

The three of us continued to eat in complete and awkward silence. It's like we don't even know what to say to each other, or even if there was something that we wanted to say, its just that we don't know how to say it.

After a while the guy broke the silence, "Thanks"

I look at him, confused.

The guys sigh and continue "Thanks.... you know for defending us."

I sigh "Hey, people like us needs to stick to together. Right?"

The girl smiled "He's right. By the way my name's Alisa and this is Caleb" pointing at the guy beside her.

"So how long have you two been together?" I blurted out. Why? That's just the first thing that I thought off.

Caleb choke on the sandwich he was eating. He coughs so hard, he's pounding his chest while Alisa frantically rubs Caleb's back. I just looked at them, not knowing what to do. Okay I may have asked the question a little bit too early.

When he calmed down, Alisa looked at me with a small smile.

"Actually, he's my brother. We're Twins" Alisa said

Oh.... That makes sense. Now that she mentioned, they do have a lot of similarities or rather they do look very alike. What's gotten into me? Of course they're twins, they look exactly alike!

"Sorry I just .... I didn't know what I was thinking"

Alisa just chuckled and said "It's okay"

"Yeah" I said, a little embarrassed. Deciding to change the subject "By the way sorry for those jerks over there" pointing at the football team's table "I swear, Luke wasn't always a bully"

"We got that a lot actually" as soon as the word left Alisa's mouth she instantly paled. Her eyes became glassy and her hands are clench into a fist. Caleb is instantly beside her.

"A, It's okay" He said, trying to soothe Alisa. I was just lost at what's happening.

"A, It's okay. They're gone okay? They're not going back okay?" Caleb continued to soothe Alisa but it's not working. Alisa tighten her fist even harder, tight enough to dig her nails into her palms making it bleed.

"What happening with her?" I asked but Caleb didn't answer. He was just focused on his sister.

"A, You have me okay, I'm here." But Alisa didn't respond.

"We have to go" Caleb said, he quickly gather their things. Then he softly grabs Alisa's shoulder, supporting her to stand.

The way Alisa is acting, is like she retreated back to being a child. I just stared at them as Caleb led her away. I felt so stupid for not helping or something, It's just that my mind is completely full of questions and I might lose my mind if they're not answered as soon as possible.

What the hell is happening with my life? Why did Luke tried to kill me? Who are really those Twins? Why is this happening? What does the mark on my back means? Caleb's Eyes, The way Alisa is acting, I have so many questions.


It has been five days (Including Saturday and Sunday) since the incident with Alisa and I haven't seen the Twins since. I was walking in the school parking lot when I saw them, a guy our age is talking to them and they hang on to every word he says.

After talking he smiled at them, a smile so genuine you couldn't mistake it for anything less. He hugged both of them with so much love and affection that I can feel it from here. Before releasing them he kissed them both on the forehead. The Twins looked so happy, it's like they don't have any problems at all. The guy said something again, then opened the passenger side of their car. The car left leaving the Twins starring at the car. When the car disappeared, they started walking to the school, which left me with much more questions. The Twins are such a mystery, but I intend to make them trust me and be my friends. I just feel something.... good when I'm with them.

It's lunch time and I'm alone sitting at the willow tree table, as I call it. I was eating a sandwich and doing some readings when two shadows loom over me. I looked up, squinting my eyes and saw that it was Caleb and Alisa.

"Hey" I greeted them

"Hey" Caleb greeted back, while Alisa clearly looks nervous. "Uh... um..." Caleb started but closed his mouth again.

When he finally knows what to say, he stood taller "We're sorry for the way we left without any explanation"

I burst out laughing, I didn't mean to but I was not expecting that. I mean they look so uptight and nervous that I thought something bad happened but I wasn't definitely expecting that.

They looked at me like I was crazy, now they just look plain confused.

"Guys why are you apologizing? You have the right to keep personal and private stuff to yourselves right? Plus we guys only officially met that day so, I totally understand. Now if you two be kind enough to sit so I won't be looking up all the time, my neck is hurting."

Alisa visibly calmed down and they both smiled like kids on Christmas day.

"Thanks"Caleb said as they took their sit.

"No need to thank me, this is our table right?" I said, smiling.

They were putting out their lunches when I decided that it was time for me to ask some questions, but I don't know how to ask them without making myself looks stupid. The thought of making myself look stupid made me keep my mouth shut, so I just asked a different question.

"Where are you guys from?"

"Paris, then we moved here a month ago" Caleb answered while taking a bite of his fruit salad. Now that's really fancy.

"Paris huh? Fancy. How come you guys don't have accents" I asked while drinking.

This time Alisa answered "We travel a lot, so Dad made sure that he thought us how to speak clearly, without accent as much as possible but sometimes we still have the accent."


The lunch went by and it was great. The three of us talked about ourselves, sharing out information and I made sure to leave the serious questions alone for now. I learned that both of them are juniors, just like me. It also surprised me that the three of us have calculus together but that's about it. Caleb also told me, when I told him that I like his style, that he really likes and is fascinated with steampunk so much which pushed him to mix modern clothes with steampunk. I asked why they decided to move here, they said that it's a long story that I'll just be bored with the story. I know something is up but I decide to just leave it alone and respect their privacy, I wouldn't want to jeopardize this growing friendship that we have.

The three of us are in the middle of a conversation when suddenly someone dropped a tray beside me, cutting our conversation and getting our attention. A guy then sits then released a huge sigh.

Caleb looked at me and mouthed "Who's he?"

If I remember correctly, the guy sitting next to me is Andrew Snow. He's a British musical prodigy. He can play almost any instrument, and he's a junior just like us but he's one of the popular ones, why is he sitting with us?

"His name's Andrew" I whispered

At the sound of his name Andrew lifted his head finding all of staring at him, clearly seeing the question in everyone's face.

"Look I just want some quiet time okay, it's really annoying when you try to practice or write music only to be distracted by girls trying to get my attention all the time."

You can clearly hear his British accent as he speaks.

"Okay..... still it doesn't explain why you're sitting with us, not that its not okay, It's just a surprise that a popular kid like you would sit with us." I said, because really, we are considered the outcast, people avoided us like the plague (Well not all of them but most of them, usually the popular ones). So why would he sit with us when there's a lot of available table around?

"People consider you the freaks, the outcast and most of the kids avoided you guys." Yup, my thoughts exactly. "So I thought, that if I sit with you guys, those freaking girls will finally leave me alone and give me my peace."

"But why aren't you liking the attention? just like June said you're popular, why are you just throwing it away?" Alisa asked.

Andrew turned to her to answer her but when he saw her, his voice died. He was just transfixed by her. Caleb being the protective brother that he is, cleared his throat snapping Andrew out of his thoughts.

"What?" Andrew asked, clearly he was dazed.

"My sister just asked you a question." Caleb said, and his voice was firm and intimidating. Scary Brother Caleb.

"Oh, yeah....sorry. I am popular but I don't care about that, it doesn't mean anything to me. Music is much more important to me than some title or popularity." He answered with much conviction.

Hmmmm.... I have to say I'm impressed and very pleased to hear what he just said. He knows he's good at his craft but he still doesn't crave attention. People our age crave for attention, so it's just refreshing to see another person who doesn't care much attention.

Alisa smiled, and her smile was warm and has so much pride? She was proud of him, for being different and loving his craft more that attention.
