
Old and New Friends

After his mother's story, they both sat quietly, while June held his mother's pendant.

"Your Dad left that to me, the day he left and never came back" Arisa said, her voice laced with saddness

"What happened to him?" June asked, looking up at his mom

Arisa was about to answer when they heard movements at the entrance way of the kitchen. They both turned and saw Andrew standing in the door way, looking shocked and flushed.

"Uhhh... Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" Andrew said, apologetic

"Oh no, Its okay" Arisa said, "Did you want something?"

"I was just going to get some water" Andrew answered

"Well you must be hungry too, since you didn't eat dinner so I'll prepare a little snack for you too, okay" Arisa said, opening the fridge

"Please don't bother, I'm really not that hungry" Andrew said politely

"Non-sense. Now be a good boy and sit your ass down will you" Arisa said, putting out The bread, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, meyo, and some other stuff to create a killer sandwich.

"You know, might as well do what she says because there's no fighting her when she like that" June said, Pulling out a bar stool beside him.

"June, Do also want some? It's bacon" Arisa said

"Can't say no to that, Thanks mom" June said, then turned to Andrew who just sat right beside him "Mom makes a real mean bacon sandwich"

The night went on as they eat and chat. Time flew by and the next thing June knew, he should be preparing for school. Arisa told Andrew that he could skip school, taking all the time that he needs. June finished preparing in record time and rushed out to his SUV with a toast on his mouth.


June's at his locker when the Twins approached him.

"Hey, Gu-morning" Arisa greeted him, enthusiastically

"Morning" June greeted back

"How's he doing?" Caleb asked, concerned

June didn't need a name to know who Caleb was talking about

"He's getting there" June said, encouragingly

"That's good, I really hope he gets better soon" Arisa said, her voice laced with worry and concern

"Yeah me too" June said

"Dad's going to check on Andrew's house later, see If he can find any leads on what happened" Caleb said

Before any one could say something, someone suddenly collided with Caleb with an "Ooomfff" and a sound of books scattering on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl who bumped into Caleb said, while rushing to pick her things

The Girl was petite and had blonde hair. She was wearing a simple blouse, jeans, sandals and huge backpack that looked stuffed.

Caleb got down and helped her.

"Thank you so much" The girl said when Caleb handed her, her things.

"No prob" Caleb said, as they both stood up

"Again I'm really sor-" The Girl's voice died when he saw Caleb.

"Hey, are you okay?" Caleb said, his voice a mix of concern and confusion

The Girl nodded slowly as her piercing blue eyes shamelessly scans Caleb from head to toe.

"You're... you're.... you're Caleb Hearth" The Girl said in a low voice

"Have you guys met before?" Arisa asked said in confusion

Caleb shook his head as he was just as confused as his sister. The Girl turned to Arisa and June, and her eyes widen

"You're Arisa Hearth and You're June Summers" The Girl said, as her breaths started raising from excitement "Oh my God! It's you guys!" The girl said excitedly

"How did you know our names?" Caleb asked, eye brows furrowed

"Oh sorry, where are my manners" The Girl said, calming her self down "You might not know me but It's my Job to know you. Isabelle Fisher, Editor-in-Chief of the school magazine and may I just say it's and honor to meet you three. This is so amazing, everyone has been talking none stop about you three. The trio who transformed from Freak to Chic! It's so amazing!" Isabelle said excitedly

"Uhh... Thanks?" June said, confused

"School Magazine?" Caleb said, his brows furrowed "I didn't know that was a thing?"

"Yup, only here at Crystal Mist High" Isabelle said proudly "Yes we do have the School Newspaper where you can read the other boring school stuff but the School Magazine brings something new and fresh that students actually wanna read"

"How come I haven't seen any of the School magazine?" Alisa asked

"Oh that's because the School newspaper gets all the budgeting funds from the school because they think we're useless and the school thinks so too, oh and did I mention the Editor-in-Chief of the school news parper is one of the school's major sponsor's daughter." Isabelle said with a yeah-I-know nod. "We can only publish limited amounts of copies per issue and we get it out from our own pockets but thank God for the social media and gadgets, Without them people won't know that we even exist. Sometimes we ask for donations but only our very loyal readers ever care. They're the reason why we're still here" Isabelle said with a big smile although it sound like they had it hard.

