
31 Sumerian 1802

"Yes, In next year of this day I will kill myself "

I think by that time my fear death will finally be killed, and I can finally live this cold live that has given me only sadness"

These are the thought I have as I slept in my bed that in my room. This is a room I have been in of a year, but I am going outside of it one day it just that I don't need to since I have ended the dreamer training in a school I hated called....

I don't remember it name, but I was in it so the reason I have no need to do outside my room is because I have the greatest thing of all time the radio and the best kind of radio '30k radio' my mother give it as a present when I passed grade C.

My mother understand and cares about me unlike my father.

I stood up from my bed and walked to the radio, it was by the bottom left side of my only window, and it was covered by smoke from the factory where my father worked and smoke from that covered my window making the whole room dark.

The 30k radio was this huge cube like box meaning it was the best radio you could find, but it was not like the one in the living room that one feels as if the person speaking it just near me ever if you're at the sister's room which was the pretty far from the living room.

I want back to my bed and sit on it listened to my 30k radio. It was great before she came so fall asleep.

I dreamt of a dream I don't remember. What had waked me up was the huge knock coming from the door?

"Quite that down!" I said, as all I hear is silence.... This idiot people didn't fix the problem, meaning mother was not home.


I didn't pay attention to it.


I tried going back to sleep, but I didn't like the dreams I keep having.


I turned on the radio.


I turned up the sound.


It looked as if the person was finally gone. I want to the left side of my room where there was my bookshelf and in my bookshelf there was a large collection of books I read in my collection we....


Knock, knock

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,

Knock, knock

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock knock knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock knock knock knock knock Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock.

I rushed out my room and the ray of the sunlight blinded my eyes. Which angered me more.

I look to see if anyone was in the house. Luckily no one was in there, it just I didn't want to talk to them.

This meant only one thing, I had to open the door.

Yes, the door

It not that I was scared. It just I have this hatred of all humans. I am like a monster a book that I loved called






"I will end this person!" I shouted and with rag in my heart I ran to the door.

I quietly opened the door only a little to see who it was but all I could see was a house then she saw me and said "Mr, can ....me.... I mean, I ...have your.... small minute of .....time?"

Her eyes looked deep into my eyes. It was the most sacred thing I could see. Her gold eyes looked as if there were about to pull me into or something.

The more I look into them, I started to fall like she hated and looked at me in a disgusted way me.

I wanted to close the door.

I quickly asked, "What do you want?"

"Miss Tesfaye....had... forget"I quickly saw that she was going to take a 1 hour for her to finish, and I didn't have time for that.

"Miss Testate? Who is that? Does she mean mother? Why would a kid be going with mother"I thought

"Could you finish what you're trying to say?" I said

"Oh, Sorry.... Miss Testate has forgotten her book"

"Her book?why would mother need a grade A book of dreamers when mother had stopped doing it a long time age"I thought as I stated to look down at the girl and saw that she was wearing the uniform from that school I used to be in and tried to forget.

"Mother is not from that school? Meaning only one person in this house can be it"I thought, and I said"Is that my sister's book ?"

It was a wild guess because my sister was in grade C and this is a grade A book

"Oh, your sister!she said surprised

"What so shooting?" I asked, and then I hated myself for asking that because It meant I had to stay looking at her even more.

"I never thought she had a brother, were you have gone somewhere?"she asked

"No, It just has been...busy in the house"I said

She then quite looked at me and she smiled. I was confused.

I quickly took the book and close the door.

"What with that girl ...ah... I should have said thank you of the book, came on Abel where you're living with monkeys"I thought "Where should I put the book...must I give it to in person...no, I will just put it on the table

So I did that and what back to my room and listen to my radio which was playing a scary story want back to my bed and listened to the radio all alone.

Then I slept up to the night.

Suddenly my door was kicked opened, and I quickly wake up and saw my the man I hated my father walking towards me. I tried running away, but he was too close, and he pulled my leg and said "You useless boy it is 3 years you're sleeping and doing nothing it time of you to work

"Yes, Father.... I will find....a... job"I said to hold my neck and I saw mother waiting in the door with fear in her eyes and she said"Please let go of him see your hurting him"

"I can see that and that what I am trying to do "he said to mother and looked at me and punched me and said"Don't lie in front of my face. This I'm not going to go soft on you, and you don't you to worry about finding a job because I found one of you"

I was surprised and scared because it meant I was going to have to go outside.

"Now I am going to take your boss"said Father and let go of me and gone out my room.

He left me there sitting in my bed trying to understand what going on"I have a job and have been in my room for 3 years?how could it be three years? How would even want a person like me?"

So 'my boss' came in my room as I looked at the person I was surprised at who I saw.

"You're that girl from the morning who bought that back!!" I said as I looked at her surprise.

She stood at the door with that smile of hers, and she said"It is nice to meet you. I hope to work well with you as your student"


"Yes "said Father with no emotions on his face and he continued saying"You are going to be a dream teacher

End of the day