
Chapter 4

[Pokeball(Superior): A round device created by a Superior Crafter and designed to catch Pokemon; you have a 30% less chance of capturing a Pokemon for every 10 levels higher than you; you gain a 5% chance of capturing a Pokemon for every 10% HP it's missing; you have 10 attempts before the Pokeball breaks. 10/10 Durability.]

Tony looked at the small device in his hand in fascination. The fact that he could capture a Pokemon with it was cool and all, but he was far more interested in the technology behind it. This little round device was able to store a living being inside it!

The description specifically stated it was designed to catch Pokemon, but Tony was already thinking what else he could do with it. When he reverse-engineers it, that is. There was no way Tony wouldn't do his best at attempting to recreate the Pokeball on his own now that he had one. Otherwise, he wouldn't be Tony Fucking Stark.

Creating some kind of storage device was the first thing that came to his mind, but he didn't care that much about it. After all, he had an Inventory that couldn't be matched by any other storage device.

Capturing people, however, was a whole different thing. Tony personally didn't mind eliminating villains and preferred nipping the bud before becoming a thorn on his side. Though not everyone agreed with him, and most wished to give the villains a second chance. However, a big problem with that was that they usually managed to escape from their prisons after being captured.

Now, if those prisons were small pocket spaces, then the villains might have a hard time escaping. Tony planned on doing just that, and the little device in his hand was going to help him accomplish it. It will almost be the perfect prison unless, of course, the villain had the ability to jump through space. Though, Tony was sure he could come up with a way to prevent that.

"Time to catch them all," Tony stored the Pokeball in his Inventory and grinned. Putting all of his free stats points into Luck had been one of the best choices he had made so far.

With confidence in his steps, Tony marched towards the location of the other Mini-Boss. The Zubats on the way barely slowed him down as he blasted them all with his Mana Bolts and concussive blasts. He was a man on a mission, and those annoying bats weren't going to stop him.

After reaching the door leading to the Mini-Boss, Tony made sure he was full on Health and Mana before stepping inside. Since he fought one already, he was prepared for the encounter.

Tony's first priority was to quickly clear all of the Zubats before they could screech him out of existence. He spammed his concussive blasts as much as possible as he knew he wouldn't get to use them later on in the fight. Tony did his best at avoiding the Golbat, but the overgrown bat managed to catch him. He blocked its deadly bite with his gauntlet, preventing it from draining him dry.

Thankfully, the last of the Zubats fell before both of his gauntlets got broken. Tony then repeated what he did in the previous fight and used the hunk of metal as a shield before stabbing the Golbat to death with his Frost Enchanted Iron Dagger.

With the death of the Mini-Boss, Tony reached level 20 and also got another Gacha Token. He was tempted to use it right then but stopped himself. His Luck was sitting at 80, but he wanted to raise it to 100. Even if Tony didn't get a perk for that, he would still have a better chance of getting better items or skills.

Tony returned back to the door leading to the Boss, but he didn't enter it. As much as he wanted to leave the Dungeon and start working on his projects, which were steadily increasing, he didn't wish to enter unprepared. The fights with the Golbats had been dangerous, but this one would be even tougher.

For the next hours, days, or however long Tony stayed there, he focused solely on increasing his skills. It was boring, mind-numbing even, for someone like him, but he preferred not to die there. There were so many things left for him to research and a blonde teacher's ass to tap, after all. At least time was frozen outside the Dungeon, so he had that going for him.

By the end of his training session, Tony was just lying on the ground with his hands pointed upward as he kept spamming Power Strike and Mana Bolt over and over again.

[Power Strike(Novice) has leveled up to the Intermediate level]

[Mana Bolt(Novice) has leveled up to the Intermediate level]

"About damn time!" Tony stood up and dusted himself.

[Power Strike(Intermediate) Lvl. 1/200: Focus your power to increase your damage. Increases the damage of your next attack by 50.5%. Costs 100 Mana.]