"Why not just ask the school for some budget? I'm sure they can spare the Magazine some, since the school is rich as heck" Caleb asked

"Well, It's not that easy" This time it's June who spoke "The school makes sure that the ones getting the budget funds from the school is important or what makes the school known. For example the school is really know for its Football and Basketball teams, which are always butting heads on who should get higher funds"

"Wow, I did hear that you are smart June but I have to say I'm impressed none the less" Isabelle said, "Well I have to go, I'm running late on my meeting with my colleagues-"

And just on cue, a guy and a girl who's looking really smart, clean, sharp, stylish and professional are speed walking their way to their direction, looking very annoyed.

"Isabelle where have you been, we've been waiting for you in ages" the girl said, who had a British accent

"I know, and I'm sorry" Isabelle apologized, turning to the three "It's really nice meeting you, maybe we can interview you guys some times?" she said with a hopeful smile

The two newcomers turned their heads to the three and their eyes widen

"Are those-?" the guy started, who has a Scottish accent, but before he could finish the question Isabelle answered "Yes"

"We're terribly sorry for the rude interruption" The Girl said, apologizing

"No, It's okay" Alisa said with a smile

"This is Pearl Balanchine, Our Lead Writer and Chief Journalist of the School Magazine" Isabelle said, introducing the Girl with a very stylish messy bun tied with a brown fabric that makes her hair pop. "And This is Alexandrite Baryshnikov but everyone calls him Alex. He's our Art Director and Digital Journalist" Isabelle said, introducing the Guy with the black wavy hair. Both of them embodied the term "Corporate Chic" to the T even though they're still in high school.

"Pleasure to meet you" The two said, extending their hands and June and the gang shook their hands.

"You too!" Alisa said. Enthusiastic about meeting new people

Isabelle was about to say something when the double doors of the school entrance opened. Two guys entered and the sea of students crowding the entrance hall started parting like the red sea.

"That's them" Pearl said in a low voice, taking out her tab from her bag

"Who?" Alisa asked

"Leo Rodriguez and Seth Volkov; Best friends, Quarterback and Wide Receiver duo, And Models. Both transferred from LA's most prestigious High School known for their Football program" Pearl said, in a low voice while Leo and Seth pass them "Leo was born in Mexico while Seth was born in Russia. Leo's birthday is July 26, 1999 and Seth's is April 17, 1999. Not only do they excel in sports, both also excel in academics, being both of them have 4.0 GPAs. They have been best friends since they were 7. They got casted as models when they were both 14 years old by Pillar Modeling Agency, and since then they graced every major Fashion magazine and catwalks around the world."

"Wow, That's..... amazing and a little creepy" Alisa said, stupefied

"I know and that's not even the tip of the iceberg" Pearl said, agreeing

"When you guys talked about how serious you were about the school magazine, you guys weren't joking aren't you?" June asked, amazed

"Let's see how those newspaper people, top our Intel" Isabelle said, almost smugly

"But wait, what are they doing here? If they're what you said they are, then why move here? Why Crystal Mist? No offence, I love Crystal Mist and it's beautiful But why here out of all the places" June asked

"Well for starters, Crystal Mist is a very quiet city, that's why most rich people chose to stay here. We have a very nice climate. The City is surrounded by nature. Also Luke Banebridge dropped out of school, along with most of the team, so the football team has an opening, A lot of them. Thankfully it just so happened that those two were planing to move here so coach didn't waste anytime and got connected with them." Alex explained

"Wait did you say Luke dropped out?" June said, shocked

"Yeah, everyone was shocked as well when they heard about it but what's weird is that most of the team dropped out on the same day Luke did" Alex said. Then Isabelle's cellphone dinged, receiving a message.

