. The best doctors in the kingdom couldn't cure it so the great King died and the crowned prince took over as Crown Prince. Speaking of the Crown Prince, he's a perfect definition of beauty, his face has a perfect structure and his eyes are shinny and charming. Don't tell anyone but.. I'm in love with the king.

Hey I said don't tell anybody because if anyone knows, I'll be put to death by beheading and I love my head and my life so..shhhhhhh..

But I can't help it, He's so beautiful and he has a kind heart. Too bad he his betrothed. Even if he isn't, it is forbidden for a royal to have any form of relationship with a maid.

If such happens, the maid will be killed and the royal will be stripped off his post and work like a lowlife for two months and believe me, working like a lowlife is death itself .

Oh well, less talking more working.

"Oo oh Gisella you're here." Maximus, the royal gardener said and I smiled at him. Did I say I'm literally loved by everyone?Like everybody loves me a lot. Why?Because I'm pretty and I'm lovable, I have this aura that makes everybody smile even when they're sad.

"Heeey Maximus, had a great night?" I asked and he nodded. He picked up and bouquet of rose flowers and stretched it to me.

"I planted it myself."

"Awwwn, they are beautiful Maximus. I'm going to add this to the collection of beautiful flowers that I've been receiving from Maximus." I said and he chuckled. Maximus has found giving me flowers as an habit and I really love him for that. He always says he sees me as his granddaughter so yeah. I see him as my grandfather.

"I gotta get to work, bye Maximus." I waved at him and he smiled revealing his almost empty dentition.

I strode to the back with my hair flying in every direction due to the cool wind.

"My Gisella". I heard the most stupid voice I've ever heard and I groaned before turning and as I expected, it was Davis, the most annoying guard in the palace always wanting to get me into trouble due to his claim of him loving me. I don't like him one bit! He's mannerless, shapeless and not as handsome as my Prince.

"What do you want Davis?" I asked as I pulled up my water filled bucket with a mop in my other hand.

"Is it a crime to greet the love of my life in this lovely morning?" He asked with a disgusting grin and I hissed before hitting him hard on the head with my mop making him to yell.

"Next time you say the word "love" to me again, consider yourself dead!" I brushed passed him with a hiss and he whistled lustfully. Unmannered pig! So stupid a creature.

I went to my post and began my work. I dipped the mop in the soap filled bucket and I started mopping the hall humming to my best song "Nightingale."

...Sing sweet nightingale...sing sweet Nightingale...

...High high high above me...

..Sing sweet nightingale...sing..

"You have a lovely voice." I heard a voice and I looked up in shock. I saw the person and I quickly bowed in respect.

"My Princess " I said.

"What's your name?"

"Gisella." I replied with my head still bowed. Another rule, "you must not look in the eye if a royal blood while talking or you'll face the consequence." The Princess is just ten years. She's ten years younger than me but I dare not look into her eyes or else I'm ready to die.

"I like your voice, can you teach me? I don't know how to sing at all and I want to have a voice like yours. Please teach me." She pleaded. You see what I'm saying? These royals are humble.

"I'll see to it that I teach your after my work your highness." I said, bowing a little bit more and she squealed.

"Let me help you so you can finish quick."

She made to grab my mop but I shifted back with it.

"Your highness it is against the rules for a royal blood to do menial works except the royal blood is serving a punishment. I can't let you help me my Princess. If I do, I'll face the consequences."

"Aiish. But I wanted to help." She whined and I just stood with my head bowed not knowing what to do or say.

"Promise you'll teach me when you're done?"

"I promise my Princess, its my job to abide to your biddings." I said.

"Thank you." She squealed and hugged me.Did she just hug me? She walked away jumping in excitement and I brought up my head when I figured out she was out of sight. That's another rule. "Keep your head bowed until the royal blood isn't around you anymore."

I sighed deeply and I chuckled at her childishness. She's really nice and funny. Who knows, I might get to see the Crown Prince. I heard the Princess and the Prince are very close.

I resume my mopping, humming and daydreaming about you know who..


"Spies have seen invaders trying to break through the borderlands." Columbus, the Grand Duke said.

"When is this?" A gentle looking man asked, trailing his lips with his index finger. He looked quite uninterested and frustrated. He leaned back on his royal seat as the Grand Duke spoke.

"This very morning and speaking of borderlands, My Prince, the Killians are trying claim it." Columbus said.

"Claim it?"

"Yes my Prince and if something isn't done about it, it might result in war and that will risk the lives of many people." The Grand General said and the man hummed.

