
Chapter 2 : Training and first mission


In a house on a mountain, in Russia, year 1985


(1 pov Snake(man who took Geralt))

He's a genius, that's all I can say watching him train, he takes in everything I teach him, he's like a sponge when I teach him, and I don't know why but he has seems to have something more, he is special I know, already looking at those long ash-white hair and his yellow eyes in the shape of a cat, I know he is special, and his gaze every time Whenever we fight he has that serious look that makes me tremble myself. I, who am a mercenary, who used to work in a KGB secret service, was trained to do almost everything, I was also trained in torture, fear and other things, but every time as I watch him my senses tell me to run away, I don't understand, because he still can't fight in melee combat, although lately I have to give everything I have to avoid losing, but unfortunately I do not win either ...

"Well that's enough, I think you've learned everything there is to learn about combat, now I'm going to teach you to get used to pain, and question your future enemies, follow me"

(1 pov Geralt of Rivia)

I've been here for 5 years, I've been trained in several martial arts and I've also learned how to handle several types of weapons, such as one-handed weapons and larger ones such as snipers

One day I decided to ask to learn swordplay because I think it's so stylish! And then thanks to Geralt's memories I feel better using one, but unfortunately he had answered me 

"I don't know how to handle a sword, I can give you one, but you'll have to learn on your own.

and since that day I acquired a sword, a claymore of 120cm and 2,2kg. It's nothing special, a simple sword I must say but it will be enough for now, later I'll have one made to my taste and I'll also put runes on it.

And so since that day I've been training every night with the sword and I must say that I'm not far from the original Geralt, I have to thank my body that has a limitless potential.

As Snake told me to follow him, he turned around and started to leave

I take a towel next to me and wipe my face, at the same time I decide to follow him to see what he has to do to keep from hurting me, although I don't think it will make much difference, thanks to the experiences of the original Geralt I've also had all his painful moments so I think I'm already good at it, although I've never tried to hurt myself for fun

Speaking of Snake I don't know his real name, he never wanted to tell me

As I followed him through the rooms of the mansion, we went to a basement, in this place there was only one chair with ties for handles and legs

That's not all, there was someone in that chair, a man of about 30 years old, he had no clothes on, he had blood on him and his head was down

I stopped at the entrance of the room and looked at Snake

Snake who noticed that I had stopped turned around

"What are you waiting for?  "

"Old man I didn't know this was your style of taste, if I had known you liked men I would never have come."

"What are you talking about!!? I like women!  "

"Then why is he naked?  "

"You little brat, shut up! Come here, we have no time to lose!

As I approached, he handed me a knife

"Well now kill it"

I looked at the knife and understood what he wanted to do, he wanted me to do my first kill to get me used to it for later in my missions, and I think he also wants to test me, but too bad for him thanks to the original Geralt I've already killed several times.

As I was thinking I took the knife and moved towards the man, looking at him more closely I think that even if I don't kill him myself he will die within a few days, good target for a first kill, that is if it was really my first.

As I stood in front of the man I slit his throat with one blow

The man woke up with a start and choked on his blood

This is the first murder I have done in this world, like I thought I don't feel a thing, I'm 15 and did my first murder, did I go too fast? I do not know?

After that I turned around and walked towards Snake and gave him the knife back and said

"I'm going back to training, see you later.

(1 pov Snake)

Shocked, that's all I could say, seeing his cold look, he had no hesitation in this gesture, I knew he was special.

I remember my first murder, I threw up everything I had in me, and I couldn't sleep for a few days, but he just went on like nothing happened, what am I training?

(2 months later - 1 pov Geralt)

It's already been 2 months that Snake teaches me how to get information from people he captures, I don't know who they are and where he gets them from and I don't care

And also Snake was made aware of my signs, while I was training one night, he saw me throwing one and since then he thought I was a wizard, I told him that I was not and that it was a gift that I had since my birth, I did not tell him too much about it to avoid that his escape.

In truth although I trust him, I don't want to tell him too much, I know very well that he wouldn't betray me but in this world where there are beings with powers that can see the memories, I don't want them to know too much about me

As I walked to Snake's office I thought about what he had told me a few days ago

"I'm going to have a mission for you, it will be your first preparation »

As I walked into Snake's office I saw him sitting in his chair reading documents

"Didn't I always tell you to knock before entering?  "

"Shut up old man, it's just the two of us in this mansion, what are you trying to hide from me?  "

" Shut up kid, come and sit in front of me, I need to talk to you about your mission "

I sit down and see him hand me a document, I look at it and I see information about a person

(He is not an important person so there is no need to remember this information)

Name : Dimitri Aleskei


Activities: organ trafficking

Request: You must kill him