[Mana Bolt(Intermediate) Lvl. 1/200: You fire a bolt made out of pure Mana that deals magical damage equal to 0.5 X Intelligence, and you can currently fire 20 bolts, which costs 200 Mana. The skill has a cooldown of 8 seconds.]

Tony's magical skills now packed a serious punch. He could probably stay even longer, attempting to raise them even further, but he couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted out of the Dungeon at this point.

There was no hesitation in his steps as Tony walked over to the door leading to the Boss and pressed Y on it. He was leaving this place one way or another.

A large room filled to the brim with bats awaited him behind the door. Two Golbats stood up among the fifty Zubats, but there was one even larger than them with four wings instead of two.

[Crobat Lvl. 34

HP: 5500/5500

MP: 1000/1000]

[Crobat, the bat Pokemon and evolved form of Golbat; the development of wings on its legs enables it to fly very fast but also makes it hard for it to stop and rest. It moves so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.]

Tony wasted no time at all and instantly fired Mana Bolts enhanced by his Power Strike. Twenty Zubats dropped dead from his volley since his skill dealt over 150 damage with each bolt. Tony didn't get to marvel at his awesomeness as he had to immediately jump on the ground and roll.

A purple streak flew above him, slamming into the wall behind him. Tony thought the Golbats or Raticate were fast, but the Crobat was lightning quick. To top it off, it barely made any sound when flying, and only his instincts had saved him from being slammed by the Pokemon.

Crobat was bigger and looked to be even heavier than the Golbats, so Tony knew his concussive blast will have no effect on it. Not that he was even planning on dealing with it before he handled the smaller mobs. If left unchecked, the bats could just screech him to death, so he had to kill them quickly.

Two concussive blasts flew out of his gauntlets, killing a dozen more Zubats. Tony then jumped away from a rushing Golbat before having to use his gauntlet to stop the other's teeth from plunging into his flesh. He didn't even bother using his concussive blast on the bat hanging from his arm and instead used it on the Zubats, stopping them from attacking him.

The sound of rushing wind came from the direction the Crobat had slammed into the wall, and Tony turned around, using the Golbat on his arm to block the attack. Large wind blades cut into the bat, opening up nasty wounds on its back and forcing it to let go of his arm.

[-600 HP]

The Crobat was freaking dangerous! Not only was it fast, but it had a ranged attack that could kill Tony in two hits. He had to avoid it no matter what!

Firing one more concussive blast, Tony killed the rest of the Zubats and turned his attention to the more dangerous enemies. Casting Mana Bolt, he sent 10 bolts to each Golbat, killing the two bats with his volleys.

"It's you and me-"

[-150 HP]

Tony didn't get to finish his words as the blue streak slammed into him, pushing him on the ground. At the last moment, he managed to raise his arm and drive it into the Crobat's mouth, preventing the bat from plunging its teeth into him.

Swapping his other gauntlet for his dagger, Tony began stabbing the Crobat with it, aiming for its eyes.


[-120 HP]


Tony got five hits in, but the Crobat was far stronger than its lesser evolutions, judging by how his gauntlet was starting to fall apart from its powerful jaws. He couldn't let this go for much longer, so Tony fired a point black barrage of Mana Bolts at it.

[-153 x 20 HP]

The Crobat's Health Points dropped by more than half from Tony's attack, which also pushed it away from him, giving him some breathing room. Quickly, he unequipped his damaged gauntlet and reequipped his other one while swapping the dagger in his hands.

The Boss didn't stay idle and swiped its large wings at Tony, sending four wind blades in his direction. Tony managed to avoid three of them, but the last one slammed into him, pushing him back.

[-150 HP]

Having only 400 Health Points remaining, Tony had to be extra careful now. The Crobat rushed him once more, but thankfully, his dagger had applied the Frost debuff on it, and the bat was 50% slower. Still, it was freakishly fast, and he avoided the attack by the skin of his teeth.