"Gather guards to go with you to Killian and tell them the land isn't for them but for the two kingdoms. Tell them that I, Crown Prince Arthur will not allow them to claim that land as theirs and if they should pester on, it will result in bloodshed. We are both sharing that land and now they want to claim it as theirs?That's greediness and I can't take that. Give them my message." The Prince said and they all bowed before they stood up to leave. They left the room and Lillian, the Princess, Prince Arthur's little sister, came rushing in.

"Lillian, I told you not to barge into this room like that again. This room is for...

"Business concerning the affairs of the kingdom and its very confidential. I know, yeah yeah. Just tell me how I look." She said, twirling for Prince Arthur to see how she looked.

"You look beautiful as always my Princess."

"Thank you my Prince." She said bowing playfully and Prince Arthur smiled.

"What's the occasion?" Prince Arthur asked, taking the Princess's hand as he made for his chamber.

"There's this beautiful maid that wants to teach me how to sing. Oh brother you should have seen this pretty lady. She's nice, she's super beautiful and she has the voice of a thousand angels singing. She's really great. She's like..Nightingale."


"Yes, she promised to teach me after she's done with her work."

"I will like to see this Nightingale of yours." Prince Arthur said making air quotes at the Nightingale.

"You'll see her.." Princess Lillian peeped through the window and she gasped..

"There she is." She whisper yelled pointing down and the Prince went to her. He looked at the direction of her hand and his eyes widened at the sight below him.

"Oh my God." Was all that was registered in his brain. She's...she's..she's..he doesn't even know what to say. She's an angel. She's like the morning sun. Her face is glowing like the moon that illuminates the ground at night. Her hair is long and shinny. Her lips are full and round. Makes him want to taste. How was this girl a maid and he has never seen her?

"Is..is that girl the maid?" He asked still staring at the beauty who was binding firewoods together.

"Yes,her name is Gisella.isn't she beautiful?"

"She is " He said in his mind.

"She's not bad." He replied her and Princess Lillian scoffed. He smiled at how "Nightingale" was trying hard to tie the woods together but it wouldn't budge. She was clearly frustrated because her face is in a frown - a very scary frown. Even with a frown she was still as beautiful as a Nightingale.

Gisella's POV

"Bind stupid wood...just...bind." I said as I struggled to bind the firewoods together but as it has been doing for the past three minutes, it scattered. Now I have to rearrange them for the sixth time. Why is this cloth this small? I sighed and tore part of the hem of my maid dress and I joined it with the previous one.

I used it to bind the woods and yay! It worked. I carried them and placed them on my head to the kitchen.

"What took you so long?" Ma'am Felicia, the head cook said and I placed the firewood down with a grunt.

"I was finding it hard to tie them, I had to tear part of my cloth before I tied it."

"Sorry dear, come on, I have something for you." She gave me something sneakily and I hid it under my dress

"Eat that. I can see you're tired." She said and I pecked her on the cheek. You see what I meant by everyone loves me? I skipped happily to the maid's quarter, careful not to run into any maid, guard, or anybody.

I got to the maids quarter and I locked the door. I brought out the package from under my dress and I unwrapped it. Oh my God its rice cake and crispy chicken. I'm gonna devour this food with all that I have in me. When else am I gonna see something like this to eat?

I rushed it and I made sure I ate everything. Including the bones - okay, not all the bones but most of it.

I cleaned my mouth and hands before I threw the nylon and cracked bone in the fire place.

I'm done with my work now, I only have one thing left to do.

"Who do you seek?" The guard at the front of the Princess's chamber asked in his husky, scary and ugly voice.

"I have an appointment with the Princess." I said with a slight bow. He knocked and the Princess's little voice answered.

"Who is it?"

"My Princess, a maid is here to see you."

"Gisella! Let her in." She squealed and I smiled.

"Are you Gisella?" He asked and I nodded. He cleared his throat before he opened the door for me.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." He apologized and I nodded with a smile before entering.

"My princess..."I said with a bow and I felt her footsteps coming closer to me.

"You know, if you want to teach me, it would be difficult with you bowing every now and then." She said

"That's my job my Princess."

"Well, I'm telling you to stop bowing. Even if you want to, don't bow with your face leaving my face. Just give a slight bow. Like a nod - like kind of bow."

"Okay your highness."

"Goody, now come." She pulled me along with her and I wowed at her room everywhere was pinkish and whitish.

She has a whole wall filled with Teddy bears and toys.

