
Chapter 3

~Just a quick update: Last chapter I forgot to add the cooldown of his gauntlet's ability, which is 4 seconds.~

Glynda just stared at Tony, trying to find any deceit in his words or expression. She found none as he looked to be way too confident and arrogant.

Tony's message about 'important work' rang in her mind. Glynda had scoffed at that, but it turned out he really was working on something important, life-saving even. A device that can power entire buildings, cities even, would change everything! And what had she done? Glynda had scoffed and dismissed his words, and now that made her feel bad.

[+5 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 19/100]

Although Tony was surprised at this specific notification, he didn't let it show on his face. He could guess a few reasons why the jump in affection, but he didn't say anything; instead, he just waited for her response.

"I... That sounds almost unbelievable. You wouldn't mind showing it to me, would you, Tony?" Glynda asked. She tried her best to keep her voice and expression neutral, but her surprise was crystal clear to the one sitting in front of her.

"Not at all," Tony answered with a roguish smile. His flirting with Glynda was going so well; she was the one to even ask him to take her to his home.

They quickly finished their snacks and drinks in silence. Although Tony was imagining tapping that sexy ass, he was also thinking of how useful Glynda could be to him. Hopefully, Glynda could introduce him to people that could sponsor him with resources, equipment, and money. That way, he can start working on all of his projects much quicker than anticipated.

Once they left the cafe, they had some small talk on the way to Tony's house. However, it was obvious both of them were lost in their thoughts. Tony was thinking of sexy teachers and robots, while Glynda's was thinking about the future.

This device will bring so many changes to Remnant, but if Tony could create something as incredible as that, then what else could he do? She honestly felt lucky she had met and saved him in that alleyway. Now that she thought about it, what was he even doing there?

"Tony," She said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing back in the alleyway when I found you?" Glynda asked, hoping he wasn't in cahoots with some shady people, though she decided to ask him this time before making assumptions. If he was, she could always find people to protect him, but she would prefer that not to be the case.

"I was going through the trash for anything valuable," Tony answered without any hint of embarrassment. Glynda's eyes widened. Was his situation that bad?

"You have no idea what people throw out. Electronics, metals, those things are expensive, and I didn't have enough Lien to purchase everything I needed for my devices. I had to get them from somewhere, and I didn't feel like working for another few months."

It finally dawned on Glynda what kind of person was Tony. He had created a groundbreaking device with what little money he had and the items he took from the trash. Then what could he end up making when he had people supporting him? She couldn't even imagine the answer to that.

The two finally reached Tony's home, and he led her inside. Glynda looked around, studying everything in the one-room apartment. There was just a single chair with three tables, all of which had various equipment on them. One of them had a square box with a screen on it and another rectangular box next to it. There was almost nothing else in the room except for a single bed in the corner. All in all, it wasn't as messy as she had imagined it, and it even looked tidy.

"This is what you came here to see," Tony said, pointing at a circular device that gave off a light blue light. Glynda spotted that all of the devices in the room were connected to it by small wires.

"This thing can power an entire building?" Glynda asked in surprise. When Tony told her it was small, she didn't think it would be small enough to fit in his palm.

"As long as the people living there don't do something stupid, then, yes," Tony answered confidently with a nod.

"And as you can see, it is currently powering up everything in this room," Tony said, picking up what looked to be a modified blowtorch and turned it on.

"And not a single one of those devices here use Dust. Everything is powered up by my Arc Reactor."

Tony then turned off the blowtorch before he started disassembling it. It took him no more than a minute to turn the device into parts.

"As you can see, there is no Fire Dust powering the blowtorch."

Tony then assembled the blowtorch again and turned it on, showing Glynda that it worked perfectly fine. She couldn't lie that she wasn't impressed, but he wasn't done showing off. He wanted to make an unforgettable impression, and hopefully, convince her to stay a bit longer in his room.

"Then we got this thing over here."

Tony walked over to his computer and patted the old school monitor he had made. He would've preferred a slim one or even a hard light one, but it's not like he had much choice with his current funds.

"Oh!" Tony exclaimed as he suddenly spotted the rock on his desk.

"This is my pet rock, by the way. I call him Dwayne Johnson. He's probably my only friend," Tony pointed at the rock.

[+2 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 21/100]

Was Tony guilt-tripping her to get in her pants? Yes, he was, and he wasn't ashamed to admit it.

