
Class Time

I walk into the classroom and people are staring at me, I honestly can't stop thinking about that night, I did lie to everyone about some of the story I just needed to save myself.. some girl walked up to me., Hey Violet I hope you die for what you did. killer bitch, for one I didn't kill anyone and two watch your back, bitch what's that supposed to mean, it means stay back crazy, what ever. I got to my seat in the back cause the teacher actually hates me, but he's kind of cute though, I get my books out I see the teacher walk in he looks at me with a look of guilt I'm not sure why.

Okay class today we will be working on why people are fake when it comes to the internet.. Yes violet?, well I was wondering what does this have to do with yesterday?, Great question but were staring fresh so no more working on what we did yesterday okay?, alright sir, okay so I'm handing out books for you to read about the internet.., page one does anyone want to read it.. no one okay that's okay but I want at least one person to read it next time "when looking back looking back on the history of the internet it wasn't all bad but things could still happen to someone with one wrong click" so the reason I'm reading this is cause some people are to vulnerable and don't look for these signs. alright class make sure to do a survey on this book see you tomorrow. finally V were out of there I'm so glad we only had one class today I was about to die, well Liz I think there is something going on with him he seemed guilty of something, first off V hes a young teacher so he probably just got done jerking off, your probably right well I have to head home now you should to bye.