Her wardrobe is like 5feet tall, she has a beautiful silver chandelier Illuminating the room. Now I wish to become a Princess.

"Sit." She tapped on her bed and I gently sat on it.

"Why did you sit as if you are going to break the with your butt." She asked and I gave a "slight" bow.

"Let's start." She said and I nodded.

"Firstly, let me hear you sing my Princess."


She cleared her throat and started singing.

...sing sweet Nightingale,sing sweet Nightingale...

...high high high..above me...

...sing sweet.....

Okay, maybe asking her to sing wasn't really a good idea. It was a very terrible idea! She sounded as if she had a frog stuck in her vocal cords.

"How was it?" She asked with her eyes filled with curiosity. She's royalty, I can't possibly tell her that she sounds like a pregnant chinchilla.

"Um...you sound...you sound great my Princess." I said with a soft awkward laugh.

"You're lying." She said and I swallowed

"I called you to teach me because I know how bad I am. I literally sound like a frog. Why did you say I sound great? Because I'm royalty?"

I didn't know what to do or say I just bent my head. My eyes not meeting hers, I felt her hand on mine and I looked up to her face.

"Just because I'm royalty doesn't mean I'm going to be perfect in everything. If I'm wrong you tell me I'm wrong and you'll correct me. Just because I'm royal doesn't mean I'm special."

What is she saying? That's exactly what being a royal is. But I get her point, she wants to be treated like a normal person not a royal.

"I'm sorry my Princess."

"No problem, just interact with me like you do with your friends."

Okay that is gonna be hard, super hard but I'll try my best.

"Okay so give me some tips." She said

"Okay, if you wanna sing, don't sing with strength. Just let it flow, use your breath. Just like this...

..."Believe, in all that can be, a miracle start, whenever you dream...

...believe, and sing through your heart you'll see. Your song will hold the key..."

She clapped her hands and I smiled shyly.

"I can watch you sing all day and never get tired." She said and I smiled wider. The door opened and the Prince himself walked in. I quickly stood up from the bed and bowed in respect.

"Your highness." I said with my head still bowed.I heard his footsteps towards me and I gulped. Am I in trouble for talking with the Princess? The Princess better explain things to him or I'm in big trouble.

"What's your name?" He asked. U knew it..I knew I was in trouble, oh God why?

"Gisella my Prince."I replied with shaky voice and I didn't hear anything again but his retreating footsteps. I heard the door close and I brought my head up slowly. I breathed out when I saw that he wasn't there anymore.

"It's past mid-day your highness, I have work to do."

"Okay. We'll continue tomorrow."

Tomorrow? Does this little girl want to get me into trouble?

"Sure thing your highness." I said with a bow before I left her chamber. I rushed to the maid's quarter and I put on my apron. Time for some laundry.

Prince Arthur's POV

I was on my way to my mother's chamber when I heard the most angelic voice I've ever heard. I stopped on my tracks and I strained my ear to figure out where the voice was coming from. Lillian's room?But Lillian sounds like a frog!

I walked to her door and the guards made way. I signalled for my maids to wait for me outside. The door was pushed open and I walked inside. To my utmost surprise, it was the angel Lillian told me about, Gisella. Gisella stood up from the bed abruptly and she bowed. I walked to her and I stopped at her front. I wanted to commend her voice but I ended up asking a stupid question.

"What's your name?"

Why will I ask her name? I know her name but she doesn't know that right? So it isn't really a stupid question.

"Gisella my Prince." She replied shakily. I'm guessing she thinks she's in trouble. Not knowing what to say or do again, I walked out of the room. I'll surely find some alone time with her. But now,I need to go see mother.

I went to mother's room and I entered.

"My Queen." I bowed and she tapped my back

"My handsome baby, come on..come here." She motioned me to seat beside her and I did so.

"Have you been eating well? And what about your health are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine mother."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all these. You're just 25, you're still young to be imposed with all these responsibility."

"Mum, I'm not complaining I'm I? No, if I don't take over father who will? Lillian?" I asked and she chuckled.

"I'm just glad you're doing a good job, you'll make a really great King."

"Thanks mother."

"Speaking of which, your coronation along side with your wedding is in a month's time."


"Yes, you can't become the King without having a wife." She said and I nodded.

"Who am I marrying?"

"Princess Anastasia of Bassy."


"You'll definitely fall when you see her, she's such a beauty." She said and I gave a fake smile. I'm sure no matter how pretty she is, she can't be as beautiful as Nightingale.