"Anyway, you can think of this as a Scroll, but again, it doesn't use any Dust. This one is pretty bad, in my opinion, but I can guarantee you that I can make a better one that resembles a Scroll without it needing Dust. IF I have the necessary funds and resources, that is."

Tony liked showing off, but he didn't enjoy explaining to people that much. However, he knew that this was important to showcase his skills and prove his worth to Glynda. He wasn't worried that she might try to steal his ideas since there was no way anyone would be able to replicate his Arc Reactor, the most significant device Tony had there. Like any other genius, he suffered from his brilliance, thinking that no one else was as good as him.

Glynda was amazed by what she saw. Tony had already created devices people hadn't even dreamed of, and that's with him having little to no money. She also noticed a pattern with all of his devices.

"I couldn't help but notice that nothing here uses Dust," Glynda said.

"Dust is a finite recourse, and it's already running out. Don't try to say otherwise. I've checked the sites and saw it with my own eyes. Prices keep getting higher with less and less stock."

Glynda couldn't rebuke his words because they were the truth. Dust was a limited recourse that was running out. Humanity probably didn't have more than a few years before all the Dust deposits they have, were emptied out.

There are for sure Dust deposits in the wilderness, but hordes of Grimm also roam around there. Humanity would have to make a desperate push to make a foothold there, but the chances weren't in their favor.

Tony offered an alternative to that. If Dust is running out, well, then just don't use Dust and find something to replace it. Many have tried doing that in the past, but not a single one had made so much progress. Calling Tony a genius might even be insulting, as he was obviously much more than that.

"Dust is amazing, it really is, but I can replicate almost everything it does with my technology. I have plans that will ensure that humanity not only survives without it but prospers like never before."

[+10 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 31/100]

Tony smirked. The best part about his affection with others being digitized was that he learned what kind of person he was dealing with. Glynda enjoyed being complimented even if she didn't show it. She also cared about the people of this world a lot. He could work with someone like her, as long as she didn't try to force him to give out his secrets.

"I... don't know what to say. What you've accomplished here is... simply amazing. I know someone on the Council of Vale, and I will have to discuss this with him. Hopefully, I can get the two of you to meet because I believe you can accomplish even grander achievements as long as you had someone supporting you."

Glynda's words were sincere. She really believed Tony could achieve a lot with people backing him up, and she was sure Ozpin would understand that. As the Headmaster/Principal of Beacon, he had a seat on the Council and should be able to convince the others as well. If that fails, Ozpin himself can sponsor Tony as the man was wealthy.

Tony smirked arrogantly at the praise, but he frowned at her next words.

"I'm very thankful you trusted and showed me this, but I need to leave now," Glynda said. She needed to speak with Ozpin as soon as possible.

"You're leaving already? Can't you just call whoever you are going to speak with while you stay a bit longer? I know I don't have a lot of furniture, but... we can share the bed, get to know each other better," Tony offered with a roguish smile.

"Anthony!" Glynda shot him a disappointed look with her head titled and eyebrow raised.

[-1 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 30/100]

"Can't blame me for trying. You are sexy! And I like what I see," Tony said and shrugged his shoulders.

[+2 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 32/100]

Glynda scoffed, but she had a smile on her face. She really enjoyed being told how good she looked and was thankful Tony wasn't one of her students. It would've been very awkward if he was.

Tony was more than a decade younger, but he was handsome and... looked more muscular than what she remembered. She also didn't remember the last time she had been with a man and was starting to consider him a potential partner. Only time will tell if something happens between the two.

"I will be leaving, but I will contact you soon. Do try to look at your Scroll this time," Glynda told him sternly.

"And after we deal with what's important, maybe we can see each other and go on another date," Glynda then said with a smile.

"I will look forward to that," Tony said with a smile, hiding his disappointment. He really wanted to tap that.

Glynda turned around with a smile of her own and walked towards the door. Tony followed after her as she opened the door.

"Keep a look at your Scroll as I will contact you soon," Glynda repeated again and was about to turn around, but Tony stepped closer, invading her personal space. He wrapped his hands around her, pulling her in for a hug.

Glynda froze for a moment. She hadn't had this much contact with a man in a very long time. After a second, Glynda got out of her stupor and returned the hug sheepishly.

It felt nice, and she enjoyed the warmth of his body, losing herself for a moment and missing when Tony leaned, capturing her lips with his own. It was a chaste kiss that didn't last for more than a second, but Glynda felt her cheeks heat up. She knew she was blushing like a schoolgirl, but it caught her off guard, and she was embarrassed.