Turning around, Tony fired a concussive blast at the Crobat. As he suspected, the attack didn't even push it back, and he had to quickly dodge to the side, avoiding a ball of purple sludge. Yeah, he was definitely going to remove purple from existence the moment he gets the Reality Stone. Fuck that color and everything it represented.

Tony fired another barrage of Mana Bolts once his cooldown was up, but the Crobat skilfully avoided half of them. Still, it took 1530 dmg, leaving it with only 400 HP since it regenerated Health Points like the previous Boss he fought.

The Crobat flew at him once more, and Tony attempted to avoid its charge. However, this time, the Pokemon clipped him with its wings and wrapped them around him, using them as leverage to spin on top of him. As a last-ditch effort, Tony shoved his gauntlet in its mouth before he started stabbing it with his dagger.

[-120 HP]

Tony was so close and needed just a few more hits to end this fight. However, the Crobat wasn't going to go down this easily. The Pokemon glowed a light green color before he started absorbing energy from him.

[-100 HP]

[+100 HP]

Both of them were at Death's Door, needing only a few hits to finish off the other. However, the Crobat regenerated its HP quickly using its last attack, and Tony was at a clear disadvantage. He was going to lose this tug of war if he didn't do something. Steeling himself, Tony swapped the dagger in his hands for the Pokeball in his Inventory and slammed it into the Crobat.

"Fuck you, you purple abomination!"

The Pokeball opened up, pulling the Crobat in with white light. The round device wobbled once shakily as the Pokemon was trying its best to escape. Tony had leveled up once during the fight, so he quickly pulled up his status and placed the five free points into Luck, hoping that would boost his chance of capturing the Crobat.

The Pokeball wobbled a second time, and then a third, before it clicked, signaling the Pokemon's capture.

[You have cleared the Zubat Dungeon by capturing the Boss! XP and rewards have been doubled due to you completing the hidden achievement!]

[You have leveled up x3!]

[+2 Gacha Tokens for clearing the Dungeon]

[+5 000 Lien]

[You have captured your first Pokemon! Would you like to name it? Y/N]

Tony honestly wanted to kill the Crobat, but he decided against that. The Pokemon could be useful to him, so he clicked on Y and named it "Dracula."

Fresh air he missed so much then assaulted his nostrils as Tony got transported out of the Dungeon. He wanted to just plant his body on the ground and rest for at least a month, but he had things to do.

Turning around, Tony made his way towards a few stores which he had marked down. Currently, he had more than enough Lien to make a few purchases that he desperately needed. He desperately needed at least one suit as even with his increased physical stats, he was obviously not safe.

On the way, Tony opened his status and placed 15 points into Luck, increasing it to 100.

[Name: Anthony Edward Stark

Race: Human

Title: Knowledgeable Crafter

Level: 24 (9%)

Class: Apprentice 27/50

Squire 50/50

Engineer 100/100

Tinker 50/50

Health Points: 700/700

Mana Points: 4560/4560

Aura Points: Locked

Strength: 65

Vitality: 70

Dexterity: 65

Intelligence: 249

Wisdom: 249

Charisma: 53

Luck: 100


Money: 29 570 Lien


Gamer's Mind Lvl. Max

Gamer's Body Lvl. Max

Observe Lvl. 18/100

Crafting(Intermediate) Lvl. 142/200

Engineering(Intermediate) Lvl. 123/200

Programing(Novice) Lvl. 59/100

Power Strike(Intermediate) Lvl. 3/200

Martial Arts(Novice) Lvl. 52/100

Pain Resistance Lvl. 7/100

Aim Lvl. 24/100

Poison Resistance Lvl. 6/200

Mana Bolt(Intermediate) Lvl. 2/200

Dagger Mastery(Novice) Lvl. 15/100

Mending(Novice) Lvl. 42/100]

[Due to Luck reaching 100, the perk My Lucky Day has been created!]

[My Lucky Day: Once per week, you can activate the perk to double your Luck! The cooldown is reset every Monday.]

