
Chants (1)

Nighttime had come and the sky was already dark but to the northeast of Darklyn castle, a blazing fire illuminated the once-majestic edifice like a dazzling star. Hollard Castle was now in ruins, thanks to the cruel command of King Aerys.

There was practically nothing left for me to inherit except for this unwanted title that could bring me neither riches nor security. If I had to introduce myself like how Missandei introduced Daenerys to the public, it would be Dontos the Red, the heir of House Hollard, the remaining kin of hopeless blood, the future fool of King's Landing, the knight who won no tourneys, the whiney scum when drunk, and the one who was not beheaded. Fortunately, it was not late for him to prevent the canon things to happen. I had the capital to do it, all I needed was time to develop.

Those who knew Dontos were all dead, so I had the freedom and confidence to start anew without being too concerned about someone finding out my true identity, that the pure Dontos was no more. From now on, the Dontos of the past would cease to exist.

I sensed someone approaching behind me, so I turned around and bowed properly, my right fist on my left chest, greeting, "Good evening, m'lord." I raised my body and showed my most amiable smile, "Can I help you with something?"

Ser Barristan responded, "No. Just checking out if you're okay."

"I'm feeling alright, m'lord. Just a bit sad but I know this thing shall pass."

"That's good to know." Ser Barristan stood beside me as he stared at the burning castle. I heard him sighed but I was not sure if he was sorry about the fate of House Hollard or he was just tired. Nevertheless, I could feel his sincerity toward me, which assured me that he was reliable. After a few moments of silence, the knight continued, "I never knew Ser Steffon had an intelligent son. That was quite a speech you'd given a while ago."

"Thank you for the compliment, m'lord. I just answered the king as honestly as I can."

Ser Barristan patted my right shoulder, "I'm sorry for what happened to the Hollards. Everything that happened was a tragedy, like a bitter aftertaste in my mouth."

I acknowledge what he said with a slight nod, and asked, "Can you tell me what's gonna happen to Duskendale?"

"King Aerys decided to hand over the properties of the Darklyn to the Rykkers."

"What about m'lord's plan for me?"

Instead of answering my question, Ser Barristan asked, "I wanna know what's your plan after this."

"Let me serve you, m'lord. You're my benefactor and you own my life."

Ser Barristan gave me a deep look, "If you're given a chance to decide yourself, what would you do?"

Without hesitation, I answered, "I wanna serve you, m'lord. Father always told me about your greatness, proving the title the people gave you - Barristan the Bold. Honorable and just, the tale of m'lord's battles resounded in my heart. The slayer of Maelys I Blackfyre during the War of the Ninepenny Kings and a member of the Kingsguard, m'lord's fame is well-known throughout the Seven Kingdoms. If you'd let me become your squire, I'd be very honored."

"What if I can't take you as my squire?"

"I'd follow whatever you planned for me, m'lord."

Ser Barristan nodded. "Then prepare yourself. We'll be leaving tomorrow."


Ten days had passed since the oblivion of the two Houses.

I stood at the edge of the outer deck near the Captain's Cabin, quietly watching the floating clouds and flocks of birds in the sky. "The weather's nice..." I whispered to myself. The crashing sound of the wave against the ship filled my ears while I felt the rushing winds hitting against my face, the cool breeze reminding me of my hometown back in Hawaii.

The sea was unforgiving, hurling its waves against the 'Dragon Cove', one of the Targaryen ships that were returning to King's Landing. The first time I saw it, I was in awe because of its exquisite design. A carved wooden dragon on its figurehead, the massive foremast fluttering against the air, the lavish materials on the captain's cabin - I never witnessed an archaic yet impressive one like this.

Ever since I embarked on the ship, I spent my time practicing bardic chants. Bardic chants in this world were pretty nonexistent, and the only reason I was able to do so was due to Jared's soul, which allowed the Holy Bardic Chants to take its effect.

I woke Jared up from his sleep and asked him how to maximize the effect of bardic chants. He revealed that Odomian words were needed to be translated into the language of this world, may it be in Common Tongue or in High Valyrian. When I asked him to do so, he gladly complied, translating them into the Common Tongue because the real Dontos did not know High Valyrian. When he was done, I facepalmed due to the absurdity of the lyrics. One of them was even titled 'The Bitch in the Ditch', which was actually the Song of Balance.

I asked him how he came up with such a song. He recounted that he was together with his friend, Mitch, as they headed to the guild headquarter. That time, someone pressured him to create a new bardic chant, and when he saw a bitch walking beside the ditch, he suddenly had enlightenment. He explained that the song's meaning did not affect the bardic chants. The words were just used to aid the chants. I urged him to create a new one but he said it was impossible for him to do so because bardic composition required the blessings of a High Bard and the power of the Flute of Eternity, a high artifact, which was left back in Jared's world.

I took a deep breath and began singing, "There was once a bitch, who preyed upon the rich. She acted like a leech, to suck the blood of Mitch. But someone gave a snitch, and so the poor bitch, was thrown into the ditch. That is the tale of the bitch in the ditch."