"I-I will contact you soon," Glynda said and almost ran away from there.

[+5 Affection with Glynda Goodwitch 37/100]

Tony smirked. This was almost too easy, but Glynda did act as if she barely had experience with the opposite gender. He then looked at the other notification that honestly surprised him.

[Quest: Keep an eye on your Scroll!]

[Answer Glynda Goodwitch's message within ten minutes of receiving it.]

[Reward: 100 XP and +? Affection with Glynda Goodwitch]

[Failure: -? Affection with Glynda Goodwitch]

[Accept Quest? Y/N]

This was Tony's first Quest, and since it was a simple one, he accepted it. He only needed to keep an eye on his Scroll and respond to Glynda quickly for bonus affection. That was worth it in his eyes.

Tony also learned more about his game. The people of the world could generate Quests for him by making requests. This was interesting, but unless Tony was offered some pretty great rewards, he wouldn't accept them. Unless they were from sexy women, then he might reconsider taking the Quests.

The meeting with Glynda went well, and since Tony didn't have much else to do, plus he had a pair of new equipment, he decided to go and explore. He didn't forget to take his pet rock with him this time around. He took a walk around town, looking for more dungeons, and succeeded in finding one more.

[Koffing Dungeon - Recommended Level 30]

It was another Level 30 Dungeon, and despite being confident in his abilities, Tony decided not to risk it. It just wasn't worth it. Tony continued looking around, but he didn't find any more Dungeons. With disappointment, he made his way over to the Zubat one he discovered the day before.

Before entering the Dungeon, Tony quickly looked through his status.

[Name: Anthony Edward Stark

Race: Human

Title: Knowledgeable Crafter

Level: 12 (32%)

Class: Squire 38/50

Health Points: 480/480

Mana Points: 3720/3720

Aura Points: Locked

Strength: 43

Vitality: 48

Dexterity: 43

Intelligence: 186

Wisdom: 186

Charisma: 29

Luck: 40


Money: 750 Lien


Gamer's Mind Lvl. Max

Gamer's Body Lvl. Max

Observe Lvl. 14/100

Crafting(Intermediate) Lvl. 142/200

Engineering(Intermediate) Lvl. 123/200

Programing(Novice) Lvl. 59/100

Power Strike(Novice) Lvl. 19/100

Martial Arts(Novice) Lvl. 17/100

Pain Resistance Lvl. 2/100

Aim Lvl. 6/100]

Tony was close to maxing out his Squire class; it needed just 12 more levels. His fighting skills were low leveled, but he felt confident in himself. His stats weren't that low, and he also had his gauntlets, so he believed he will be able to handle the Dungeon.

Clicking Y, Tony got teleported into another sewer system. It was definitely a different one, but he didn't even have the time to look around as there was a swarm of purple bats coming at him.

[Zubat Lvl. 20

HP: 150

MP: 60]

[Zubat, the bat Pokemon; it forms colonies in perpetually dark places and uses ultrasonic cries that bounce back to its large ears, enabling it to fly safely.]

While he usually found about four to six Rattatas in a group during his previous Dungeon dive, Tony encountered more than a dozen Zubats right off the bat. Those creatures were fast and looked very hungry, though they were slightly slower than the purple rodents. The group Zubats zapped towards him while letting out loud screeches.

[-14 HP x 15]

[Gamer's Mind resisted the metal debuff Confusion.]

His Gamer's Mind saved him from the debuff, but he lost 210 HP in a second from their attacks. Tony couldn't waste any time dealing with them and quickly raised his hands, aiming his new equipment at the group of bats.

The Zubats had more HP than what a single concussive blast did, but he had two shots. The only problem was that they were a large group. Thankfully, Tony's new equipment fired a shockwave that was wider in range. The concussive blasts slammed into them, turning eight Zubats into white particles.

[+20 XP x 8]

[+250 Lien]

[+3 Zubat Wings]

[+2 Zubat Teeth]

Seven more Zubats remained, and four of them charged at him. The other three stayed a distance away with their mouths opened when they suddenly fired purple needle-like objects at him.

Tony raised his gauntlets protectively in front of him, blocking the attack which he assumed was poisonous. He then quickly punched at the incoming Zubats, swatting one away with his armored fists.

[-65 HP]

Tony was surprised since, by his calculations, he should've done about 50 damage with the buffs from both Power Strike and Martial Arts included. However, his attack had done 15 more damage, which he could only assume was due to his equipment. He didn't put much thought into it as he didn't have the luxury to do so at the moment.