Without even thinking about it, Tony activated the perk as it was a Sunday. His Scroll then pinged, receiving a message from Glynda, in which she told him she had arranged a meeting with a member of the Council of Vale in two days. He replied instantly, completing the Quest from her.

[Quest complete!]

[+100 XP and +15 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 52/100]

Tony grinned since he was getting closer to accomplishing one of his goals, but he didn't think about it too much as he had just activated his new perk. Taking out two Gacha Tokens from his Inventory, he used them both with high expectations.

However, just before he used them both, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Due to being in ? presences, you have been afflicted with the debuff, Misfortune.]

[Misfortune(Debuff): - 100 Luck.]

Tony's eyes widened, and his mouth hung loosely. Who dared?!?!

[The Lusty Argonian Maid Volume I has been added to your Inventory]

[Icha Icha Paradise has been added to your Inventory]

Tony was absolutely enraged! He had just used his perk to double his Luck, hoping to get something incredible out of the Gacha, but then... Someone or something had ruined it all for him! Doubling 0 still equaled 0, and he ended up getting some lousy smut books. They didn't even grant him any skills!

Looking around in anger, Tony saw a few people walking around him, but out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a crow perched on a lampost. Crows were an omen of misfortune, and he stared at it in pure hatred.


Tony was seething with anger, not even bothering with insulting the ugly bird. He activated his Mana Bolts without even thinking about it, hoping to end the life of this dreadful beast. This thing shouldn't even be allowed to exist!

The crow's surprisingly intelligent eyes widened in surprise. It quickly jumped in the air, swiftly flying away, but a few of the projectiles still hit it. However, a red Aura burned around it, protecting it from taking any damage.

Tony stared at it with a frown, mentally adding another thing on his removing-from-existence list. Crows had to go, especially that one. He briefly considered sending his Crobat, Dracula, to chase the dreadful creature, but his Pokemon was still weak from their fight. He didn't want to risk losing it right after he caught it.

[Due to no longer being in the presence of ?, the debuff Misfortune has been removed.]

Yeah, that one had to go.

~A bit earlier with Glynda~

Ozpin, a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair, brown eyes, and sharp facial features, listened with interest as Glynda told him about Tony. He was more than intrigued by this young man and discretely sent a message to one of his best agents to look into this Anthony Stark.

What Glynda told him about Tony's technology was simply amazing. However, Ozpin was methodical, and he needed to know what kind of man he would be dealing with.

"I would love to meet with Anthony as soon as possible, but my schedule for tomorrow is filled up. I have a meeting with the Council in the morning, and I have to help Amber later on as she is still having trouble controlling her Maiden powers. Tuesday, however, I will be free to meet with him in the morning, so could you please arrange that?"

"Of course," Glynda said and messaged Tony on her Scroll. No more than a minute later, she received a response from him.

Glynda's eyes opened wide, and a blush formed on her face. She quickly looked away, trying to look anywhere but Ozpin or her Scroll.

"Is there a problem?" Ozpin asked with a slight smirk on his face as he took a sip from his coffee. He'd never thought he'd see such an expression from his stern colleague.

"I-its... n-nothing," Glynda stuttered before calming down.

"Tony agreed to the meeting," She then quickly said.

"Excellent! Would there be something else you wish to discuss?" Ozpin asked her.

"No! I will be on my way!" Glynda pocketed her Scroll and quickly left his office by entering the elevator. As it started going down, she looked at the message once more, blushing as she saw it.

\I love you!/

Glynda couldn't understand what Tony meant by that.

Was he happy that she had arranged the meeting for him?

Or did Tony actually mean it?

But how could he possibly love her when they've met only two times?

Glynda couldn't understand, but she was unaware that Tony had spent possibly weeks in the Dungeon, deprived of any social interactions. She didn't know what to think, but the idea of him being literal made her stomach twirl. Gods, Glynda was a grown woman, and yet, here she was, acting like a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush.

A shorter chapter, but I think I get a pass on my bday, no?

imjusttryingthingscreators' thoughts