
Scary Yeti

It's a Sunday morning. Amy, Tina, Sofia, and Mia are going to the Himalayas as their mission to do any challenges the world has to offer. They have decided to meet up at the airport.

They are in the airport and their plane is about to fly so they are aboard. They have started to settle down on the plane. The airplane has started to fly. Amy booked a hotel. It's a long journey.

The plane has landed. Mia asked where is our hotel. Amy replied not so far but I don't know the language and we need a cab to get there does anyone know the language? Tina added I know a bit I had learned because I think it will be helpful for us. Amy replied wow thanks, Tina. They booked a cab and headed towards their hotel.

They have arrived at the hotel. Amy said here are the keys to your room go and settle up in your rooms and tomorrow at sharp 9 a.m. we are gonna meet down for the breakfast and we are going to visit some holy places parks and museums. Sofia added when are we gonna go to the Himalayas? Amy said maybe the day after tomorrow and it will take us the day because we have to use a bus. Mia added I am so excited I can't wait.

Yesterday they visited the place that they had planned. And today is the day they are headed towards their trip. Everyone has climbed on the bus and settle down. It is a long journey so they admired the view and read some books for their time pass.

They have arrived at their destination. Tina added Amy where are we going to stay? Amy replied in a motel that we have to walk about half an hour to reach. Tina, says I am so tired.

They have arrived at the motel. And instantly fell asleep. The big day has arrived they are going on their trip so they grabbed their essentials and went for the trip. They were not alone they had the helper so that they know where to go. But on the way, they saw a big hungry white monster. Sofia recognized it as a yeti because she has read some articles about the Himalayas and saw the picture of yeti and recognized the big hungry monster as a yeti.

Everyone was so scared. But Amy gathered up the courage and whispered Mia and Sofia you go and save the other tourists and I and Tina will distract the yeti. All the tourists were escaping but the yeti cached a boy. Amy saw that and signaled Tina to throw as many snowballs as they can. As the snow fight started the yeti released the boy but the boy was injured. So, Mia helped him. But at that time the yeti was chasing Amy and Tina. Sofia noticed it and told Amy and Tina to run in another direction instead of the motel. If you will run towards the motel it will be dangerous for other people. So they ran in another direction and tried to trick the yeti but they failed instead yeti was chasing Mia, Tina, Amy, and Sofia. While running Tina tripped and yeti cached her and Tina screamed Amy climbed at yeti and tickled him and yeti released Tina. Amy jumped and they ran. The next day on their trip they again saw yeti and saw him sleeping.

They have finished their trip and went back home. They thought their trip was adventurous, challenging, and inspiring. So they shared about it with others and their parents and teachers were so proud of them.