Tony swatted another Zubat away before jumping to the side and rolling on the ground, avoiding another volley of poisoned needles. The two other Zubats flew at him, and he managed to react on time, punching the two quickly and sending them flying.

The cooldown of his abilities finished at that point, and Tony had to make a decision. The Zubats had separated into two groups, one which flew at him at close range, and the other which used ranged attacks on him. He didn't hesitate to blast the ranged group as they were about to use their screech attack again.

Only four Zubats remained, and they kept charging at him. Tony used this opportunity to practice and improve his Martial Arts, fighting them with punches. Since he only needed to hit them two more times, he killed three of them very quickly.

The last Zubat, however, managed to sneak attack Tony and plunged its teeth into his shoulder.

[-40 HP]

[You have been poisoned.]

[Poisoned(Debuff): Take 5 damage every second for 30 seconds.]

Tony swiftly grabbed the Zubat and pulled it away before punching it with his armored fists. He then quickly checked his status and let out a sigh of relief. His Health Points were low, but even with the poison debuff, he would survive, though he will have about 35 HP.

"This was way too close," Tony said as he plopped down on the ground, waiting for the poison debuff to end. He regenerated about 19 HP per minute, so he had to wait for about twenty-four minutes before he was at full Health.

Tony took out his pet rock and said, "So Dwayne, what's cooking?"

[Due to a specific action, the skill Poison Resistance has been created.]

The notification popped the moment his poison debuff ended.

[Poison Resistance Lvl. 1/100: You have survived being poisoned, and your body has adapted. You now resist 0.5% of any Poison Damage.]

It was a valuable skill, though Tony would've preferred if it offered him Poison Immunity at its max level. Still, he didn't complain... too much and took it with stride.

"Buddy, buddy, buddy. Purple is REALLY not my color nowadays. First, it was the annoying rodents, and now those stupid bats. If I ever get my hands on the Reality Stone again, I'm using it to ban purple from existence," Tony said to his pet rock, which stared at him expressionlessly. What else was a rock supposed to do?

"At least my skills and Class leveled from this stupid encounter," Tony said with a sigh before grimacing. This was just the first encounter in the Dungeon, and he was already forced to rest for over twenty minutes. In the Rattata one, he had no need for that, and it still took him hours to complete.

"Oh, god! Fuck this shit! My Luck is at 40 right now, so why am I so unlucky?!"

No more than five minutes after Tony sat down, he felt utterly bored, and his unresponsive friend didn't help with that matter. He really needed to do something, so he stood up and began shadowboxing while using his Power Strike non-stop. A couple minutes later, two notifications popped on his screen, making him grin.

[Power Strike has increased in level]

[Martial Arts has increased in level]

This would at least keep him focused on doing something productive and somewhat relieve his boredom. Twenty minutes later, Tony was back to full Health, and he marched forward, ready for his next encounter.

As much as he wished to avoid taking any damage whatsoever, that wasn't an option since the screeching attacks hit him no matter what. After each encounter, Tony was forced to rest for at least ten minutes, but he at least used that time to grind his Power Strike and Martial Arts.

Slowly, Tony was making his way through the Dungeon, but he was gradually losing his mind as well. He needed some kind of new distraction, and he took out his Gacha Token. Since Tony had leveled up twice already, his Luck stat was sitting at 50. He figured he could get something useful at the Gacha, so he used one of his tokens.

[Frost Enchanted Iron Dagger has been added to your Inventory]

[Frost Enchanted Iron Dagger(Intermediate): An Iron Dagger crafted by an Intermediate Blacksmith and enchanted by an Intermediate Enchanter. Deals +15 Base Damage and applies Frost to enemies.]

[Frost(Debuff): Enemies take 5 damage per second and move 50% slower. Lasts 30 seconds.]

Daggers weren't really his thing, and his gauntlets weren't designed with the intent of wielding weapons, especially ones so small, so Tony didn't care that much about the dagger. However, the Enchantment was a different story. Tony already had a few designs for his suit that included Dust going through his head, but Enchanting brought even more to the table.

How powerful would be the suits created with Dust and then Enchanted? Tony got excited just thinking about it. The problem was he hadn't seen Enchanter in the available Crafter Classes, which meant he had to unlock it. Again, this made Apprentice even more lucrative for his next Class.

For his next encounters, Tony kept focusing on killing the Zubats with his Martial Arts as it leveled his current Class faster. He took a few more hits than usual, but he managed to take them all down. It took him hundreds of more purple bats, but he finally succeeded.

