
Body in the middle of nowhere!

June gripped the wheel so hard, turning his knuckles white. The pain on his back is like a constant burn that's searing his flesh.

Leader you must hurry! The voice said again.

"I'm trying, Okay!" June shouted

He drove as fast as he can, without even know where he's going. He just keeps driving, the voice occasionally giving him directions.

Leader turn left... Leader turn right.....

June realized that the surrounding is starting to get very unfamiliar, that he didn't even know existed. Now he's beginning to think that he's becoming crazy or something, but the voice then said

Leader, We are almost there

Immediately after the voice spoke, the pain on June's back disappeared instantly. It was quiet for a moment and June just kept driving. When suddenly the voice shouted: Leader Stop! making June hit the breaks a little too hard, he flew forward. The sit belt caught him, feeling the bite of it's material on his body but it save him, and in that moment he silently thank the Lord for his mother, telling him to always wear his seat belt or he would have flown straight right out of the windshield, cracking his head wide open.

"You could've warn me a little earlier" June muttered

To his surprise the voice actually answered back, "My apologies Leader"

"It's okay, Just next time, for future reference okay? Oh and please don't burn my back , It really hurts okay?" June said, getting out of the car. He was beginning to really think he's become crazy, driving out in the woods, talking to a voice only he could hear. Yup, any normal person who would see him right now would definitely run for the hills or call the mental institution.

Again my apologies Leader, the voice said

"So why am I here-" His voice died when he saw a body lying on the ground. His car's headlights are beaming right on the spot where the body lie.

"Holy! That is a body!"June said pointing out. He stood there petrtified and freaked out of his mind.

Yes and you must help him Leader!

"Are you crazy?! Are you seeing what I'm seeing, That's a body! In the middle of nowhere! lying on the ground! What if he attacks me?!" June said nervous, panicking and downright terrified. "What if he's dead and he was dumped here?!" June added. After the words left his mouth, his brain started getting really creative with all kinds of ways on how the body ended up like this, making him more freaked out.

He is not dead Leader but in need of urgent help.... You must help him before it's too late!

June was struggling, he didn't know if he's really turning crazy or what! A part of him wanted to help but a part of him is screaming run for the hills.

You must hurry Leader or it will be too late!

June was still hesitating, but the clear side that won was the one that wanted to help. "Ugh! Alright" He said walking cautiously to the body, "I must be crazy" June muttered

You most certainly are not going crazy Leader, The voice said

"I hope so" June sigh, approaching the body slowly "Hello, are you okay?" June asked but only got silence.

June moved closer and got a better look on the body. It's a guy's body, and he's not wearing anything, like nothing at all, it's just pure bare skin. The guy is lying faced down, face turned away from June, like he collapsed. The guy has a lean, athletic body, short white hair with hints of very very light blue, and He could be easily at about June's height. When June got a little bit closer he saw that the guy was covered in buises, whole body, and that he's bleeding, and not just small cut bleeding but full out bleeding.

"Hey, are you okay?" June said once again, running to the body. June saw the the guy is definitely breathing from the faint rise and fall of his chest. He gently turned the guy around and was stunned shocked, gasping.

"Andrew?" June was so confused and shocked that he couldn't make out the reason why Andrew ended up in this place.

Andrew's face contorted in pain, he groaned in pain, but his eyes were still shut

He looked a lot like Andrew but at the same time not at all. He looks a lot paler, from the blood loss June assumed, His brows and lashes are the same pale white like his hair. June's eyes moved to his body and saw a large cut and blood oozing out of it, making June's head a spin.

Leader! You must focus and tend to his wounds, immediately!

June shook his head, clearing his head. "The wound is too deep, he needs a doctor and fast" June said, pulling out his phone but when he saw that there was no signal "Tch!" he shoved back the phone back to his pocket.

Andrew groaned again, his breaths becoming more labored.

He won't reach the doctor anytime soon Leader... You must tend to his wounds now!

"But how? I mean I have a first aid kit in the car, my mom is always ready, but I don't know if it's enough to tend to his wounds. The cut is too deep and he lost to much blood" June said frantic, he's clothes now getting soaked in blood.

Your blood can heal him Leader

"What?" June said, taken aback by what the voice said

As I said Leader, you can heal him with your blood.

"You mean my blood can heal him? How?"

Because you are a Leader, The voice just said which doesn't make any sense at all and only made June even more confused.