Checking it, her eyes widen. After reading the text she pocketed her phone again and said "We really have to go. That was Fluer just now, our Beauty and Fashion Editor, Social Media Manager, and Hair and Makeup Artist; is throwing a fit right now and we really have to go" Isabelle said, apologetically "I'm really sorry"

"It's cool" Caleb said, giving her a smile

"Hey, Maybe later we can interview you guys?" Pearl asked

"That's a great idea, we'll see you guys later at your table!" Isabelle said, excited

"Sure" Arisa said, smiling "We'll see you guys later"

"Great! We'll see you later!" Isabelle said again and then they were gone


"Okay, what's happening?" Alisa said

"Uhhhh.. what?" June said, Startled

"What's happening? you haven't talked ever since Alex said Luke dropped out" Alisa said, raising a brow.

The three of them are walking to their table by the willow tree, each holding a tray, containing their lunches.

"I was just thinking. Luke dropping out out of nowhere, it's weird..... but dropping out with most of the team is just outrageous, crazy and suspicious" June said

"Agreed, we all know what he's capable of" Caleb said, "We need to stay on our guard"

"Yeah" June said with a sigh

As they near their table, they saw that a group of people were already sitting there. One of them noticed the three when the three got close enough and waved. Once the three got a better view of the group, they saw that it was Isabelle, Pearl, Alex and another one who they haven't met yet. The table was fairly big so it can fit almost ten people in it.

"Day-um! You guys weren't kidding!" The girl, the three haven't met yet, said

She's black, Has red curls and has a very feisty personality.

"Hey guys!" Alisa said in greeting, as the three of them took their sits.

"This is so exciting! We're actually sitting with you guys for lunch!" Isabelle said, not containing her excitement.

"Well the more the merrier I always say" Caleb said, sitting across Isabelle

"Heyyyyyy" The Black girl said, "I know you guys but you don't know me. Fleur Gardens, beauty and fashion expert, social media celebrity, and hair and make up pro, nice to meet y'all" Fleur said, extending her hands

The three shook her hand and they began to eat. Isabelle, Pearl, Alex and Fleur each has their own gadgets that they're using. Lunch time silently flew by, with no one talking, except the occasional hushed conversation Isabelle, Pearl, Alex, and Fleur are having.

The three felt awkward since they can't talk about what's happening with Luke and some other Gifted stuff. Alisa was about to ask a question when a loud obnoxious laugh rang out, halting everyone from what they were doing. they all turned to source and saw a group student looking like a bunch of Barbies and Kens not so obviously whispering and taking quick glances at them.

When one of the girls, 100% the leader of the group, saw that all of them are looking at them she flashes the most fake-est smile she could ever muster and did her little finger wave, which made Alisa cringe. The lead Barbie has long blonde hair and wore hot pink and sparkles all over. We are talking hot pink blouse with ruffles, mini skirt, boots and shades. She wore expensive looking jewelries and a bag that looked like the most expensive Prada there is. The rest of her gang's looks complemented her.

"A friend of yours?" Caleb asked, giving Isabelle a sideways glance

"She used to be" Isabelle answered with a sigh, shaking her head

"What happened?" Caleb asked giving her his full attention

"Well ever since she became the newspaper's editor-in-chief, she changed and when she learned that I created the school magazine and saw that we were getting some attention, she made it her life goal to destroy my life" Isabelle said, "She pulled the Daddy card and with one sweet talk from her, our school funds were gone. The school magazine used to have a lot members but ever since she pulled that stunt, everyone joined her. Only Pearl and Alex stayed and thankfully we found Fleur"

"You know we'd never leave you and join that spoiled, narcissistic, self-absorbed brat" Pearl said, comforting Isabelle, "I'm not mean by the way, I'm just stating facts" Pearl said, turning to the three

"Besides, they just let their hired professional journalist to do their work for them while they braid each others hair and gossip all the time" Alex said like he just ate something bad.

"Wait, so you mean they aren't doing anything at all?" Alisa asked, shocked

Alex nodded "Her father is one of the most influential businessman in Crystal Mist, so he called some of his connection and the next thing we know, professionals are working for the school paper"

"And the Principal is letting them?" June asked

"He has no choice. If he doesn't, the school looses a major sponsor" Pearl said

"That's not fair" Alisa said

"What can we do, at least some students prefer our stuff compared to them" Isabelle said, with a small smile

"Oh, that's so great!" The lead barbie said with her high pitched voice. She and her group of barbies and Kents approached them and are now standing close to the table.