[Squire has leveled up to 50]

[Due to maxing out your Class, you have been awarded 1 Gacha Token. Please select a new Class at your status screen.]

Tony excitedly opened his status, but he didn't rush to pick Apprentice. First, he checked out what he unlocked after maxing out Squire.

In the Crafter section, he had unlocked Classes that were more physical in nature, such as Blacksmith, Leatherworker, Carpenter, etc. The Blacksmith Class looked like a great choice as it increased his Strength and Vitality +1 per level, and it also gave him a skill that improved any metal objects he creates, so there was that as well. He would definitely take that one before he starts focusing on building his suits.

In the Fighter section, he had options such as Thief, Martial Artist, Knight, etc. Some of the new Classes gave him up to +3 Vitality per level, and he had to resist selecting one of them. They needed 100 levels to max out, unlike Squire, which only needed 50, and he didn't want to waste that much time on them.

With that out of the way, Tony picked Apprentice and checked his status.

[Name: Anthony Edward Stark

Race: Human

Title: Knowledgeable Crafter

Level: 17 (83%)

Class: Apprentice 1/50

Health Points: 700/700

Mana Points: 4020/4020

Aura Points: Locked

Strength: 65

Vitality: 70

Dexterity: 65

Intelligence: 201

Wisdom: 201

Charisma: 39

Luck: 65


Money: 12 420 Lien


Gamer's Mind Lvl. Max

Gamer's Body Lvl. Max

Observe Lvl. 18/100

Crafting(Intermediate) Lvl. 142/200

Engineering(Intermediate) Lvl. 123/200

Programing(Novice) Lvl. 59/100

Power Strike(Novice) Lvl. 38/100

Martial Arts(Novice) Lvl. 52/100

Pain Resistance Lvl. 7/100

Aim Lvl. 20/100

Poison Resistance Lvl. 4/100

Mana Bolt(Novice) Lvl. 1/100]

[Mana Bolt(Novice) Lvl. 1/100: You fire a bolt made out of pure Mana that deals magical damage equal to 0.5 X Intelligence, and you can currently fire only a single bolt, which costs 20 Mana. The skill has a cooldown of 10 seconds.]

The skill wasn't that good currently, but Tony at least had another way to use his massive Mana pool, and he was sure leveling it up would make it much better. For the next few minutes, he kept spamming the skill and getting familiar with how Magic really worked. It leveled up once, but nothing changed, so Tony kept using Mana Bolt until something finally happened.

[Mana Bolt(Novice) Lvl. 5/100: You fire a bolt made out of pure Mana that deals magical damage equal to 0.5 X Intelligence, and you can currently fire two bolts, which costs 25 Mana. The skill has a cooldown of 10 seconds.]

Tony didn't know how long he had spammed the skill since he was in the Dungeon, and he wasn't that happy with the change, but it was at least something. Two Mana Bolts that dealt 100 damage each were enough to kill one Zubat.

His Intelligence and Mana both passed 200, but he didn't get any more perks from that. It was a one-time thing, or the next threshold was at a higher point. With the Apprentice Class equipped, he was bound to find out in the near future.

Tony returned back to clearing the Dungeon. Since he didn't need to focus on using his Martial Arts, his speed increased. The extra damage from the Mana Bolt skill was also helpful with that matter as it took down a Zubat if Tony hit one with both bolts. His Aim skill also kept improving as he relied on ranged attacks for the most part.

After a few hours, maybe days, or however long he had been in the Dungeon, Tony finally reached the door leading to the Boss room. However, it wasn't what he expected it to be.

[Boss Fight: Locked. Defeat the two Mini-Bosses to unlock.]

There was a path both to his left and right, which he assumed led to the Mini-Bosses. It meant he will have more chances to increase his levels and skills, but it also meant he had to stay even longer in the Dungeon. Tony felt like crying as he stumbled his way towards the left path.

Zubat after Zubat fell down to his concussive blasts and Mana Bolts. Tony felt like he was about to go crazy, but he arrived at the door leading to the Mini-Boss just before he reached his limit.

"Yes!" Tony exclaimed, seeing the notification asking him if he wanted to enter. His Health and Mana Points were full, so he had no reason to wait around.

The door opened up, revealing a large room filled with bats. There had to be fifty of them flying around with one much larger than the others.

[Golbat Lvl. 25

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 250/250]

[Golbat, the bat Pokemon and evolved form of Zubat; it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood no matter how hard its victim hide may be. Once it bites, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.]