Andrew screamed in pain. June thought there is no more time to second guess himself, he already accepted that he's different, so this comes with the difference.

June picked up a sharp rock. He held his breath and close his eyes, then he sliced his left palm. He didn't feel any pain at all because of all the adrenaline pumping through him.

"Now what do I do?" June asked

Put your hand on the wound, Leader

June put his hand on the wound, and as soon as his hand connected on the wound, Andrew let out a loud scream of pain, his eye flew wide open, he thrashed like there's no tomorrow.

Hold him down Leader!

"I'm trying!" June said, struggling to keep Andrew moving to much "What's happening with him?!"

It's your blood Leader... It's purifying the Shadow's poison that's killing him

Andrew wailed and scream louder, tears flowing from his eyes. June could see the anguish in his piercing Ice Blue eyes but he could also see... fear?

"Please.... Stop.... Please..... Stop...Please" Andrew begged, his voice breaking from his sobs.

"Andrew, It's June."June said, trying to calm Andrew down but Andrew kept thrashing

"Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Andrew cried

Andrew kept trying slip away from June's hold but June was stronger and kept Andrew pinned downed while he continues to heal him. June kept muttering words of comfort but it was all being drown by Andrew's cries and screams.

"How long will this go on, Andrew can't last another second of this!" June said, Being torn between healing Andrew and stopping, because clearly Andrew's in excruciating pain

Just a little bit more Leader, he needs to stay strong!

Andrew let out another excruciating cry, almost making June lift his hand only to be stop by the voice.

You have to be strong Leader. You must be strong for your friend. Said the voice, but June could hear the sympathy in the Voice's voice also.

"Just a little bit more Andrew, You can do this! Stay strong!" June said in encouragement.

"Please.... Stop..." Andrew let out another cry, but this time softer, his eye half open.

after a few blinks, Andrew passed out.

"Woah! Andrew! Hey, Andrew wake up!" June said panicking

June shook Andrew but no respond, He tried giving him gentle slaps on the face but still no respond which made June panic even more. June's heart started to beat faster, his sweat flowed like waterfalls down his body and face, and he started having a hard time to breath.

"What happened with him?!" June asked, while possibly having a panic attack.

Stay clam Leader, He only passed out from exhaustion. He is just resting.

"Oh, thank God!"June released a huge breathe upon hearing it.

Andrew looked almost peaceful, with the steady rise and fall of his chest. June looked at where the cut was, now healed, and that's where he caught a glimpse of Andrew's mark. It is located at Andrew's lower left torso, just above the hip bone. He took a more careful look at it, and it looked like a tribal snowflake, which June thought was pretty cool. June looked at his left palm and it was surprisingly healed a well

After a few moments of silence and rest, June asked "So what am I suppose to do now?"

You take care of him Leader, he is now your responsibility

"Say what? What do you mean responsibility?" June said stunned but there was no answer. "Hey, What do you mean responsibility?"June repeated but again no answer. "What in the world am I suppose to do now?" June said, confused, shocked and just most likely tired.

After some debating with himself on what to do he decided to take Andrew home, which will freak out his mom, and call Harper for help tomorrow.

June carried Andrew on his back, which was very uncomfortable knowing that Andrew was naked, plus the fact that Andrew was really heavy. Still June tried to carry him with every ounce of care. He didn't know what Andrew have been through but in some way June understood he need to help Andrew with everything he can. Plus there was a strong sense of protectiveness towards Andrew, which he really didn't know how to explain it himself.

June adjusted the front passenger seat and gently lay Andrew. He ran to the back of the car, opened the trunk and search through his extra clothes for Andrew. June silently thank the Lord again for his mom, making him always ready with extra fresh clean clothes, food, first aid and whatnot, for emergencies like this. He found a pair of boxer briefs, sweat pants and a cotton plain white shirt, oh and a pair of his extra slip on shoes. He also grab some baby wipes and a towel to clean Andrew, when he got everything he needed, he closed the trunk and carried all the things in the front.

He started cleaning Andrew as much as possible, and when he's done, he started putting clothes on Andrew. After making sure that everything was set, June buckled Andrew's seat belt and gently closed the door. June ran to the Driver's side of the door and got in, He looked at Andrew and thought of the entire day, his world definitely is changing and will continue to change from now on.

June sigh and started the car, he switched to drive and drove home.
