
Chapter 1: The Anonymous Caller

"Ms.Yan, It's an honor to meet you here at our show. We would like to ask you a few questions regarding your company's future plan and peek into your personal life. Is that ok?"

"Yeah. Thank you for having me here at your show."

"So, Ms. Yan, we would like to know what is KLE's plan for the future development, is there going to be any change to your company consider it's thriving up to the top?"

"Yeah, yeah. There's going to be a lot of changes I have made and plans that KLE would consider "diving" into. As you know, we hold a very big share in other plans and projects so i'm making sure that the company is stable and strong and maintain it's ranking in the race."

"And there is a question that many of us are curious to know. Are you still single, Ms.Yan?"

"Uhm...well...I guess yes, cause nothing exciting happens in my life beside work and the position of a CEO. I don't really worry about my love life and if possible,I would consider searching for my love one in the far future. "

"So work is still your #1 priority in your heart..."


The TV power off.

"Reject any interview the next time any of them contact me," Yu Ri Yan said in a cold voice "or else you know what the consequence is."

"Yes...yes, Ms.Yan..." the secretary reply while trembling like a operated machine.

The GREAT YU RI YAN, a single woman and a caring mom to her company , had made her way to the top like a speed rocket, achieving many rewards and trophy for accomplishing BIG at such a young age. People call her pretty, intelligence, and GODDESS, and she was fed up with it. She avoided interviews and reporters as much as she'd avoid troubles. Only to be ruined by a "brand new" secretary.

'How many secretaries had it been? 15? Or 18?' Yu thought to her self as she sat in her CEO chair. After that long interview with the show, it drains her energy to 1% percent, unable to move an inch.

As she was surfing through her many thoughts, she suddenly remember.

'Today is my birthday'

And only her close friends would know when her REAL birthday is. She had give the social medias and the news her false information, including her birthdate, origin (birth place), and name. But only one fact was clear after many years of gossip surrounded her, 'she is still SINGLE'

"Miss Yan, there are presents and gifts sent to you from your friends. Would you like me to move it in here? After all, it's about 20 of them." The secretary asked.

"Yeah, bring it in here" Yu ordered.

As the boxes of prosents and ribbons-decorated gifts are being move into her office, she realize it was such a large Happy Birthday surprises she receive this year.

As she slowly unboxed each one of them, her energy level boosts up to MAX.

When she finally got her hand on the last box, she began to sense a weird feeling, and sensation she felt ten years ago. 'Just ignore it' she told her self.

When she opened the box, there was only a white paper in it. Nothing else. A prank? But why would someone prank her when they knew she's a big CEO of a powerful company . Definitely not a prank.

Yu unfold the note and in it was only a sentence written in the blank space:

'Want some ice cream?'


The 4 words shot through her like a hard bullet.

The messages felt similar to what she had heard before. A long time ago.

Maybe this is a joke. A prank to humiliate and anger her.

*Phone ringing*

Yu grab the phone from her secretary in a nervous manner and as she look at the caller ID, it was an "Anonymous person". She slowly clicked the answer button and move the phone close to her ear.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"How are you ? Do you miss me?" the voice said.

It was a gentle voice, a man voice, a sad but beautiful voice. A voice Yu realize is no other than HIM...

Thank you for reading this chapter. This is my first novel. Hope you like it! Comment below if you like it or want to made a suggestion to my novel. I'm a beginner so I'm really sorry if it doesn't meet you standard, but I will try hard to make this better!☺️

theFRIENDLYcreators' thoughts