"I'm so happy for you Isabelle. People actually takes time to read your stupid magazine" The lead barbie said

"Lulu, why are you here?" Isabelle said, suddenly with a tired voice

"Oh, I was just looking up close. You guys must really hit rock bottom for you to sit with the freaks" Lulu said with fake sympathy

Then Fleur snorted getting Lulu's and her gang's attention

"What's so funny?" Lulu snapped.

"Oh, I'm guessing you still didn't know." Fleur said, with an amused tone

"Know what?" Lulu said, cluless

"Oh, nothing.... just the fact that the people you are calling freaks actually rised to being chic. The whole school now adore these three. Oh but you wouldn't know that would you, cuz the last time I remember you guys were braiding each others hair and gossiping about your new boyfriends, Yeah that's what I think" Fleur said with a smirk, while examining her nails.

Lulu's face turned red from embarrassment and rage.

"You'll pay for this" Lulu threaten, pointing her perfectly manicured nail at her

"Just try honey" Fleur said back

Lulu stomped off, tripping on a small rock. Falling down face first, she threw a major toddler tantrum on the ground and she doesn't even care that people are looking, It even looked like she was enjoying the attention. The rest of her gang rushed to her, trying to calm her down.

June and the gang couldn't hold off their laughter, that their laughs started bursting out of them one-by-one. Then June's phone started ringing.

Looking at his phone, June saw that it was his mom and excused himself from the group. "Mom?" June said, answering the phone.

"Hey honey!" Arisa greeted on the phone

"Hey, What's up?" June asked

"Oh, I'm going with Harper to Andrew's house to investigate"


"I need you to watch over Andrew, while I'm gone"

"Why? What happened? Is he Okay? Did something happened?" June said, his voice laced with concern but he made sure to keep his voice low

"He's okay, don't worry" Arisa said in reassurance, "It's just that he's still recovering, and not being able to control his Gift yet is really hard on him. I just want him to understand that he's not alone in this"

"What about school?" June asked

"Don't worry, I already called and your good to go"

"Okay, I'll be right home"

"Thank you honey!"

"No Prob"

"Okay! Love you!"

"Love you too, bye" June said ending the call

He approached and said "Gotta go, Mom's going with your Dad. Mom wants me to keep an eye on Andrew while she's gone"

"Is he okay?" Alisa said instantly, concerned

"Wait you mean Andrew Snow? You guys know where he is?" Isabelle said, shocked

"Huh?" June asked, confused as he look at the twins then the Magazine Gang

"It's all over the news, haven't you seen it?" Alex said, trying to elaborate more

The three shook their heads, "What news ?" Caleb asked

Pearl handed them her tab, and Alisa took it, it's showing the headlines about Andrew's mysterious disappearance from the hospital. It says that his father has been looking for him none stop.

"This is bad" June said, louder that he should

"What's bad?" Isabelle asked. The magazine gang leaning forward, smelling a hot new scoop

"Uhhhhh.. Nothing, nothing's bad" June said, not so smoothly. Then he grab his bag and turn to the twins "I'll see you guys later at my place k?"

"Yeah" Caleb said, giving June a fist bump

Turning to the magazine gang, "I have to run guys but really nice meeting you" He said smiling

"You too...." Isabelle tried saying but June was already far away

"Well I have to go too" Fleur said, standing up "My girl Sophia need some back up right now. Later guys!" Then she was gone

"Well I suppose we can reschedule" Isabelle said, Looking directly at Caleb with begging eyes and Caleb couldn't help but grin.

noticed by his sister, Alisa smirked and with a cheerful voice "You got yourself a rain check! We're friends now so guys can talk to us like normal friends do okay?"

"Really? Thank you!" Isabelle squealed, excitedly. Alex and Pearl also looked excited and for some reason, relieved.

Alisa bump her brother with her elbow and gave him a knowing smile. Caleb slightly blushed but was gone instantly and just shook her head with a grin on his face.
