
Girl with a crown

Aria is an ambitious, strong girl coming from a middle-class family who compromises everything for her family. She has her own dream to accomplish. Her life starts to change after she got to meet a handsome guy Matheo and married him from the pressure of family. Matheo is a heir of the Charlote family, that rules the capital, and it is said that he is most cruel one for whole world expect the only person who is his wife. At first, He didn't care about Aria as it was a business or say compromising marriage from both of them. After a year of marriage, Aria says" Matheo, I am craving for ice-cream" Matheo replied" Baby, let's not eat it today, it's not good" Aria" NO I want it now" Matheo.... (No misunderstanding, No regular drama, only pampering, journey of a successful woman in both her professional as well as family)

Monika_Chapagain · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Matheo's promise

Camellia said," Matheo, I know you are a successful businessman. But if you are the same as that in your personal life, I can't be sure of marrying Aria to her. Whatever Master Flake said, I would rather have Aria be single than be unhappy with you."

Matheo looked at Camellia and said," Aunt, I am saying this today that I have never said to anyone." 

When everyone heard Matheo say this, they knew he was going to say something big. With everyone's eyes on him, Matheo slowly and steadily said," I have known Aria since she was twelve years old. She promised me to marry me."

Camellia looked shocked and said," When did you meet her? At that time, she should have been at school." She thought Matheo was some pervert who was keeping eyes on a girl of twelve years old. When everyone heard Camellia say this, everyone looked at Matheo like he was a pervert. Even his own mother muttered," Her son is a pervert? I have raised him better." and glared at her husband.

When Matheo heard the muttering of his mother, he looked speechless and looked away at Camellia. He said," Aunt Cam, when I went to groove group for the meeting, I met her and had some conversation. At that moment, she said," She will marry me." There was Alen with me." 

Camelia looked at him and said," And why are you so sure that you can marry Aria?"

Matheo looked at Camellia's eyes and said," I can't be sure, but I can assure you is that I will support her dreams and whatever she wants to do."

Camellia looked at Matheo's eyes and knew that whatever he was saying, he would do it. Otherwise, people like Matheo will not lie for a lifetime. She looked at Nick and said to him," You want to ask him something?"

Nick said," I don't have much, but I want you to sign something." and he took out some documents and gave them to Matheo.

When Matheo started to read the document he was shocked to see the word "Divorce". He said, looking at Nick," Uncle, we don't have a marriage yet and here you are already preparing for divorce."

When others heard Matheo saying this, Mike and Angella went to Matheo to look at documents. But Anthor was the only one calm and with his mouth twitching while looking at Nick. Nick and Anthor were having their conversation from eye to eye. Anthor looked at Nick with a smile and said," Good Job."

Nick was speechless as he looked at Anthor, thinking," Is he really Matheo's biological father?"

Camillia looked at both of them and knew these two were playing with Matheo. Anthor can't beat Matheo, as Angella always takes Matheo's side when they discuss. She was sure they were going to make Matheo look good, and they would make sure Aria won. She looked at Matheo with sympathy, but suddenly her gaze changed into anger and thought," Why should he have sympathy? My Aria is so innocent." 

Matheo was shocked to look at Camellia's changing expression and looked sideways to see his father's twitching mouth. Then he knew these two were going to make him sweat for Aria. He looked at Nick and said," Uncle Nick, let's not sign this document. Rather, I want to sign a prenup in which you can put conditions, as I will give up all assets to her if I ever cheat. How about it?"

Nick said," This could be more practical than a prenup. We are not short of money."

Matheo looked eye to eye and said," I know, but I don't want to end this marriage before we start."

Nick said," Okay, but I want a promise if Aria ever wants to divorce her. You will divorce without any question."

Before this conversation could go on, Camellia interrupted by saying," Oh and if they have a child, child custody fights be given to Aria without any fighting."

Angella, Mike and Anthor kept quiet as Matheo was tackling them alone. They were sitting there as if they were watching a show and enjoying the show. Matheo looked at his grandfather and mother and said," You have no problem with it?"

Angella and Mike shook their heads and said," We can go visit them at Camellia's house."

Angella continued," Maybe we will live together if there's any situation that arises." 

Anthor also nodded his head, agreeing with his wife. He looked at Matheo with a smile as if to say, deal with him.

Matheo knew noon would help him, and he could already imagine his life after marrying Aria. He was sure that if he ever had a fight with Aria, everyone was going to support her even if she was wrong. He was thinking about whether he should go on with this marriage thing. But no matter, he looked at Nick and said," Uncle Nick, you can make a document of these things. I am OK with it."

Nick looked at Matheo's honest promise and knew he was done with that. He nodded his head at Matheo, and he said," Okay, Uncle Mike, you came to my home to have an engagement date. We are okay with this marriage."

After listening to Nick saying this, Mike and Angella were the happiest among them. Angella said to Nick and Camellia," Let's have dinner together. I have already ordered the maid to make it."

Then everyone went to the dining room, and everyone was having dinner happily. After everything was said and done, they all sat together in the living room to wait for dessert. As they were waiting for dessert, the conversation was around Matheo and Aria. They were discussing choosing the date for their engagement. 

Mike said," Should we choose the day within this week?"

Nick and Camellia replied," We are not sure. We should discuss this with dad too."

Angella said," Yeah let's meet all together and discuss it", she looked at Matheo and continued," You know to reschedule whatever you have tomorrow."

Matheo looked at his mother while saying," Yeah, I have already sent a message to Allen."

After he finished his words, the maid came to them with the desert in the trey. They had desert, and it was time for Camellia and Nick to go home.

Camellia said," Goodbye, see you tomorrow." They hugged and said bye.

Anthor tapped Nick's shoulder and said in the low voice that can only be heard by them," Give him a little tough time." and winked his eyes at him.

Nick looked at Anthor and said," ...."