I remembered Jared saying he was not proud of his compositions but he liked it because it was easy to memorize. As soon as I was done, the familiar sensation enveloped my body, slowly enhancing my five senses - sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. Indeed, the differences between the 'Song of Balance' and the 'Bitch in the Ditch' were pretty obvious.

After a few minutes of rest, I recited the chant and practice again.

To maximize my time, I incorporated the bardic chant training and investigating my fellow passengers on the ship. Hearing their secrets, memorizing their scents, seeing their mannerisms, and spying, I did all of them secretly. Thanks to this, I became proficient enough to maintain the Bitch in the Ditch for at most ten minutes before the effect ceased. I was not sure of its effect on other people but for now, I just need to know that its effect on me was good.

The scent of the salty air was a welcoming thing for me, easing up the tension that was building up inside my heart and mind. For once, I felt that I was at peace with the world.

My reminiscing was disturbed by the approaching footsteps from behind, getting louder as seconds passed by. Judging by the familiar scent that tickled my nose, I knew it was Ser Barristan. I turned around and greeted him.

Ser Barristan slightly nodded. "So, getting used to the ship?"

"Yes, m'lord. It's my first time and so far, it's been a great experience for me."

"I see." Ser Barristan gripped the rail as he stared at the flock of birds in the sky. He had a weird look on his face, and had a brief pause before clearing his throat with a light cough and uttered, "There's a rumor among the sailors about the bitch in the ditch, sounds familiar?"

I almost had a chuckle when I heard him asking me with a straight face. Even then, I lied blatantly, "What about it, m'lord? It's just a poem I wrote to honor the woman whom my uncle was infatuated with, but then was thrown into the ditch after her plans were revealed."

"Well, someone insisted that there's more to it, saying its magic. You know Mitch?"

I nodded. "What about him, m'lord?"

"He said, one night, he took a piss and saw you practicing in this very spot. Curious, he approached you and was about to call your attention when he heard you singin' the weirdest song he claimed to hear. Yeah, it's about bitches so it hit home with him, saying that it was a prophecy about his life." Ser Barristan almost had a smirk on his face while he recounted Mitch's tale, amused by the absurdity of it, and continued, "Then, when he realized that I didn't believe him, he made an oath in the name of the Seven Gods, sayin' that he was telling the truth. He said he...changed after hearing it. Yeah, somehow, his eyes became sharper. Claimin' he saw the bowsprit from the quarterdeck."

"Maybe it's just an isolated case, m'lord?"

"Mike, Dante, Terr, Joab, Garrett, Lance, Elliott. They all experienced the same thing. It all happened when they heard you singing the bitch in the ditch. They even claimed that you're a priest of the Seven Gods who protects bitches or somethin'." Ser Barristan sneered after saying this. "I told them 'what's a boy with no hair on his groin knows about bitches, much more being a priest', but they insisted. So, here I am. Can you sing me the song?"

My mouth twitched slightly when I found out the actual reason why those fellows were very nice to him. Should I just pretend and become the priest of a foreign God who protected bitches and whores? I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of faithful followers if I insisted. I forcefully removed the absurd idea out of my head and answered, "Of course, m'lord."

I took a deep breath before singing it out. Ser Barristan's expression changed from curious to amused. As soon as I was done, his eyes narrowed into a slit as he scanned the sea horizon. I knew that the song had an effect on him.

Ser Barristan had a strange expression like he was unsure of what he experienced. With a loud tone, he remarked, "It seems the rumors are true. I'd be damned if I believed you're the priest of a foreign God who protects bitches. Tell me, boy. Where did you learn this from?"

"Can I tell you a secret, m'lord?"

"Go on. I swear in the name of the Seven Gods, I won't reveal it to anyone unless you want me to."

I smiled, knowing that I only had to pin everything to the Hollards. Nobody could verify if my statements were true or not, after all, everyone was dead. With a slight nod, I spoke, "What I'm about to tell m'lord is the secret of the Hollards passed from one generation to the next generation. Father said that our ancestors had the ability to use music to enhance people's strength, which we called the bardic chants. Blessed by the Gods, with the use of songs and praises, our ancestors used it to help them win the war. Sadly, the ability was lost at the same time the dragons became extinct. This is what my Father told me before he died when I was younger. I always remembered this because this was the glory of my family, of the Hollards. Too bad, this secret was buried forever, of course, until now. You see, I'm as surprised as m'lord when I found out that I had this power."

I did not know if Ser Barristan believed me or not but I was not bothered by it. This ability of mine would be exposed one way or another, and it was better to give them a reason for its existence, even if it sounded too magical or bullish.

Ser Barristan frowned, and I knew he was digesting the information I just told him. His expression eased up and grabbed my shoulders, "Who else knows your secret?"

"Aside from the sailors who believed me to be a priest or something and my dead cousins and friends, it's only you and me, m'lord."

"Good. Don't tell anyone. If someone asks you this, just laugh it off."

I nodded in agreement. Ser Barristan gave me a light pat on my shoulder and walked away.
