
Died and met God

My life wasn't easy as other people have... I lived a boring life. I was a shut-in human being that is spoiled by my parents, buying whatever I want.

But that had changed when I met bad people and became friends with them. Even though they are bad, they respect my goodness.

One day, I was walking down the street. I saw my friend taking drugs in an alleyway.

I walked to him and told him that he should stop wasting his money on those drugs that he buys. After that, I walked away.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of gun and I felt my body falling down slowly while my right chest hurts like hell.

After that, I only heard footsteps. Footsteps of my best friend running to look what happened to me.

"Hey, Fred! Don't die on me, please! You're the only one who doesn't go too far when you're angry. Please..." he said as his tears started flowing down and drops at my face.

I can still say my last words at that time...

"Do... me a favor..." I said while I slowly lose my life.

"What is it?"

"Stop... using drugs... That is my... last wish... for you..." that is my last sentence that I have uttered.

"Your so selfless! You only think about others... Why did they have to kill you...?" that's the last words I heard when I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt warm in my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw everywhere was dark. It's an endless darkness.

After a few minutes of waiting in this endless darkness, the darkness faded away and everything went white and I saw a table and an old man sitting.

"Come here, my child." he said and I walked towards him.

"Have a sit. I am God." I sat down.

"Well, well, well... You have a pretty high Karma! I'm so happy that one of my children was able to earn Karma this high!" he said with a bright smile and laughed heartily.

"High Karma? But I didn't do anything!" I said as I don't always help out of good will.

"Did you remember your last word on your dying breath?" he asked me and I tried to remember it.

And when I remembered those last words I left at my best friend, I cried.

"Yes, that's right! Your friend changed his way and never used drugs anymore. He only sells drugs but the money he earned were always donated for charity and voluntary contribution. He became a billionaire after a few years. He stopped selling drugs after that and created a company and named it using your name, Frederick Technologies. After earning money and creating a company, he took down all drug dealers, drug lords and other people and exposed them into public without exposing himself, he used the media. Years after that, your became a drug-free country. That's all." he then sighed.

"You have earned so much Karma that I will be giving you five wishes before your reincarnation." he asked me after that, "Though you won't be reincarnating back in your world. Think wisely about your wishes."

I started to think what wishes do I wish.

After almost half an hour of thinking and cracking my head for my five wishes, I decided.

"Can I reincarnate in another world?" I asked as I wanted to be in that world, even though it's full of chaos.

"Yes, of course! Which world do you want? Naruto? Dragon Ball? One Piece? Any world you want."

"My first wish was to retain my memory. My second wish, I want to have Gamer abilities. My third wish, I want to retain my skills before. Fourth, I want to reincarnate in The Last of Us world. My last wish will be the next time I will see you if I can't survive that world." I said in one go.

He flicked his fingers, "Your wishes are achievable. Your wishes have been granted. Good luck, my son."

My eyes felt heavy until I closed my eyes.
