
Chapter 5 : Who are you ?

" What are you doing here ? "

I couldn't help saying when I saw her, about 9 years old, white / ashy hair ....

the young girl could not answer me, she had her hands tied, and tape over her mouth

<Impossible, why is she here? she's not part of this world or even this universe, but what is she doing here? >

As I look at her for a while, As I look at her, I notice that she also looks at me, without moving, and that she starts to cry

as i walk towards her i tell her

"Don't worry little girl, I came to help you out of this hell"

(1 pov - ????)

I'm afraid

For as long as I can remember, strange people have been asking me to do stupid tests

They take my blood

It hurts

They say it's the procedures

And if I ever try to complain, they take more blood...

I asked why they do this to me, it's because of my blood which is special...

It's dark...

Why am I going through this?

I don't know the outside world...

I've only read books about it

I wish I never had this cursed blood

It destroyed my life, why couldn't I live in a normal family and grow up peacefully? Why do I have to go through all this?

I wish I could be free, and ride a horse in a meadow, in these books they seem to have so much fun!

I don't know where I am right now, they said they were going to sell me to someone

I'm afraid...

But despite all this I still have a trace of hope, for as long as I can remember I've been able to feel my soul calling to something, I don't know what it is, but it's drawing me in, every time I'm scared I think of that connection, every time I'm in pain I think of that connection, when I'm close to losing hope I think of that connection

I knew that this thing would be there for me one day, it would come and get me out of the

If only I didn't have this special blood...

As I rest, I hear a noise outside

What's going on?

Suddenly I don't hear any sound, I only hear a person walking to stand in front of the container I'm in

The door opens, the moment I see the person who opened it, I am shocked

<This is him>

I can't see him clearly, but I can tell he looks scary, what I see most are his yellow cat-like eyes, although it's dark I can see them clearly, that's because there's a glow in them

Although he looks scary, I am not afraid of him, on the contrary, I am happy, I can finally get out of this hell, I knew it was him!

We are linked by something that I can't say.

He will be there to help me

At this moment I notice something on my cheek

Am I crying?

At that moment I hear a voice that warmed my heart

"Don't worry little girl, I came to help you out of this hell"


hotel - germany


(1 pov - Geralt)

After I met the little girl and removed all her restraints, she fainted, so I carried her to the hotel where I was staying

I didn't meet anyone on the road, it was late at night, and fortunately because I wouldn't want to know what they would think if they saw someone carrying a young girl in the middle of the night

I took her back to the hotel because I wanted to ask her some questions, then I would take her home

she is currently resting on the bed

On my side I look at all the benefits I have made

At this moment I hear a dry and weak red

I turn around and I see the girl open her eyes

She looks me in the eyes, she doesn't look scared

"Hi little girl, my name is Geralt, I'm going to take you back to your family, could you tell me your name?  "

"I don't have a family, I have nowhere to go, I thought you could adopt me? My name is Cirilla"

<It's definitely her, I'm sure of it now>

"So you don't have a family?  "

"No and please help me, I never want to feel weak again"

"Know that if you follow me, you will see vile things, although I will be there for you, do you still wish to follow me?  "

"Yes, I know you are not a bad person, I can feel it".

"If you insist so much then so be it.

<If this is Ciri then we are related, that must be why she trusts me so much, and then I must also see if she has the same power as the original Ciri, if so she can be of great help to me>

<I don't know why but I feel like this isn't the only surprise I'm going to get in this world, it's supposed to be the MCU but I feel like I'm going to have another encounter? I don't know, and then it's useless to think about it, we'll see when it happens >



(Author's note)

Do you think I'm moving too fast in the story? Do you want me to continue at the same pace, or take more time to develop the characters' points of view?

This is my first fanfiction, thanks for the advice
