
Genshin Impact: An Author's Coping Method

Well ain't this something The picture used is not mine. I don't have the rights to the picture

ConflictedSHS · วิดีโอเกม
10 Chs

Chapter 0: Oh My Me

Before we start:


Talk and info= Is

Important text= "Annoyed"



??:?? | Unconfirmed

Me: "Where am I?"

I blurted while my head still felt a bit numb along with my body and my throat slightly parched.

Me: "Did somebody kidnap me in my sleep or something and Isekaid me?"

Why did I think such an absurd question? There are two reasons. First, it's because I love to think of such an illogical yet possible scenario since my has yet to accept such possibilities and I like to imagine such idea becoming. And second, is that I'm standing on a beach, where it's showing me the entrance to Fontaine, a nation that shouldn't exist!?

At least in my world's reality since where I come from, it's one of the 7 existing nations of a game called Genshin Impact. So you could only imagine what I felt seeing this unbelievable view in the same plain of existance. That being happy, distressed, and absolutely frustrated. Happy at this possibly god given opportunity, distressed due to the fact I now I have an decent chance of dying in this world and frustrated at the highly unexpected situation I'm in

Me: "Who the hell sent me here!?!"

???: "I did." A voice said out of nowhere


Hearing it made me jump back before looking my vicinity. Only to see nothing but some tumbleweeds, a few giant rocks with some peeking out of the water

Me:"Show yourself!!!"

???: "It's no use you nitwit"

Me:"What did you say!?"

???: "You Heard Me!! You want me to spell it out"

Oh boy his blunt words sure gave me urge to punch this person but first of ...

Me: "Who are you!?"

???:"Calm down Nathaniel, jeez I thought you would've figured out from my voice now" the voice said sounding irritated

Nathaniel: "Ok I don't even have the motivation now to know how you know my name and I certainly have dame clue who you are cause I absolutely have no I to what hint I should be getting from your voice as it ain't even a familiar to me by a-"

Both: "'miniscule piece of a water flee'"

Me: !? "No way." (I said in disbelief)

The voice was different and definitely now familiar. I honestly already now know who it is and I could only say one to line

Me: "Oh My Fucking Me!!!"

???: 'Exactly'

Nathaniel: "You actually did it!!!"

???: 'More like we did it'

Nathaniel: "Seriously dude"

???: 'Yup, sorry not sorry cuz I don't regret it'

Ok, this was confusing to me at first but thankfully I now understand who I am talking to. Myself...

It really made look incredulous as I'm literally talking to myself. What do I mean? Well after I heard fingers snapping, new files of information were embedded to my brain. It didn't hurt and what he sent really is just too... what's the words?... Undeniably crazy!!!

He gave me his reasons that he was bored so he decided to that manhwa concept of where the MC can chat with the author and converse with them on what ideal scenarios the MC can do in the webnovel he's stuck into by said author. However there's a key difference is that novel was meant to attract readers while this one...

Me: "To think you're doing this to cope haah." I sighed exasperatedly

???: "Exact- Wait!!! You're wrong!" The voice retorted

Oh I must've hit a sore spot on him. Who am I kidding? I know him like the back of my hand since he's so of course I hahaha

Me: "Oh cut the act will ya!!! I'm literally you for goodness sake. Meaning I all your memories to which I know you're doing that as a skit."

???:"Hehe~ You got me! So you want a candy for that?"

Me: "I still haven't eaten a warm, hearty meal for breakfast, and you're telling me I should get a candy!!?" I screamed acting like I feeling livid. Gosh I really hope no one heard that

???: "If you don't consider cute sea critters into your words then nope. Also you and I both know we would candies or any snacks even if we didn't eat breakfast. So do you want one or not?"

I really can't retort his response causing me to simultaneously dismiss the question in my head after realizing it was a dumb one since it's obvious when I think about it clearly. He created me, engraved me with his entire mindset, and memories.

Me: "Sure"

???: "Wise choice" He said

I could've sworn I heard him make smug sounding tone before snapping back to reality feeling something on my left hand, closed fist. A candy wrapped in a familiar red coloured plastic

Me: "A Max?"

???: "Alam mo naman na gusto natin isipsip itong candy"

Did he seriously just quipped the sussiest Filipino sentence our pubescent brain could think!?

Me: "True but you know you really shouldn't have said it like that!!"

???:Yes because I have nothing better to today

Me: Oh right

I smacked the open palm of my hand using my left hand in a fist, holding on to my candy, I then continued

but mentally

Me: It's Saturday isn't it?

???: Yup and I gotta say, it took you that long to communicate through your thoughts

Gosh, I really shouldn't have hoped that he wouldn't bring up such a blunder from my part but I should've known.

Me: "Well, Wouldn't you do the same thing if you're in my position right now."

???: "True and thankfully I'm not." He commented

Me: 'At least I don't have to worry about school work'

I said to which it gained me a small period of silence from him. Take that. Is this what you define as being petty

???:"Dang, it I've forgot how petty myself is towards ourselves"

Me: "And I'm still surprised I was being petty"

As I talk to myself, I've inquired him of many things related to my predicament such as how far is the plot in this world. Why would I ask him such? Well he created me with my memories it was with only up to when he created me. So it would be dumb of me to walk without trying to get info of the current update of this continent I'm stranded on.

From what I've gotten from Elio and yes we decided on that particular name for him since it was the only mysterious sounding name we could think of. Hetold me, this world already completed the 4.1 update for a while now and is about to head to 4.2 update of the Game.

The Masquerade of the Guilty. The very archon that'll reveal to the traveler the five hundred year old act of a cursed a blessed human, the enactment of the prophecy, along with the planned and inevitable execution of the Hydro Archon.

Me:"So you know exactly I'm gonna do right?"

Elio: "Of course I do. If you're thinking of doing what I'm thinking, then I'm obviously gonna help you.

Me: "Thanks"

I smiled when Elio agreed before turning my sights to the nation of justice, changing my expression to a stern expression. This will be a journey for me, a cloned to witness and completely change the course of the events and tilt it by certain degrees.


Talk about a god given opportunity indeed. Hahahahaha.

Side Note

Also, since I was created today doesn't that mean I'm pretty much a child? - Nathaniel

A/N: Well I really need a Christmas break 😭