Was Tony supposed to let the overgrown bat bite him and suck his blood until it was no longer able to fly? Hell, no! That's not happening on his watch.

Tony opened fire without hesitation, instantly using his Mana Bolt skill, forming three bolts in front of him, and sending them in the swarm of bats. The Zubats rushed at him like starved beats, and he fired one concussive blast, pushing a large number of them away. Those that escaped his attack continued flying at him, and Tony waited for the last moment before using his other concussive blast.

After picking Apprentice, Tony developed a strategy to handle the swarm of bats. It was a simple one; open up with two quick concussive blasts, so he avoids getting hit by the screeching and keep using Mana Bolt whenever possible.

By the time the Zubats recovered, the cooldown of his concussive blasts was already up. Tony would usually use one to keep most of them away and save the other for dire needs. That way, he avoided even getting him by the annoying screeching.

That strategy had worked wonders for him until now, but the Golbat was a different beast. It was twice as large as the Zubats and weighted over 50 kilograms. One concussive blast wasn't enough to send it flying back, and it continued flying towards him, sending ultrasonic cries from its mouth.

[-45 HP]

Tony took that much damage from Golbat's screech alone, and he would've been in a tough spot if his attacks hadn't killed most of the Zubats. He had to deal with the small fry first since they could easily dwindle his Health Points down.

The Golbat, however, continued its flight towards Tony. The Mini-Boss was almost as fast as the Raticate he fought, and it was also able to fly, but Tony was now much stronger than back then. His Strength and Dexterity were higher, and he was able to avoid it with much more ease.

Though, that didn't mean he was untouchable. The Golbat was deadset on catching Tony, and since it wasn't pushed back too much by his concussive blasts, it succeeded in his pursuit. The massively overgrown bat reached him and opened its mouth wide, ready to crunch him to dust. Tony managed to raise his hand and block the attack with his gauntlet, but... he ended up breaking his equipment in the process.

"I worked almost all day on that, you purple shit!" Tony punched the Golbat, which refused to let go of his gauntlet.

[-14 HP x 8]

Eight more Zubats were still alive and making sure he didn't forget that with their screeches. Tony fired his Mana Bolts at them, sniping them one by one while punching the bat on his arm. Finally, with a concussive blast to the face, he managed to free himself from Golbat's clutches.

Tony's gauntlet, however, was broken as it had reached 0 durability. Its skill couldn't be used any longer, but it could still be used as a shield. Though, Tony thought of something else as he quickly swapped the gauntlet for the dagger in his Inventory.

[-45 HP]

The Golbat screeched at him again, but Tony concentrated on quickly eliminating the rest of the Zubats. When the last one fell, he was able to freely focus on the massively overgrown bat. His concussive blasts were only able to slightly push back the Golbat, so when it attacked him, Tony used his remaining gauntlet to block.

The Golbat plunged his teeth in his gauntlet, breaking it in the process, but Tony knew that would happen. Angrily, he held the dagger in a reverse grip and began plunging in the Pokemon's head over and over again.

[Due to a specific action, the fighting skill Dagger Mastery(Novice) has been created.]

Tony ignored the notification and continued attacking until the Golbat turned into white particles.

[You have killed the Mini-Boss Golbat]

[You have leveled up]

[+1 Gacha Token for beating a Mini-Boss]

[+1 Golbat venom sack]

[+500 Lien]

Tony dropped on his butt. This had been a tougher fight than even the Raticate one, and it was only the Mini-Boss. The Boss of the Dungeon will be even harder, but he might have found a solution to it in the form of his dagger. The Frost damage wasn't that important, but 50% slow could be a lifesaver as Tony was almost sure the Boss will be a Crobat.

Sighing in annoyance, Tony opened up his Inventory and started taking out various equipment he had there. He always kept a few in there because he knew from personal experience that his items were bound to break. Grabbing whatever he hand, he began repairing his gauntlets.

[Due to a specific action, the crafting skill Mending(Novice) has been created.]

That was a skill Tony would surely be leveling up in the future, even if he didn't want to. When he was done fixing his gauntlets, he opened up his status and placed his free stat points into Luck. With that done, Tony took out one Gacha Token and stared at it.

"The last one gave me something useful, and now I have even more Luck. You're not going to disappoint me, are you?"

Tony finally used the Gacha Token, and he grinned in surprise.

[Pokeball has been added to your Inventory]

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