

On that day, i died. But when i open my eyes, i realized i'm not in the afterlife, but another world. This world is still on the medieval era, and the other thing is, there's a strange ring on my finger. I try to throw it away but it keeps comeback. What is this ring? Why i'm here? What's my goal? P.S : English is not my first language. it's not even my second language. So the grammar might be bad but i tried to make it atleast readable. And also, i'm still new from writing novel, so i open for criticism and suggestion.

Integra6 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1

When i open my eyes, the day already dark. I still at the same place as before, in the alleyway. I try to lift my body but the pain is still there. I can't get up so i just sit there with my back against the wall.

'Where the hell am i? Shouldn't i he dead? Why am i still alive? Is this what you called reincarnation? But what kind to reincarnation is this? I just open my eyes and i already get beaten up by people that i don't know. Shouldn't i get cheat? System'? Reincarnated as Noble? What kind of sh*t is this?'

When i thinking like that, my stomach grumble.

"Damn, i'm hungry." I said.

But right after that, i surprised. I surprised by my own voice. It's so deep. Before i died, my age is 23 but my voice is not this deep. And looking at my body, my hand, this body is not even reach 18 yet. Maybe 15 or something, but why my voice is so deep?.

I want to see my face but sadly there's no mirror. I try to check my body and i realized i have black long hair. It's so long, it even reach my wrist. For a moment i thought i reincarnated as a girl, but with my deep voice, i don't think so. Also i check my son and it still there. Fiuhhh.

"Ouch!" Because i move my body too much, the pain reacted.

I sigh and relaxed my whole body.

But i still hungry.

I try look around, maybe there's something to eat. But unfortunately there's nothing. I heard human body can survive without eat or drink for about one week, but I don't know how many days or weeks this body eats something. Also, i hate to endure this hunger.

"Now what should i do….?"

When i'm wondering like that, i Heard small steps approaching me. When i look around, i saw a mouse. White mouse. It eyes is red.

'is this what you called albino?'

When the mouse close about 1 meter from me, it stopped while watching me.

"Hi, mouse. What are you doing here?"

The mouse just watching me without doing anything.

"Do you have any food?"

The mouse still watching me but this time it titled it's head.

'the f*ck am i doing? Asking a mouse for food? If someone saw me, they definitely think i'm crazy.'

After that the mouse is going away to the darkness in the alley. Seeing the mouse disappear, i close my eyes, thinking what should i do from now.

'Im in different world, probably, at least this is not the modern era. Is this medieval era? Is there a car at that era? I dont know. I'm not really smart. And i don't know anything from this world. And i'm still a child with weak body. What should i do to survive? What can i do to survive?'

My thought is interrupted by a squeaking noise. When i look around, i saw the mouse from before, but now it dragging a bread towards me. When the mouse close to me, it turn around and looking at me while squeaking.

"Is that for me?" I ask and the mouse just squeaks again.

"O-ok." I don't understand what's happening but since I'm so hungry, I just take the bread and eat it.

The bread is hard and there's no flavor in it but I eat it happily. Even though I just woke up, but this body is starving. Don't know how many days this body did not eat anything. When I was still eating the bread, the mouse was staring at me.

"Do you want some?"

The mouse squeaks again.

I rip some of the bread and give it to the mouse. The mouse eats it immediately. Seeing that I just smile and continue to eat the bread.

After I finish eating, I extend my head towards the mouse, trying to pat it. The mouse wasn't scared and let me pat it.

"Thank you."

I don't know if the mouse understood my word, but the mouse squeaked. But since it brings me food when I ask, probably the mouse understands.

After i eat the bread, i rest for a bit. Eventhough the pain still there, but it become better. By the way, the mouse is still here, resting on my lap. I don't know if it sleep or not.

"Since you decided to follow me, I guess, I have to name you, huh." As I said that, the mouse opened its eyes and looked at me.

"Wait, speaking of name, who's my name again? I also forgot my name before I died. So, what's my name in this world?"

When I think about that, suddenly something comes to my mind. A name. A strange name.

"Girlycard?" I said, "What a strange name. Is that my name?"

The mouse just stared at me and tilted its head.

"Well, from now on, your name is Arc. Let's do our best, Arc."

The mouse just squeaks.

After that I rested a bit. My body became better after eating the bread. I got some strength and even though my body still hurt after that beating, now I can stand up and walk for a little bit. It is still hard to run though, but well, can't complain.

By the way, why did this body's previous owner get beaten by those guys? I remember the one who beat me said that I stole something from him. Money probably?

I checked my body and my pocket clothes but I didn't find anything. There's even no money with me. But when I checked the pocket behind my pants, I felt something in there.

When I took it, it was a ring. But it is rather a strange ring. There's two rings that connect to each other with a small chain. One of the rings is something like a knuckle joint ring and the other one is just a normal ring. There's two purple diamonds on the knuckle joint ring, one is round and the other one is a hexagon. There's an emblem on the hexagon, a letter H with a crown above it. And on the round one, there's metal with X shape covering it and there's a word on it. The word is 'Hellsing'.

I don't know what this ring is, but I know if I have this, there Will be trouble coming to me sooner or later. How? Because that's always the pattern whenever I read a comic or novel.

Since I don't think i have the power to protect myself, I just throw it and leave the alley.